  • 一种质的银色碱金属元素,能在空气中燃烧,能与水发生剧烈反应,见于光卤石、锂云母和铯榴石中。
    a soft silvery metallic element of the alkali metal group; burns in air and reacts violently in water; occurs in carnallite and lepidolite and pollucite.
  • 轻而的银白色碱金属元素,空气中能迅速氧化,能与水发生剧烈反应,以天然化合物状态大量存在于海水、光卤石、钾盐镁矾和钾盐中。
    a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite.
  • 一种质地柔的银白色韧性金属元素(常温时为液体),是最具正电性与碱性的金属。
    a soft silver-white ductile metallic element (liquid at normal temperatures); the most electropositive and alkaline metal.
  • 排在第三位的仍然是保罗·艾伦--微公司的另一位开国元勋,但他的资产从282亿下降到210亿。
    Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen also maintained his ranking -third - but saw his net worth fall to $21 billion from $28.2 billion.
  • 去年theoandkarlalbrecht是排在微另一位创始人保尔·艾伦的后面,位居第四。当时艾伦的净资产达304亿美元,但是后来他的资产减少了52亿,其中一部分是在由于在股市的投资中失败,因此今年他的排名下降了一位。
    They pushed Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, ranked third last year with a value of $30.4 billion, to No.4 after he lost $5.2 billion, partly in the stock market bust.
  • 对过敏源不太敏感的;感光性低的照相片对光的敏感度不强。
    desensitized to the allergen; desensitized photographic film is less sensitive to light.
  • 敷布指一块敷在身体某一部位的柔纱布或其它材料,用来止血或提供热、冷、湿或药物治疗以减轻疼痛或防止感染
    A soft pad of gauze or other material applied with pressure to a part of the body to control hemorrhage or to supply heat, cold, moisture, or medication to alleviate pain or reduce infection.
  • 石墨一种质、钢灰黑色、有金属光泽和滑腻感的碳的六方晶形的同素异构体,用于铅笔、滑润剂、颜料和涂层,可被制成多种形状,如模子、砖块、电极、坩埚和火箭发动机喷管
    A soft, steel-gray to black, hexagonally crystallized allotrope of carbon with a metallic luster and a greasy feel, used in lead pencils, lubricants, paints, and coatings, that is fabricated into a variety of forms such as molds, bricks, electrodes, crucibles, and rocket nozzles.
  • 字处理件允许用户在键盘上输入数据。
    It allows the user to enter data on a keyboard.
  • 黄色金属元素,有延展性,主要以天然金块形式出现于岩石中或作为冲积沉淀物,与大部分化学物质不发生反应,但会被氯和王水侵蚀。
    a soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent) metallic element; occurs mainly as nuggets in rocks and alluvial deposits; does not react with most chemicals but is attacked by chlorine and aqua regia.
  • 他给我带来一袋杏仁糖。
    He brought me a bag of almond paste.
  • 杏仁蛋白糖一种由磨成粉的杏仁或杏仁膏、蛋白、糖制成的糖果,并且通常被做成装饰形状的糖
    A confection made of ground almonds or almond paste, egg whites, and sugar, often molded into decorative shapes.
  • 毛浓密的、柔的、经常卷曲的毛,形成羊和其它哺乳动物的外皮(如山羊和羊驼),由被精细重叠的鳞片覆盖的圆筒形角质素纤维构成,作为一种织物纤维而十分珍贵
    The dense, soft, often curly hair forming the coat of sheep and certain other mammals, such as the goat and alpaca, consisting of cylindrical fibers of keratin covered by minute overlapping scales and much valued as a textile fabric.
  • 接受阿尔法测试的一个预发行件不过和合格版本相比仍有许多毛病。
    pre-release software that has received an alpha test but still has more bugs than a regular release.
  • 吸气音某些非洲语言中的一种内爆破停顿,通过抬高舌的后部与颚接触发出,同时闭拢嘴唇或舌尖及侧部触碰牙齿或牙龈边缘
    An implosive stop found in some African languages and produced by raising the back of the tongue to make contact with the soft palate and simultaneously closing the lips or touching the teeth or alveolar ridge with the tip and sides of the tongue.
  • 很多人认为件就是目前微机上使用的所有令人惊奇的应用程序。
    Most people think of software as all of the amazing application programs available today for microcomputers.
