  • 必须了解,我们国家原来的经济落后,广大人民的生活还是贫苦的,而帝国主义还在包围我们,我们的困难还是很多的。
    We should not fail to recognize that our country has been economically backward, vast numbers of people still live in poverty, we are besieged by imperialist powers and we have numerous other difficulties.
  • 中国经济的好转,许多的中国人都有钱可以到国外度假了。
    With the betterment of the Chinese economy, many Chinese are rich enough t go abroad on vacation.
  • 他知道他们正忙收庄稼,他不妨和他们-块儿去干。
    He knew they were busy betting in the harvest. He might as well go and join them.
  • 放浪形骸的生活;爱赌博的人;嗜赌的混蛋;爱赌博的笨蛋;嗜好赌博的绅士和他们的女人。
    led a dissipated life; a betting man; a card-playing son of a bitch; a gambling fool; sporting gents and their ladies.
  • 穿新裙子,贝蒂显得美丽而动人。
    Dressed in the new skirt, Betty looks like a million dollars.
  • 父亲告贝蒂做礼拜时要静静地坐,不许发出一点儿声音。
    Father told Betty to sit still and not let out peep during church.
  • 一个星期天接一个星期天,贝蒂来到课堂上,把功课和学生们的日常生活紧密地结合起来。
    Sunday after Sunday,Betty came to class,tying her lessons to their everyday lives.
  • 哀悼哀悼;哭着哀悼
    To lament over; bewail.
  • 喝几口酒可能没有什么坏处,不过得小心:含有酒精的饮料是一种糠衣裹的砒霜。
    A few drinks may seem harmless but beware: alcohol is a devil in disguise.
  • 他看上去不知所措,虽然还竭力试回答记者提出的问题,但大多数时间,他实际上只是动动嘴唇,不停地眨眼,哽噎出不了声。
    Looking totally bewildered, he was trying to answer their questions. Mostly he was only moving his lips, blinking and choking up.
  • 萨米站发呆,周围所发生的一切把他搞糊涂了,虽然我们又喊又叫但他也不愿过来。
    Sammy stood rooted to the ground, bewildered by all that was happening around him, and wouldn't come although we called and called.
  • 她迷惑地注视着我。
    She gazed on me in bewilderment.
  • 这样的称呼使马洛特村那位满身尘土、衣褴褛的小贩约翰·德比菲尔感到莫名其妙,但当他得知自己实际上是贵族德伯家的嫡系后裔时,顿时变得高傲起来。
    The bewilderment of a dusty, threadbare peddler thus addressed was speedily converted into a majestic pride upon learning that he, John Durbeyfield of Marlott, wasactually a lineal descendant of the noble family of D'Urberville.
  • 他转过身,向门廊顶头的玻璃门走去,隐隐感到一阵内疚和困惑,就像我们与某个穿破旧、面黄肌瘦、穷困潦倒的昔日好友或者同班同学擦肩而过时所体会到的那样。
    He turned and walked toward the glass doors at the lobby, feeling that faint guilt and bewilderment we experience when we by-pass some old friend or classmate who seems threadbare,or sick, or miserable in some other way.
  • 世人历来注意到,所有情感中最令人神魂颠倒莫过于爱情和嫉妒。
    There is none of the affections, which has been noted to fascinate or bewitch, but love and envy.
  • 令人迷惑的女子被认为令人迷的女人或少女
    A woman or girl considered bewitching.
  • 那个果子我够不着。
    The fruit is beyond my reach.
  • 假如存偏见作判断,整个计划很可能已经给毁掉了。
    A biased judgment might have blown up the whole scheme.
  • 然而,我们应该急的反而是如何改变这些人的心态和狭隘观念;他们停留在歧视华文的错误水平上,最终将吃大亏。
    We should feel a sense of urgency in changing the mentality and narrow view of these people who stand to lose eventually if they continue to be biased against the Chinese language.
  • 他们穿最好的衣服上教堂。
    They went to church in their best bib and tucker.
  • 凯思琳穿自己漂亮的衣服去参加舞会。
    Kathleen went to the dance in her best bib and tucher.
  • 圣经打开,放在一个适当的位置上。
    The Bible lay open at suitable place.
  • 酒鬼;开怀痛饮的晚会;他嗜酒的同伴;喝了酒后沙哑的歌声;纵酒狂欢;互相搀扶的酒鬼;喝醉了酒一样的行为。
    a bibulous fellow; a bibulous evening; his boozy drinking companions; thick boozy singing; a drunken binge; two drunken gentleman holding each other up; sottish behavior.
  • 起初,大自然给我们带来的是一派赏心悦目的奇景异象:观赏鹿群慢腾腾地上山,目睹猫头鹰飞过宁静的、雪光闪烁的夜空,聆听早晨五点钟郊狼的叫声,我似乎有一种身临伊甸园的感觉。
    The surprises that nature gave us were pleasant at first: watching a herd of deer move slowly up the hill;seeing an owl fly through a silent, snow-spangled night;listening to the coyotes bicker at 5a.m. I felt as though I had come to Eden.
  • 迈:中国谈到,搞现代化,发展经济,需要西方的资金,但现在西方投资者抱怨同中国做生意太难,存在一些问题,房租太高,谈合同争吵不休,各种税收名目繁多,劳动力太贵,贪污、受贿,还存在官僚主义。
    Wallace: To modernize the Chinese economy and develop your country, Chairman Deng, you said China needs Western investment. But Western investors complain that China is making it difficult to do business here: exorbitant rents for offices, too much bickering about contracts, too many special taxes, labour that is too expensive, plus corruption, kickbacks, and the Chinese bureaucrats.
  • 我骑着脚踏车上山。
    I pedaled my bicycle up.
  • 他骑着脚踏车离去。
    He pedaled off on his bicycle.
  • 所有4或16插槽的双向通道都以1千兆位/秒速度独立工作,这就意味通过开关每个通道都能适应多个端口和当今最高速局域网和广域网介质。
    All four- or 16-slot bidirectional paths operate independently at 1G bit/sec, which means each path through the switch is able to accommodate multiple ports and today's fastest LAN and WAN media.
  • 高大的旧世界两年生蓟,长大的紧扣的白色斑点的叶子和紫色头状花序;加利弗尼亚和南美已种植。
    tall Old World biennial thistle with large clasping white-blotched leaves and purple flower heads; naturalized in California and South America.
  • 我们沿棺材架走到墓地。
    we followed the bier to the graveyard.
  • 今天的暂时的妥协,即酝酿明天的更大的战争。
    A temporary compromise today engenders a bigger war tomorrow.
  • 有时小红由我大哥抱
    Sometimes my biggest brother carried Xiao Hong.