Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他的好友名单中有一大堆国家元首和"前任们"。他依然与英国首相布尔、加拿大总理克雷蒂安、南非前总统曼德拉等朋友保持着密切接触。
    In the meantime, he works his buddy list of heads of state and " formers," staying in close touch with friends like British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and Nelson Mandela.
  • 桑德拉·布洛克是继梅格·瑞安之后又一轰动好坞的甜姐,她具有让事业充满成功和收获的所有基本素质。
    Sandra Bullock, the cutest woman to hit Hollywood since Meg Ryan, has all the necessary elements needed to have a career filled with success and abundance.
  • 身为十亿元公司总裁,凯赫先生真是独一无二。他的不寻常而有趣的行为包括化装成普雷斯利(即猫王)和复活节兔子,数来宝,充当空中服务员、收票员以及行李服务员。
    For a chief executive of a billion dollar corporation, Mr.Kelleher is one of a kind. His antics have included dressing up a Elvis Presley and the Easter Bunny, delivering rap songs and serving as a flight attendant, ticket collector and baggage handler.
  • 一年一度使新生气氛活跃的活动叫“迪克拉”,在活动中男女生配成对一起到当地一个汉堡包快餐店去就餐,这项活动已经成了滑稽的事,一个四年级学生萨拉·约翰逊说:“很多小伙子一人就有两个约会对象。”
    An annual freshman icebreaker called "Dickerella," in which women and men pair off for trips to a local burger Joint named Dick's, has become a farce. "A lot of the guys have two dates," says Sarah Johnson, a senior.
  • 埃尔苏格兰西南部特区,在克德湾的艾尔河河口处,是一个旅游胜地和渔港。人口48,600
    A burgh of southwest Scotland at the mouth of the Ayr River on the Firth of Clyde. It is a resort and a fishing port. Population,48, 600.
  • 古希伯干量单位约合一蒲式耳。
    an ancient Hebrew unit of dry measure equal to about a bushel.
  • 那个唯一不是日本人的金牌得主是美国人巴斯特·克伯,他在400自由泳中夺冠,正因为他凯旋而归,好坞与他签约拍了一部电影。
    The lone non-Japanese winner was American Buster Crabbe, whose victory in the 400-meter freestyle later won him a movie contract in Hollywood.
  • 一个阴谋家的小集团,每一个都比极端恐怖份子善于逃避罪责——大卫·克恩。
    a cabal of conspirators, each more elusive than the archterrorist- David Kline.
  • 你做过卡巴莱表演吗?
    Have you done any cabaret?
  • 比阿夫,埃迪斯1915-1963法国卡巴歌手。她最让人难忘的歌曲包括玫瑰色人生和不,我一点也不后悔
    French cabaret singer. Her best-remembered songs include La Vie en Rose and Non, Je ne Regrette Rien.
  • 谢瓦利埃,莫里斯1888-1972法国演员和歌唱家,以其卡巴舞蹈表演及在歌舞片吉吉(1958年)中所扮演的角色最为闻名
    French actor and singer best known for his cabaret appearances and his role in the musical film Gigi(1958).
  • 不管是在咖啡馆密集的伯尔格-斯特托大街还是在迪-卡瓦列瑞广场,总能看到熙熙攘攘的学生的身影。
    The cafe-lined Borgo Stretto and the Piazza dei Cavalieri often teem with students.
  • 多佛尔与法国加市隔岸相对的英格兰东南部自治市,临多佛尔海峡。罗马灯塔遗址,自中世纪以来就是战略要地,该市白垩崖多岩洞和涵洞原为走私者所用。人口33,700
    A municipal borough of southeast England on the Strait of Dover opposite Calais, France. Site of a Roman lighthouse, it has been a strategic port since medieval times. The chalk cliffs rising above the city have caves and tunnels originally used by smugglers. Population, 33,700.
  • 这艘船运行多佛——加航线。
    The boat operates on the Dover-Calais run.
  • 在大风大浪中从多佛港横渡到加
    Have a rough crossing from Dover to Calais
  • “明天有去加的邮船么,帐房?”
