  • 通风的风使我感冒了
    The draft gave me a cold.
  • 干杯一口气喝干净
    To drink up in one draft.
  • 他一气喝完了那一大杯。
    He emptied the glass at on draft.
  • 我起草了一封措词强烈的投诉信;你看是否要气缓和一点?
    I've drafted a very strong letter of complaint; do you think I should tone it down a bit?
  • 他们从我里逼出秘密?
    They dragged the secret out of me.
  • []休想从我这里探到风,我决不会泄露。
    Wild horses shall not drag it from me.
  • 他从酒杯里喝了一酒。
    He took a drag from the wine glass.
  • 他把她拖到门,猛地把她推到马路上。
    He dragged her out of the door and shoved her into the street.
  • 他深吸一烟,又继续他的演讲。
    He dragged on cigarrette and then continues his speech.
  • 出水阴沟、下水道或河流排水的地方
    The place where a sewer, drain, or stream discharges.
  • 目瞪呆,面如死灰,好像我向他捅了一刀似的。
    Stunned.All colour draining away.It was as though I'd sliced into him with a knife.
  • 第二十七条 建设跨河、穿河、穿堤、临河的桥梁、码头、道路、渡、管道、缆线、取水、排水等工程设施,应当符合防洪标准、岸线规划、航运要求和其他技术要求,不得危害堤防安全,影响河势稳定、妨碍行洪畅通;
    Article 27 The construction of bridges, wharves, roads, ferries, pipelines, cables and engineering structures for tapping or draining water which need to cut across rivers, through rivers or embankments, or to stand on rivers should conform to flood control standards, shore lines planning, navigation requirements and other technical requirements, and shall not endanger the safety of embankments, affect the stability of river conditions or impede the smooth passage of floodwater.
  • 普利茅斯英格兰西南一自治市,位于普利茅斯湾沿岸,该湾为英吉利海峡的一个小海湾。英国的一个主要港,曾是迎战西班牙无敌舰队的英国舰队的出发点(1588年),也是德雷克、罗利和其他两位早期探险家出发地。人250,300
    A borough of southwest England on Plymouth Sound, an inlet of the English Channel. A major port, it was the embarkation point for the fleet that fought the Spanish Armada(1588) and for Drake, Raleigh, and several other early explorers. Population,250, 300.
  • 现在国民党统治地区有的一些,沧海一粟,而且方法不合民众味,神气和民众隔膜,必须切实地改一改。
    What has been done so far in the Kuomintang areas is only a drop in the ocean, and moreover it has been done in a manner ill-suited to the people's tastes and in a spirit uncongenial to them; This must be drastically changed.
  • 他坐在风上,着凉了。
    He sat in a draught and catch a cold.
  • 蜡烛在风点得很快。
    Candles spend fast in draught.
  • 由于干旱,牲成群成群地死去。
    Herds of cattle were dying off because of the draught.
  • 所提港不熟,请电告该港的设备及码头水深。
    Named port unfamiliar, advice what facilities there, including wharf side draught
  • 你如果坐在风,可能会感冒。
    You may catch a cold if you sit in a draught.
  • 据不完全统计,从1994年到1999年,五个自治区和三个少数民族人较多的省,共解决了2163.5万人、2934.7万头大牲畜的饮水困难;
    According to incomplete statistics, from 1994 to 1999, the five autonomous regions and three provinces with large ethnic minority populations solved the problem of drinking water for 21.635 million people and 29.347 million draught animals.
  • 农民的粮一增加,饲料就有保证,就可以养猪,大牲畜就可以不再死亡,而慢慢地发展起来。
    If the peasants had more grain on hand, they would have enough feed to raise pigs, and the amount of draught animals would gradually increase since they would not be dying in such great numbers.
  • 拿冀鲁豫来说,经过一年的内线作战,农民的鸡、猪、牲看见的不多了,村里的树也少了,试问,扭在解放区打,我们受得了吗?
    After fighting on interior lines in the Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Area for one year, for example, the number of chickens, swine and draught animals raised by the local peasants dropped sharply, as also did the number of trees in the villages. We may well ask whether we can afford to restrict the fighting to the liberated areas.
  • 应用软件与线路入的另一个缺陷是它们降低了网络性能。
    Another drawback to application and circuit gateways is that they slow network performance.
  • 货物日後出时将退还其进关税
    A drawback is made on custom duties on import goods when they are later exported
  • 虽然慢吞吞的地方腔调已经不再是致命的缺陷,但如果谁有以前所谓的牛津音或是英国广播公司的发音,那还是有优势的。
    A regional drawl is no longer necessarily a fatal flaw but what used to be called an " Oxford" accent or " BBC" pronunciation will still give advantage to someone with it.
  • 一种用来关上钱包的部的带。
    a drawstring used to close the mouth of a purse.
  • 拉线袋用拉线拉紧袋的一种小袋,尤用于装袋中的零碎物品
    A small bag often closing with a drawstring and used especially for carrying loose items in one's pocket.
  • 他有时会失说出很刺耳的双关语和极陈腐的话来。
    He sometimes slips into rather dreadful puns and hackneyed language.
  • 此时王子渴难忍,他决定自己下井取水。
    By now the prince was dreadfully thirsty, so he decided to climb down the well to find water himself.
  • 这项计划涉及大量的挖掘工程,而且须与其他港发展计划相互配合。
    This project will involve substantial dredging and co-ordination with other port development projects.
  • 再提起过去那些事有啥意思?咱俩角的事忘了吧!
    What's the point of dredging things up from the past? Let's forget we ever quarreled.
  • 用来粘合伤以促进恢复的石膏。
    used in dressing wounds.