  • 几十万地下铁路、公共汽车以及通勤铁路的乘客,还有自己开车的人,在傍晚下班时交通受耽搁,警察和救火队员知道那些人会怪罪他们。
    The cops and firefighters knew they might take heat from the hundreds of thousands of subway, bus and commuter line riders, as well as motorists, who would be delayed in the evening rush.
  • 和泥黏土等潮湿的物质捣密以制成防水浆
    Compaction of wet material, such as clay, in order to make a watertight paste.
  • 压缩机可汽车压缩成一小块。
    A compactor can crumple up a car into a small cube.
  • 这卷书的姊妹篇即问世。
    The companion volume will soon be published.
  • 法令规定,如果主人没有满足宠物的需求--如给予足够的食物和水、足够的空间、足够的陪伴,主人就受到起诉。
    Under the rules owners could be prosecuted if they failed to give pets what they needed -- ranging from adequate food and water to enough space and companionship.
  • 主修比较语言学。
    He is going to major in comparative linguistics.
  • "有了较好的语言背景,学生就会更多的精力放在所学的课程上。
    "With a comparatively good language background, students will concentrate more on their lessons," she said.
  • 汉语与英语比较对比。
    Compare and contrast English with Chinese.
  • 这就是富于同情心的保守主义的精髓,也是我的政府的基石。
    This is the essence of compassionate conservatism and it will be a foundation of my administration.
  • 香港特别行政区政府竭尽全力,保持香港一贯的生活方式,维持香港的自由经济体系,坚守法治精神,发展民主,建立富於爱心的社会,确保国际大都会的活力。
    The Special Administrative Region Government is fully committed to preserving the Hong Kong way of life, maintaining Hong Kong's free and open economic system, upholding the rule of law, and building a more democratic society. We will be compassionate to those in need, and we will maintain Hong Kong as a vibrant and international city.
  • 提供基于ipv4的和基于ipv6的应用程序和路由器之间后向兼容性的努力,有助于你的企业完成这个过渡。
    Efforts to provide backward compatibility between IPv6 and IPv4-based applications and routers definitely will help ease the transition within your enterprise.
  • uddi操作入口站点被要求仅支持单一的xml编码utf-8,同时支持所有符合utf-8定义的字符。
    UDDI Operators are required to only support a single XML encoding – UTF-8, and will support all compatibility characters defined for UTF-8.
  • 从这个方向出发,电子邮件和其他操作结合起来,确实是个合理的进步。不过使用这种系统,必先要求收信人备有相应的可接收来信的计算机设备。
    Combining E-mail with other operations is a logic step in that direction, although the use of this system is dependent on receivers having compatible computer equipment to accept one's message.
  • 但是,一些西方大国顽固坚持冷战时期的思维方式,人权问题政治化、意识形态化,在国际舞台上把人权作为迫使发展中国家就范、推行霸权主义和强权政治的手段,使人权领域的政治对抗倾向变得愈加突出。
    However, some large Western countries stubbornly adhere to the modes of thinking of the cold war period to inject politics and ideology into the issue of human rights. On the international stage they take human rights as a means to compel developing countries to submit and a means to pursue hegemony and power politics, encouraging political confrontations in the human rights field.
  • 若不立即支付本汇票,我们被迫采取法律措施。
    If the draft is not immediately taken up, we shall the compelled to take legal measures.
  • 采用武力的方式,是最后不得已而被迫作出的选择。
    Resort to force would only be the last choice made under compelling circumstances.
  • 尽可能地第二章所列的10项基本行为动机,和你的明确目标联系起来,给你自己下一道强烈性的命令,去做你想要做的事,并尽可能地每天在脑海里回想一次这道命令。
    Associate as possible of the ten basic human motives mentioned on page 18 with your definite major purpose.Give yourself a compelling motive for doing what you want to do.Then renew that motive by bringing it up in your mind as often as possible on a daily basis.
  • 但还有一些政府公开表示在安理会上行使否决权来否定任何促使伊拉克解除武装的决议。
    Yet some permanent members of the Security Council have publicly announced that they will veto any resolution that compels the disarmament of Iraq.
  • 从北到南可以领略到挪威自然的概貌。穿越茂密的松树林和沿海的湖泊和峡湾后,出现在面前的是雷鸣的瀑布、奔流的山溪和冰川旁边的坦途。
    The itinerary from north to south is a compendium of Norwegian nature: thundering waterfalls, rushing mountain streams and roads that run along glaciers, after having gone through dense pine forests and coastal lakes and fjords.
  • 谁将赔偿损失?
    Who will compensate for the losses?
  • 无论什么都弥补不了这位足球明星失去一条腿的损失。
    Nothing will ever compensate the football star for the loss of one leg.
  • 节目主持人说:"今天晚上,这个从利物浦远道而来的小姑娘为我们演唱,让我们热烈鼓掌欢迎她。"
    "Now, " said the compere, "this little girl has traveled all the way from Liverpool to sing to us tonight. So let's all give her a big hand."
  • 节目主持人说:“今天晚上,这个从利物浦远道而来的小姑娘为我们演唱,让我们热烈鼓掌欢迎她。”
    "Now," said the compere, "this little girl has traveled all the way from Liverpool to sing to us tonight. So let's all give her a big hand."
  • 来自东欧的体操运动员要参加此次的锦标赛。
    Gymnasts from Eastern Europe will compete in the cup event.
  • 进行审理的正确方式是被告与竞争体制作同等比较。
    The correct way to conduct the trial would have been a side-by-side comparison between the defendant and the competing system.
  • 提供他们新的竞争优势。
    It will give them a new competitive advantage.
  • 公司目标:进一步地公司推入更大的零售市场--包括闯入一贯由wal-mart和j.c.penney操纵的市场--推出的拳头产品是更富竞争性价位的老海军服饰(oldnavyproducts),销售扩充到海外市场。
    Corporate goals: Pushing further into the lower-end retail market--traditional territory of Wal-Mart and J. C. Penney--with competitively priced Old Navy products; continued expansion overseas.
  • 而这个平衡点是影响各个国家和经济体的竞争力的一个重要因素。
    And that point of balance will be one important factor influencing the competitiveness of nations and the competitiveness of economies.
  • 请接受,否则其他竞争者取而代之。
    Please accept otherwise competitor take
  • 恐怕贵方所提方案,遭同行的攻击。
    Afraid suggestion possibly subject to competitor bitter refutation.
  • 击败主要对手后,这家公司垄断小麦市场。
    By defeating their main competitor, this company will corner the wheat market.
  • 这家公司由于击败了主要的竞争对手,即垄断整个小麦市场。
    By defeating their main competitor this firm will corner the wheat market.