  • 协作过滤件将它获得的有关用户习惯行为的信息与有相似兴趣的其他客户的数据进行比较,这样,用户就能获得类似amazon的“购买此书的人也买了……”一类的推荐意见。
    Collaborative-filtering software compares the information it gains about one user's behavior against data about other customers with similar interests.In this way, users get recommendations like Amazon's "Customers who bought this book also bought..."
  • 它与新加坡存在这种关系已经好多年了,这个南面的城市国家曾经雄心勃勃,通过补贴和惠赠的方法,企业获得资金管理人才,芯片制造者和件销售商,新加坡现在仍然在继续追赶香港,但并没有严重的威胁香港的亚洲商业中心地位。
    It has had that relationship with Singapore for years . The southern city?state has ambitiously courted fund managers, chip markers a nd software vendors with subsidies and freebies, but Singapore continues to chas e without seriously threatening Hong Kong's Asian business?hub status.
  • 此外,升格救护车调派件的工作也在进行中。
    Upgrading of the Ambulance Mobilising software is also in progress.
  • 相信不少市民都和我有同样的经历,每隔一段时间回到内地的大城市看一看,都会惊叹国家进步之神速。不论在市容、交通、建筑等硬件,还是在人才素质、服务态度、文化发展等件方面,我们都会看见可喜的新气象。
    I believe that most people in Hong Kong have had the same experience of the Mainland as I have. During each of my periodic visits to the big cities on the Mainland, I am amazed by the tremendous pace at which conditions improve, both with regard to the "hardware" , such as civic amenities, transport systems, and infrastructure, and the "software", for example, the skills of the people, levels of service and the degree of cultural development. There are positive changes happening everywhere in China, which is something that should give us all reason to be optimistic.
  • 一柔、无定形的块状物
    A soft, amorphous mass.
  • 直到前不久,件开发常常还是一项相当原始的工作,产生大量没有结构、资源使用效率低下、缺乏与其他程序真正互用性的杂乱程序代码。
    Until recently, software development too often has been a monolithic project resulting in huge amorphous masses of code that lack structure, use resources inefficiently and lack true interoperability with other programs.
  • 最佳的事例,莫过于电脑业的偶像人物如苹果电脑的创始人乔布斯与沃兹尼亚克,以及来自西雅图的微的创始人盖茨,他们都是大学里的退学生,在讲究学历的社会里可能永无出头之日。
    This is amply demonstrated by industry icons like Apple's Jobs and Wozniak and Microsoft's Gates, all college dropouts who might not have emerged in a qualification-conscious community.
  • 喙,齿舌某些昆虫或体动物等无脊椎动物所具有的舌状器官或身体部位
    An analogous organ or part in invertebrate animals, as in certain insects or mollusks.
  • 指一位(或一些位),用来存储一位信息。标记有两种状态,而且是一个触发器的件模拟。
    Refers to a bit(or bits) used to store one bit of information. A flag has two stable states and is the software analogy of a flip-flop.
  • idc的另一位分析家阿勃那·格玛诺说:“如果ibm在其网络件升级方面很顺利,那么很快就有其他的服务供应商效仿。”
    If IBM has an easy time with their network software upgrade, then other service providers will follow suit very quickly," says Abner Germanow, an analyst at IDC.
  • 波士顿yankee集团的高级分析师gregrunyan说:“大多数公司不会构建仓库或者搞专有的库存和仓库管理件。所以我们正在看到的是把订单的实现外包出去。
    "Most companies don't build warehouses or come up with proprietary inventory and warehouse-management software," says Greg Runvan, a senior analyst at The Yankee Group in Boston, "so what we're seeing is outsourced order fulfillment.
  • 分解把(如输入的信息)分解成更易处理的组成部分或加以分析。用于计算机件中
    To analyze or separate(input, for example) into more easily processed components. Used of software.
  • 分析者的下一项工作是选择一个签名编码,使远端机器的反毒件能够探测到新的病毒,从而防止以后的感染。
    The analyzer's next job is to select a signature to enable the remote machine's antivirus software to detect the new virus and avoid future infection.
  • 安第斯山脉毛大耳象老鼠的啮齿动物。
    ratlike rodent with soft fur and large ears of the Andes.
  • 的珍珠灰色皮毛的小型啮齿动物;原产于安第斯山脉但在关在笼中饲养以获得其皮毛。
    small rodent with soft pearly gray fur; native to the Andes but bred in captivity for fur.
  • 贝雷帽一种圆形、柔的无沿帽,配戴贴适,常偏向一边戴
    A round, soft, brimless cap that fits snugly and is often worn angled to one side.