  • 具有属于天使或娃娃的美好天性的。
    having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub.
  • 帕梅拉·弗德,是一位20多岁的女孩儿,有着一张天使聪慧的脸。
    Pamela Ford was in her twenties, with the face of an intelligent angel.
  • 她有着天使的微笑。
    She has an angelic smile.
  • 那个歌唱家有着天使的嗓音。
    The singer has an angelic voice.
  • 天使的微笑、声音、面孔
    An angelic smile, voice, face
  • 现世行为的超凡动机;短暂的世俗之乐;在现世的舞台上近乎天使的人。
    transcendental motives for sublunary actions; fleeting sublunary pleasures; the nearest to an angelic being that treads this terrestrial ball.
  • 李尔王在瑞根和高纳里尔残酷虐待下神志错乱,在荒野上,他怒斤狂风暴雨,挥舞双拳,咒骂天宇的冷酷无情、麻木不仁,正像飞虫捉弄顽童一,天神也在戏弄虚弱不堪的老人。第四幕第七场描写的是李尔发疯后被带到多佛苏醒时的情景。他睁开双眼,还以为看见了天使的灵魂——他的女儿考狄莉亚。
    This is where Lear, brought to Dover after having gone mad from the Cruelties of Regan and Goneril and having raged at the howling storm on the heath, shaking his fist at the cruel indifference of the cosmos that toys with weak old men like flies to wanton boys, awakens to what he at first thinks is an angelic apparition- his daughter Cordelia.
  • 天使的恶魔-这是一种自相矛盾的说法。
    An angelical fiend is a contradiction in terms.
  • 肌酸酐:一种肌酸酐,c4h7n3o,由肌酸的新陈代谢形成,发现于肌肉细胞组织和血液中,一作为新陈代谢的废物通过尿液排出。
    Creatinine:a creatine anhydride, C4H7N3O, formed by the metabolism of creatine, that is found in muscle tissue and blood and normally excreted in the urine as a metabolic waste.
  • 由于丝绸服装大量需求,我们一不给任何折扣,除非订购额超过50000美元。
    As silk garment is in great demand, we do not usually grant any discount unless you place an order for more than$50000.
  • 然而达此目的的战争形式,有运动战、阵地战、游击战三种,实现时的效果就有程度的不同,因而一地有所谓消耗战和歼灭战之别。
    Since there are three forms of warfare, mobile, positional and guerrilla, for achieving this object, and since they differ in degrees of effectiveness, there arises the broad distinction between war of attrition and war of annihilation.
  • 有关此点,我在十月的首份《施政报告》中已概略介绍过多项主要的新措施,包括提供足够土地每年兴建八万五千个住宅单位,以加强住屋费用方面的竞争力;研究方法解决人手不足,特别是专才短缺的问题;提高本港制造业的增值能力,以及寻找更佳方法,务求即使在邻近经济体系币值占优的情况下,仍能像以往吸引游客访港等等。
    I have outlined a number of major initiatives in this respect in my first policy address in October - by providing sufficient land to build 85,000 units of apartments per annum to enhance the competitiveness in the cost of our housing and by examining what needs to address the manpower shortage especially at the high end of the market, by enhancing the value-added in our manufacturing industry, by finding better ways to attract tourists back to Hong Kong despite the currency advantage in the neighbouring economies, and so on.
  • 于是,时不时地就会有人预言世界末日即将到来,这种预言一是建立在对《启示录》的新的数学分析或者对异常天文现象的观察上。
    Thus, peri-odically someone will predict the end of the world,usually based on a new mathematical interpretation of the book of Revelations or observation of an astro-nomical anomaly.
  • 大陆地球上主要的大块陆地之一,一认为包括非洲、南极洲、亚洲、澳洲、欧洲、北美洲及南美洲
    One of the principal land masses of the earth, usually regarded as including Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
  • 蛾任一种灰色鳞翅目昆虫,一在夜间活动,长有毛发状或被羽毛覆盖的触角以及短粗的躯体,还生有将前后翅膀连在一起的翅缰,并以此特征与蝴蝶相区别
    Any of numerous insects of the order Lepidoptera, generally distinguished from butterflies by their nocturnal activity, hairlike or feathery antennae, stout bodies, and the frenulum that holds the front and back wings together.