    `There will be a packet to Calais, to-morrow, drawer'
  • 第二天一早醒来,他发现在这段时间里,船已经开到加
    When he woke up next morning, he discovered that the boat had, in the meantime, travelled to Calais.
  • 期望失败了,野心落空了;企图捕获加失败;许多失意的诗人都成为嗜烟教师终老一生;他所有的努力都白费了。
    disappointed expectations and thwarted ambitions; their foiled attempt to capture Calais; many frustrated poets end as pipe-smoking teachers; his best efforts were thwarted.
  • 多的对手加西亚有六英尺三英寸高,是一位有着西班牙人长相的秘鲁前总统。他在竞选中运用华丽的辞藻试图掩盖他那多灾多难的1985年到1990年的总统任期,在他上次任期内,秘鲁国内充斥了贪污腐败、游击队暴力事件、食物短缺和通货过度膨胀。
    Garcia, a 6-foot-3 Spanish-looking former president, used flowery language to overcome memories of his calamitous 1985-90 presidency, marred by corruption, guerrilla violence, food shortages and hyperinflation.
  • 你听过玛丽亚卡斯唱歌吗?
    Did you ever hear Maria Callas sing?
  • 弗朗克.洛德.特不把他自己看成是一个艺术家。
    Frank Lloyd Wright did not call himself an artist.
  • 让诗歌成为克俄帕自己的孩子;
    And poesy made Calliope's own child;
  • 李光耀也在书中谈到他对一些国家、领袖和历史事件的看法,包括苏哈多、印尼总统瓦希德、泰国、文苏丹、越南、缅甸、柬埔寨、英国领导人、日本、美国、台湾和香港等等。
    Lee also recounts his impressions of nations, leaders and historic events as diverse as Indonesia from Suharto to President Wahid, Thailand, the Sultan of Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, British leaders, Japan, America to Taiwan, Hong Kong and others.
  • 迈克尔·弗里兰在《卫报》上写道:“詹姆斯·卡梅隆可能以为他是世界之王,但结果可能只是一种新的地狱的君主,统治着大概是好坞历史上最糟时期的东西。”
    "James Cameron may think he is king of the world, but he could turn out to be a monarch of a new kind of hell, presiding over what could be the worst time in Hollywood history," Michael Freedland wrote in the Guardian.
  • 对于德国总理施罗德来说,足球也成了世界杯期间他生活中不可或缺的一部分。但是因为要会见到访的文苏丹,他错过了德国对喀麦隆的上半场比赛。
    Football is the order of the day too with German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder who missed the first half of Germany's match against Cameroon to meet with the visiting Sultan of Brunei.
  • 我和妻子朱迪丝以及我们2岁的女儿拉租了一辆小型野营车,在加利福利亚州的巴加旅行。
    My wife, Judith, our two-year-old daughter, Leila, and I had rented a small camper and were traveling through Baja California.
  • 是的,克门特跑第三名。
    Yes, clement cane in tried.
  • 是的,克门特跑第三名。
    Yes, Clement Cane is third.
  • 杰弗里·乔叟(约1343~1400),写有《声誉之宫》、《特罗拉斯与克西德》、《善良女子的传说》和《坎特伯雷故事集》;
    Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1343-1400), who wrote The House of Fame, Troilus and Criseyde, The Legend of Good Women and The Canterbury Tales;
  • 峡谷那阳光照耀的斜坡;长满紫罗兰的山谷和阳光照耀的山脊——华士·斯坦格勒。
    the sunlit slopes of the canyon; violet valleys and the sunstruck ridges- Wallace Stegner.
  • 克林顿坚信自己是共和党宣传攻击机器的牺牲品,他们早在利用他和温斯基的事大做文章之前,就在国会山宣布了要弹劾他的打算。
    Clinton hasn't the slightest doubt that he's the victim of a GOP attack machine that announced on Capitol Hill its intention to impeach him long before he gave them the Monica Lewinsky story to exploit.
  • 檬汽水有甜味的檬汁饮料,其中加放了普通水或汽水
    A sweetened beverage of lime juice and plain or carbonated water.