  • 你能甘心辈子失业吗?
    Could you reconcile yourself to a lifetime of unemployment?
  • 你必须使你的言行致。
    You'll have to reconcile your statement with your conduct.
  • 你要言行一致。
    You will have to reconcile your statement with your conduct.
  • 你怎样把这个说法和你昨天的话统起来?
    How can you reconcile this statement with what you said yesterday?
  • 由于夫妇俩人不能使他们的意见致,所以他们决定离婚。
    Since the couple could not reconcile their differences , they decided to get a divorce.
  • 失之交臂在可供选择的两个当中因未能协调致或未能作出正确的决定而失败
    To fail because of an inability to reconcile or choose between two courses of action.
  • 种包容理论中以试图调解信仰和理智的关系而著称的意大利(罗马天主教徒)神学家(1225-1274)。
    Italian (Roman Catholic) theologian remembered for his attempt to reconcile faith and reason in a comprehensive theology (1225-1274).
  • 因此,他们贯企图削弱阶级斗争,调和对立。
    They, therefore, endeavour, and that consistently, to deaden the class struggle and to reconcile the class antagonisms.
  • 使切和解的希望顿时告吹
    Cut off all hopes of reconciliation
  • 向和解迈出了最初的步。
    took the initial step toward reconciliation.
  • 凯蒂的最后封信使萨姆意识到他们不可能和好了。
    Kate's last letter wakened Sam from the dream of reconciliation.
  • 我知道美国希望和解与统,同时也希望进步。
    I know America wants reconciliation and unity. I know Americans want progress.
  • 次,胜方和被击败的方都心平气和地接受结局,带着重归于好的精神接受结果。
    And each time,both the victor and the vanquished have accepted the result peacefully and in the spirit of reconciliation.
  • 但要实现这憧憬,中国和日本,以及日本和韩国之间,必须有个历史性的和解。
    But to achieve that vision there must be a historic reconciliation between China and Japan, and Japan and Korea.
  • 但要实现这憧憬,中国和日本,以及日本和韩国之间,必须有个历史性的和解。
    But to achieve that vision there must be a historic reconciliation between China and Japan, and Japan and South Korea.
  • 现波斯湾战争已经结束,国务卿贝克开始了华府战后第椿中东外交任务,使[战后]艰巨的修好工作显得十分重要。
    Now that the gulf war has ended, the challenge of reconciliation is being thrown into relief as Secretary of State James A.Baker 3d embarks on Washington's first effort at postwar diplomacy in the Middle East.
  • 教授的讲座太深奥了,学生们都想逃避;艰深的形而上学理论;历史编纂学中的些深奥的问题。
    the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them; a deep metaphysical theory; some recondite problem in historiography.
  • 对给定的个计算机系统配置进行变动,例如,隔离和旁路个有缺陷的功能部件,通过替换的路径连接两个功能部件。重构可以自动地也可用手工方式来实现,并可用来保持系统的完整性。
    A change made to a given configuration of a computer system; for example, isolating and bypassing a defective functional unit, connecting two functional units by an alternative path. Reconfiguration is effected automatically or manually and can be used to maintain system integrity.
  • 理事会最近发起项称为“wash:人人享有饮水、卫生设备和卫生”的运动,旨在动员世界各地的政治支助和行动,结束24亿多人没有足够卫生设备和11亿人没有安全和负担得起的供水的痛苦。
    The Council has recently launched a campaign entitled “WASH: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for all”, aimed at mobilizing political support and action around the world to end the suffering of the more than 2.4 billion people who are without access to adequate sanitation and the 1.1 billion without a safe and affordable water supply.
  • 请于出发之前再确认下。
    Please reconfirm before you leave.
  • 您好,我想确定下我的班次。
    Hello, I'd like to reconfirm my flight.
  • 我想再确定下我的飞行班次。
    I would like to make a reconfirmation for my flight.
  • 我想再确认下四月日的911航班的预订机票。
    I want to reconfirm my reservation for Flight 911 on April first.
  • 请提前个小时到达机场,谢谢您打电话来落实航班班次,再见。
    Please be at the airport at least one hour before departure. Thank you for callingto reconfirm. Bye-bye.
  • 请最晚在起飞前两天中午2点前再确认下机票,否则预订会自动取消。
    Please reconfirm your ticket no later than 12 o'clock noon two days before the flight; otherwise, your reservation will automatically be canceled.
  • 我是南西·琼斯,我想再确定下我订的班机十月八日十时从伦敦飞往杜斯多夫的305班次。
    My name is Nancy Jones. I'd like to reconfirm my reservation on flight 305 for Dusseldorf, leaving London at 10 o'clock, October the 8th.
  • a通过电话落实下他去堪萨斯城的航班班次
    A reconfirms his flight to Kansas City by telephone.
  • 接线员,我们的电话断了。请再给我接下可以吗?
    Operator, we are cut off. Can you reconnect me, please?
  • 接线员,我们的电话断了。请再给我接下可以吗?
    Operator, we were cut off. Could you reconnect me, please?
  • 因此,他编剧并执导了这部二千五百万美元的大片,篇描述身心崩溃的史诗,首情感复燃的颂歌,这就是片长三个多小时的《木兰花》,已于十二月上映,但时至今日其风潮才在美国各地高涨。
    Instead, he wrote and directed a $25 million epic of psychological and physical collapse, an ode to emotional reconnection, with the three hours-plus Magnolia, which opened in December but expands across the country today.
  • 在进入那城以前,先侦察下是明智的。
    It seems wise to reconnoiter before entering the town.
  • 巡逻部队被派保卫或侦察某指定地区的军事车辆、船只、舰艇或飞机
    One or more military vehicles, boats, ships, or aircraft assigned to guard or reconnoiter a given area.