  • 免疫耐受性对一会产生免疫性反应的抗原不作任何反应
    Unresponsiveness to an antigen that normally produces an immunological reaction.
  • 埃米看到那旅馆和美丽的海滩激动得发狂一
    Amy went ape over the hotel and beautiful beaches.
  • 照相机一种用于拍摄照片的器械,一由一遮光室组成,该遮光室带有一有层叠透镜的光圈,物体的影象通过它聚焦并被记录在一感光底片或感光板上
    An apparatus for taking photographs, generally consisting of a lightproof enclosure having an aperture with a shuttered lens through which the image of an object is focused and recorded on a photosensitive film or plate.
  • 14世纪法国著名的预言家诺查丹玛斯曾预言人类末日将在公元1999年7月来临,喧嚣尘世的《圣经密码》一书亦声称第三次世界大战将在公元2000元来临以前爆发,而这一次的战争将是史无前例的残酷,人类最终会在2006年由于核战而如恐龙绝迹于这个千疮百孔的世界。
    The famous 14th Century French prophet Nostrademus had predicted that the Apocalypse would come in July 1999. The Bible Code, a best-selling book, predicts that World War Three would erupt before the year 2000. It would be a war with unprecedented brutality, and mankind would become extinct, like the dinosaurs, in 2006 when nuclear warfare finally destroys the Earth.
  • 太阳光的金发是与金发的希腊神阿波罗对应的女性形象——在略微使其人性化后。
    Sun blonds are the female counterparts of the blond Greek god Apollo light personified.
  • 精巧、优美而且有吸引力(一指小姑娘和年轻女性)。
    the quality of being appealing in a delicate or graceful way (of a girl or young woman).
  • 他的演说不时被暴风雨的掌声打断。
    His speech was frequently interrupted by stormy applause.
  • 雷鸣的掌声打破了寂静。
    The stillness was rent by thunderous applause.
  • 观众中突然响起了暴风雨的掌声。
    The audience burst into stormy applause.
  • 插头一种接头配件,一有为插入一固定的插座而设计的两根金属棒,用来联结电器和电力供应系统
    A fitting, commonly with two metal prongs for insertion in a fixed socket, used to connect an appliance to a power supply.
  • 普通的或一的或广泛分布的性质,普遍适用性。
    the quality of being general or widespread or having general applicability.
  • 情况下,成年极地熊四脚着地时的身高大约有1米左右,由鼻子到尾巴的身长为250-350厘米。
    In general, adult polar bears stand approximately 1 metre tall when on all fours and have an approximate body length from nose to tail of 250 to 350 centimeters.
  • 地说,人们总想得到他们不能得到的东西。
    Generally speaking, people are apt to wish for what they can't have.
  • 甚至孩童时他就显露出非同一的数学才能
    Even as a child he showed an unusual aptitude for mathematics.
  • 如果孩子确有某种超群的天才,那当然应该扶植发展。但就一情况说,下面这句格言是很有用的:“长期的训练会通过适应化难为易。”
    It is true, that if the affection or aptness of the children were extraordinary, then it is good not to cross it; but generally the precept is good, optimum elige, suave et facile illud faciet consuetudo.
  • 田园满足的乡村生活
    A country life of arcadian contentment.
  • 在一张流露着难以描绘其风韵的鹅蛋脸上,嵌着两只乌黑的大眼睛,上面两道弯弯细长的眉毛,纯净得犹如人工画就的一,眼睛上盖着浓密的睫毛,当眼帘低垂时,给玫瑰色的脸颊投去一抹淡淡的阴影;
    Upon an oval of indescribable loveliness, place two dark eyes beneath brows so cleanly arched that they might have been painted on; veil those eyes with lashes so long that, when lowered, they cast shadows over the pink flush of the cheeks;