  • 人带来便利的属性。
    the quality of being useful and convenient.
  • 习惯性的对感谢的回应,意指乐意的予。
    conventional response to thanks meaning `freely granted'.
  • 我想起美国夏威夷的檀香山,那也是个东西方文化交融的城市,人们通过庆祝名目繁多的节日,不时地当地增添欢乐的气氛。
    That reminds me of Honolulu, capital of Hawaii, an American city where cultures of East and West converge. People there celebrate numerous festivals, adding to the holiday mood of the island from time to time.
  • 如果不及时地、有区别地以坚决处理,而听任上述各种不同性质的问题蔓延汇合起来,就会对安定团结的局面造成很大的危害。
    If these problems -- which differ in nature -- are not handled promptly and unhesitatingly as required in each individual case but instead are allowed to spread and then converge, our stability and unity will be seriously undermined.
  • 他在谈话中一人独说而不别人说话的机会。
    He monopolized the conversation.
  • 桑娜阿姨每次都要端出几碟粘乎乎的南非糖果和一钵葡萄或桃子我们吃。斯蒂菲娜老姑总是一本正经他说些农场里的事,偶尔也谈些外边世界发生的事。
    Tante Sanna would bring in dishes of sweet, sweet, sticky candy, or a great bowl of grapes or peaches, and Great-aunt Stephina would converse gravely about happenings on the farm ,and, more rarely, of the outer world.
  • 我会把那消息传达他。
    I will convey the information to him.
  • 把新闻传达每个人。
    convey the news to everyone.
  • 我的话把我的意思传达你了吗?
    Do my words convey my meaning to you?
  • 请把我良好的祝愿转达你的父母。
    Please convey my best wishes to your parents.
  • 烦转告下列消息福克斯先生,他将下榻于王子饭店788号房间。
    Convey following msg to Mr. Fox Hotel Prince No. 788
  • 我怎么把那个错误遗漏了呢?;传送带上工人的遗漏率是10%。
    How could I miss that typo?; The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten.
  • 我自己也可以你讲我曾经是个犯人。
    I could tell you myself. I am an ex-convict.
  • 受优待的囚犯被认为值得信赖并予特权的囚犯
    A convict regarded as worthy of trust and therefore granted special privileges.
  • 所需要刑事案中某人定罪的几乎是肯定的证据。
    Almost certain proof needed to convict a person in a criminal case.
  • 当时我就打定主意,有朝一日我也要别的犯人一个改过自新的机会。
    I made up my mind then that someday I'd give another convict a break.
  • 一种过时的合法惩罚某人的绝对方法,用此法时不审判,只通过一项法律该人定罪和定刑。
    Obsolete way of punish a person legally without holding a trial , by pass a law to convict and sentence him.
  • 下周法官将定罪的男人判刑,条件是及时收到精神病医生的报告。
    The judge will sentence the convict man next week provided (that) or providing the psychiatrist's report be received in time.
  • 除此以外,你无法用别的什么交际手段来告诉我们你的想法——无法使我们信服,无法劝服我们,无法我们下命令。
    You have no other medium for telling us your thoughts-for convincing us, persuading us, giving us orders.
  • 对我这个外行来说,除了其中一段人完美无缺的感受外,主要表演也是绝对令人折服的。
    Apart from the period feel which seems to my untrained eye to be perfect, the main performance is utterly convincing.
  • 他给我做了饭.
    He cooked me my dinner.
  • 昨天晚上谁你做饭?
    Who cooked your dinner last night?
  • 现在他已是个难以对抗的强手。在手桥牌,下棋,做字谜游戏时,他在你心理上你施加的输定了的压力通常是无法抵御的。
    Now he was a tough cookie! At bridge table or a chess board, at a word game-the psychological pressure he put on you to lose was usually irresistible.
  • 博士笑着向她解释说:"呵,她我带来了小甜饼,我替她算术作业."
    The doctor smiled and explained:"Oh, she brings me cookies, and I do her arithmetic homework for her."
  • 博士笑着向她解释说:“呵,她我带来了小甜饼,我替她算术作业。”
    The doctor smiled and explained: "Oh, she brings me cookies, and I do her arithmetic homework for her."
  • 孩子们要多少饼干就他们多少,拿一些汤姆,拿一些迪克,也鲍勃一些。
    Do give the boys all the cookies they want; give so many to Tom, so many to Dick and so many to Bob.
  • 但实际情况是,如果有人在冷水机旁碰到你,问:“何谓vpn?”你将一时很难他一个聪明的回答。
    But the truth is, if anyone cornered you at the water cooler and asked, "What is a VPN?" You'd have a hard time giving him an intelligible answer.
  • 陈大夫一叫,护士就迅速而冷静地把手术器具递了他。
    Promptly and coolly, the nurse handed the instruments to Dr.Chen as he called.
  • 我试着打电话库珀先生,但是线路忙。
    I tried to call Mr. Cooper, but the line is busy.
  • 请你告诉库柏先生,说我他打过电话,好吗?
    Would you please tell Mr. Cooper I called?
  • 我想库柏先生打个电话,但一直占线。
    I tried to call Mr. Cooper, but the line was busy.
  • ‘麝鼠城堡’这个名字是一些爱开玩笑的官员这座房子取的滑稽名字——詹姆士·菲里莫尔·库珀。
    Muskrat Castle as the house has been facetiously named by some waggish officer- James Fenimore Cooper.