  • 然杰克的故事没有一句是真的的,可是他在讲述时却不露声色。
    Jack told his story without batting an eyelash, although not a word of it was true.
  • 玫瑰花然也已凋谢,落红却拥在地上为恋人作床。
    Rose leaves, when the rose is dead are heap'd for the beloved's bed.
  • 据说班纳特小姐晚上睡不好,现在然已经起床,热度却很高,不能出房门。
    Miss Bennet had slept ill, and though up, was very feverish and not well enough to leave her room.
  • 奥运会每4年举行一届。柏林奥运会本应当为第6届,然它没有举行,但是仍被人们计为一次。
    The four-year cycle of Olympiads--Berlin would have been the sixth--is still counted,however,even though the Games were not played.
  • 然她在主流文化传统之间找到了自己的定位,她还是坚毅地寻找她婆婆通过警戒教诲,在她心中所种下的根。
    While she found a comfortable niche in the betwixt and between of dominant cultural traditions, her longing to return to the roots that her grandmother, through exemplary teaching, had planted in her inner psyche, remained strong and persistent.
  • 他看上去不知所措,然还竭力试着回答记者提出的问题,但大多数时间,他实际上只是动动嘴唇,不停地眨眼,哽噎着出不了声。
    Looking totally bewildered, he was trying to answer their questions. Mostly he was only moving his lips, blinking and choking up.
  • 萨米站着发呆,周围所发生的一切把他搞糊涂了,然我们又喊又叫但他也不愿过来。
    Sammy stood rooted to the ground, bewildered by all that was happening around him, and wouldn't come although we called and called.
  • 然而,本地一家新闻机构却形容这里的回教徒,对有关回教和回教徒的报道太“敏感”,然该机构承认许多海外报道具有偏见。
    Yet, Muslims were also described by one local news provider as being “sensitive” to reports on Islam and Muslim although it acknowledge that many overseas reports were biased.
  • 然非常反对犯法,但并不固执于此。
    Much as he is opposed to lawbreaking, he is not bigoted about it.
  • 然非常反对犯法,但并不固执于此。
    Much as he is opposed to lawbreaking , he is not bigoted about it.
  • 然非常反对犯法,但并不固执于此。
    Much as he was opposed to lawbreaking, he was not bigoted about it.
  •  迷你书小,但内容却涉及几乎所有的时髦话题,名人传记、宠物、瘦身减肥等,可谓无所不包。
    Tiny as they are, the books have covered almost all the popular topics include celebrity biographies, pets and dieting.
  • 人人都在生物学上感到快乐,在生物学上感到愤怒,在生物学上立定志向,在生物学上信仰宗教,或在生物学上酷爱和平,则他自己也许不知道。
    Every man is happy biologically, angry biologically, or ambitious biologically, or religious or peace-loving biologically, although he may not be aware of it.
  • 然汤药很苦,我还是不得不喝了。
    I had to take the herb tea although it's bitter.
  • 然仍是夏季,可是阴雨连绵,而且常常冷得要命。
    Even though it was still summer , it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold.
  • 然是盛夏季节,可总是阴雨连绵,而且常常冷得要命。
    For even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold.
  • 胸怀豁达的杜卡基斯今天回到马州州长的岗位。他说他竞选总统尽了最大努力,败而无怨尤。
    A philosophical Michael S.Dukakis returned to work as Governor of Massachusetts today, saying he gave his race for the Presidency his "best shot" and felt no bitterness about his loss.
  • 然在1994年和1998年之间黑人和操西班牙语移民的计算机拥有量翻了一翻,但在家庭上网的白人与黑人之间的差距,以及白与操西班牙语的移民之间的差距仍以50%的速度增加。
    Even though computer penetration for blacks and Hispanics more than doubled between 1994 and 1998, the gap in household access to the Internet blacks and whites and His panics and whites grew by more than 50 percent.
  • 然不能杀菌,但可以阻止细菌聚积在膀胱壁上。
    It doesn't kill bacteria but it prevents them sticking to the walls of the bladder.
  • 我的双眼用绷带包扎了3个星期,然我知道这仅是暂时的,但我得对付眼睛看不见的问题。
    My eyes were bandaged for three weeks and I had to get to grips with the problem of blindness, even though I knew it was only temporary.
  • 然困难重重,她却仍然无忧无虑地干下去。
    She continued blithely on in spite of all difficulties.
  • 封锁,在目前说来,增加我们不少困难,但对我仍属有利,即使不封锁,我们许多困难也是不能解决的。
    Although the blockade has caused us more than a few problems, it also has a beneficial side. Even without the blockade, we still have many unsolvable problems.
  • 然动物的每个体细胞都包含所有的遗传信息,但是科学界一直坚持认为每个体细胞有自己专门的作用,如皮肤细胞或者乳腺细?的dna就不能被用作发育为成年动物的胚胎原型。
    Even though every cell in an animal's body contains all its genetic information,scientific dogma had held that once a cell had a specific role,as a skin cell say or a mammary gland cell,its DNA could not be used as a blueprint for an embryo to grow into an adult animal.
  • 他为人厚道,待人亲切,然态度有些粗鲁。
    He is kind and friendly despite his rather bluff manner.
  • 然无人与之抗衡,共和党提名数周前已搞定,布什仍想巩固他所得到的支持……。
    Though unopposed and with his GOP nomination sewed up weeks ago, Bush wants to bolster his support….
  • 然f?117a被称为"隐形战斗机",实际上它是被作为轻型轰炸机来设计和使用的。
    While the F?117 A was called the “ stealth fighter” ,it was actually designed and used as a light bomber.
  • 然波音公司拒绝说明哪些工程项目造成赤字,但是分析家指出海军a-16攻击轰炸机事后改装合成材料机翼、v-22垂直起飞飞机,以及b-2隐形轰炸机都可能是赤字来源。
    While Boeing declines to which projects are producing the red ink, analysts point to the retrofitting of the Navy's A-6 attack bomber with composite materials wings, the V-22 vertical takeoff aircraft, and the B-2 Stealth bomber, on which Boeing is a subcontractor to the Northrop Corporation.
  • 舌头软,能使骨断。
    The tongue breaks bones though itself has none.
  • 然如此,开展新一轮谈判正合时宜,肯定可以提高商界对全球经济的信心。
    Nevertheless, the launch of a new Round serves as timely boost of confidence for the world economy.
  • 苏联成员俄罗斯联邦共和国总统叶利钦,常与戈尔巴乔夫争执,今天却成为他最强有力的一名支持者……。
    Boris N.Yeltsin, President of the Russian Federated Republic, who had often been at odds with Mr.Gorbachve, became one of his strongest supporters today, ….
  • 他们穷但很自重,他们从不向人借钱或求助。
    They are poor but proud; they never borrow money or ask for help.
  • 他可以随心所欲,畅所欲言。这样然容易授人以柄,给自己造成伤害,但却能保持轻松愉快的心情,使自己不那么压抑。
    Willfully chipper, perhaps, barely hiding his hurt; but looser and less bottled up.