  • 请允许我介绍华盛顿大学誉教授莱克柯尔比先生。
    Perhaps I can introduce Mr. Lake Kirby, an emeritus professor from Washington University.
  • 请允许我介绍华盛顿大学誉教授莱克·柯尔比先生。
    Perhaps I could introduce Mr Lake Kirby, an emeritus professor from Washington University?
  • 根据曾在约翰斯·霍普金斯大学从事医学心理学和儿科学的誉退休教授约翰·莫奈的研究,在影响我们择偶的诸多因素中,最说明问题的是一种被称为“爱图”的东西:它是我们大脑中的一组编码信息,记载着我们的爱憎。
    One of the many factors influencing our idea of the perfect mate, one of the most telling, according to John Money, professor emeritus of medical psychology and pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University, is what he calls our " lovemap" -- a group of messages encoded in our brains that describes our likes and dislikes.
  • 22岁的姑娘埃米莉·霍顿是一出色的小学教师,她长得非常漂亮,学生都很喜欢她。
    Emily Holden was a mighty pretty girl of about twenty-two. The school teacher, and a good one. Even the pupils liked her.
  • 我已成为名医。
    I reached eminence as a doctor.
  • 人们使她出了名。
    She was brought into eminence.
  • 妒忌是名声的伙计。
    Envy is the yoke - fellow of eminence.
  • 人,杰出人物在某一特定领域取得成功的人
    A person who has achieved eminence in a specific field.
  • “市民先生们,”那个人说,“市民太太们,我们将不胜荣幸地在红衣主教大人阁下面前,朗诵和献演一出极其精彩的寓意剧,为《圣母玛丽亚的公正判决》。
    “Messieurs the bourgeois,” he began, “and Mesdemoiselles the bourgeoises, we shall have the honour of declaiming and performing before his Eminence Monsieur the Cardinal a very fine Morality entitled ’The Good Judgment of Our Lady the Virgin Mary.
  • 它在中国旅游胜地之中的显赫地位不是单靠它作为国家政治文化中心的地位,它是凭借本身的实力而成为一座著的城市的——它的旅游资源不仅丰富多彩,而且彼此之间形成鲜明的对比,使游客能够得到意想不到的旅游经历。
    Its eminence, among China's tourist attractions is not due solely to its status as the political and cultural center of the nation. It is a city of distinction in its own right, a tourist experience of unusual variety and unexpected contrasts.
  • 同学们正期待一位著科学家的来访。
    The students are expecting the arrival of an eminent scientist.
  • 他是一位着的画家。
    He is eminent asa painter.
  • 他是著名的画家。
    He is eminent as a painter.
  • 她以虔诚闻名。
    She was eminent for her piety.
  • 约翰可以成为知的教授,或知的律师,或知的外科医生,或是别的什么知人;可他还是傻乎乎的。
    John can be an eminent professor, an eminent lawyer, an eminent surgeon or whatever. He's still a stupid man.
  • 列于世界著科学家之中。
    He ranks with the world's eminent scientists.
  • 约翰列于世界著科学家之中。
    John ranks with the world's eminent scientists.
  • 列于世界著科学家之中。
    He ranks with the world 's eminent scientists.
  • 剥去了一位著医师披着神秘外衣的自传
    An autobiography that demystified the career of an eminent physician.
  • 值得注意或显赫的状态或性质
    The state or quality of being eminent or worthy of notice.
  • 非难是一个人出向公众付出的代价。
    Censure is the tax a man paid to the public for being eminent.
  • 非难是一个人出向公众付出的代价。
    Censure is the tax a man pay to the public for is eminent.
  • 全世界著的物理学家来到美国庆祝爱因斯坦诞生一百周年。
    Eminent physicists from all over the world came to the United States to celebrate the centennial of Einstein's birth.
  • “我父亲是一个著的钮扣制造商,但我干钮扣这行就是大材小用了,我很想找一个自由职业干干。”
    "My father was an eminent button-maker, but I had a soul above buttons. I panted for a liberal profession."
  • 世界上数以百计的国家喜爱足球,而享有四个世界杯冠军美的巴西在所有这些国家中是首屈一指的。
    In a game played and loved in hundreds of nations across the world, Brazil-four times winner of the World Cup-is pre-eminent.
  • 游人在所游之地亦应去拜望各类扬天下的卓越人物,如此便有可能看出那些大活人在多大程度上与其声相符。
    Let him also see, and visit, eminent persons in all kinds, which are of great name abroad; that he may be able to tell, how the life agrees with the fame.
  • 此外,基金也主办客席教授计划,推动教育及文化交流,提升本港在研究发展方面的形象。年内共有四位着的海外教授获赞助来港访问。
    It also sponsored visits of four eminent overseas professors to Hong Kong under its 'Visiting Professorship Scheme' which aims to promote educational and cultural exchange and to enhance Hong Kong's image concerning research and development.
  • 此外,基金也举办客席教授计划,推动教育及文化交流,提升本港在研究和发展方面的形象。年内,共有三位着的海外教授获赞助来港访问。
    It also sponsored visits of three eminent overseas professors to Hong Kong under its 'Visiting Professorship Scheme' which aims to promote educational and cultural exchange and to enhance Hong Kong's image concerning research and development.
  • 偶尔出现的匿泄密者和显赫的自传作家可能都自称从事诚实的事业,这就是问题所在,因为这既不可能完全接受,也不可能完全否认。
    The occasional anonymous tipster and the eminent autobiographer may each claim to be serving the cause of truth. There's the rub, for it is a claim that can be neither wholly admitted nor wholly dismissed.
  • 实木等待着被转换成美国人的家庭用桌;他的书出的好译。
    substances readily translatable to the American home table; his books are eminently translatable.
  • 奥比、托尼和艾美诸奖加身,又5次荣获奥斯卡提,克洛斯显然也使影评家们着迷。她似乎命里注定在未来岁月中仍然是一位著的好莱坞大牌女星。
    With multiple Obie,Tony,and Emmy Awards on her mantle,and five Oscar nominations to her credit,it is clear that Close has also bewitched the critics,and she seems destined to remain one of Hollywood's foremost leading ladies for years to come.
  • 靳羽西(右)笑脸相迎前来购买8日在纽约发售亲笔签的羽西娃娃。图为靳羽西笑脸相迎前来购买的顾客。这位顾客买走了九个“羽西娃娃”。
    Yue-Sai Kan (Right), American Emmy Award-winning television journalist and creator of the new Yue-Sai Wa Wa doll, laughs as a customer carries away nine autographed boxes of the doll, during a signing session December 8, 2001 at FAO Schwarz toy store in New York.