  • 若看他的外貌,也想不到他是个事业有成的商人。
    To look at him you'd never think he was a successful businessman.
  • 要是看轻了这个中心任务,就不是一个很好的革命工作人员。
    Anyone who does not attach enough importance to this central task is not a good revolutionary cadre.
  • 昨晚你在咖啡馆里搭讪的那个漂亮女孩是
    Who was that pretty girl you were chatting up in the cafe last night?
  • 是这个队里最年轻的队员?
    Who is the youngest cager on the team?
  • 这样的灾祸也不会预想到。
    Nobody could have foreseen such a calamity.
  • 谁叫牌了?
    Whose call is it?
  • 你要电话给谁?
    Who are you calling?
  • 喂,谁呀?
    Hello, who 's calling?
  • 请问是谁呀?
    Who 's calling please?
  • 谁叫它都没有回应。
    Nor did he answer anyone's calls.
  • “我爱爱德蒙·唐太斯,”姑娘平静地说,“除了爱德蒙,也不能做我的丈夫。”
    "I love Edmond Dantès," the young girl calmly replied, "and none but Edmond shall ever be my husband."
  • 坎伯城都认识他父亲,所以亨利不想再呆在城里了。
    Everyone in Camber knew his father, and the boy did not like to stay in the town.
  • 谁动我的相机了?
    Who interfered with my camera?
  • 是第54届戛纳电影节的赢家
    Italian Family Wins Top Cannes Prize
  • 那个戴校帽的男孩是
    Who is the boy in the official school cap?
  • 这个杯子是打破的?
    By whom has the cap been broken?
  • 中国必须抗战下去,团结下去,进步下去;要投降,要分裂,要倒退,我们是不能容忍的。
    China must keep on fighting Japan, uniting and moving forward, and we cannot tolerate anyone who tries to capitulate, cause splits or move backward.
  • 这位漂亮的小姐,知道我是后,就即说:「卡耐基先生,能不能请你告诉我,你所经过的名胜有那些地方,和你所看到的离奇景色?
    So she said: “Oh, Mr. Carnegie, I do want you to tell me about all the wonderful places you have visited and the sights you have seen.
  • 谁将铺地毯?
    Who will lay the carpet?
  • 这么好的电影是分配角色的。
    Who cast this beautiful movie?
  • 谁有猫?
    Who have a cat?
  • 站在捕手后边,穿蓝色衣服,胸前戴着个牌子的那个人是
    Who is the man standing behind the catcher dressed in blue and wearing a pad over his chest?
  • 站在捕手后边,穿蓝色衣服,胸前戴着个牌子的那个人是
    Who is the man standing behind the catcher dressed in blue and wear ing a pad over his chest?
  • 都不用害怕能得这种病。
    Nobody need be afraid of catching the disease.
  • 承办你儿子婚礼的酒席?
    Who did the catering for your son's wedding?
  • 制定海洋开发和海洋生态环境保护协调发展规划,按照预防为主、防治结合,污染治理的原则,加强海洋环境监测、监视和执法管理;
    China will work out a program for the coordinated development of marine resources and the protection of the marine eco-environment and, in line with the principles of "putting prevention first, combining prevention with control" and "making the causer of pollution responsible for treating it," improve the monitoring, surveillance, law enforcement and management of the marine environment.
  • 为了保护和保全海洋环境,中国制定了《全国海洋环保"九五"(1996-2000年)计划和2010年长远规划》,继续贯彻预防为主、防治结合,污染治理,强化环境管理三大政策,并采取以下主要措施保护海洋环境:
    To cope with this situation, China has adopted the Ninth Five-Year Plan (1996-2000) and Long-Term Program to the Year 2010 for National Marine Environmental Protection, which further advances the three major policies of "putting prevention first, combining prevention with control," "making the causer of pollution responsible for treating it" and "improving the control of the environment."The following are the principal measures China will take to protect the marine environment:
  • 为了保护和保全海洋环境,中国制定了《全国海洋环保“九五”(1996—2000年)计划和2010年长远规划》,继续贯彻预防为主、防治结合,污染治理,强化环境管理三大政策,并采取以下主要措施保护海洋环境:
    To cope with this situation, China has adopted the Ninth Five-Year Plan (1996-2000) and Long-Term Program to the Year 2010 for National Marine Environmental Protection, which further advances the three major policies of ``putting prevention first, combining prevention with control,'' ``making the causer of pollution responsible for treating it'' and ``improving the control of the environment.'' The following are the principal measures China will take to protect the marine environment:
  • 为有效地防治工业污染,中国政府制定了“预防为主,防治结合”、“污染,治理”、“强化环境管理”三大环境保护政策,以及资源综合利用政策、结合技术改造防治工业污染政策、城市环境综合整治政策、环保技术政策、环保产业政策等。
    In order to effectively prevent and control industrial pollution, the Chinese government has drawn up three major policies for environmental protection, i.e., "putting prevention first and combining prevention with control," "making the causer of pollution responsible for treating it" and "intensifying environmental management."In addition, it has drawn up the policy on the comprehensive utilization of resources, the policy on preventing and controlling industrial pollution in combination with technical transformation, the policy on overall improvement of the urban environment, the policy on environmental protection technology, and the policy on environmental protection industries.
  • 为有效地防治工业污染,中国政府制定了“预防为主,防治结合”、“污染,治理”、“强化环境管理”三大环境保护政策,以及资源综合利用政策、结合技术改造防治工业污染政策、城市环境综合整治政策、环保技术政策、环保产业政策等。
    In order to effectively prevent and control industrial pollution, the Chinese government has drawn up three major policies for environmental protection, i.e., ``putting prevention first and combining prevention with control,'' ``making the causer of pollution responsible for treating it'' and ``intensifying environmental management.'' In addition, it has drawn up the policy on the comprehensive utilization of resources, the policy on preventing and controlling industrial pollution in combination with technical transformation, the policy on over"iall improvement of the urban environment, the policy on environmental protection technology, and the policy on environmental protection industries.
  • 好了,小朋友们,你们当中有能够告诉我们,在登上天堂之前我们应该做些什么事情呢?——死。
    Now, can cay little boy or girl tell us what we must do before we get to heaven? – Die.
  • 也没太和我们客气。
    Nobody stands on much ceremony with us.