  • 凯特比我聪明。
    Kate is smarter than I.
  • 哇!这孩子真明!一定是天才!
    Wow, this is a bright kid! He must be a genius!
  • 他是个明伶俐的小伙子,像是无所不知。
    He is a smart lad, and seems to know all the answers.
  • 他还自以为明,真有意思!
    He thinks he is clever, What a lark!
  • 他很明,然而却很懒。
    He is clever, and yet lazy.
  • 博学者未必都是明的。
    Learned men are not necessarily wise.
  • 把学得慢的学生编在混合班里对他们有好处。少数几个明的、有兴趣于学习的学生可以活跃全班的学习气氛。
    It’s good for slow listeners to be in a class of mixed ability. A few bright and interested minds can leaven the whole lump.
  • 她又说,“她不善于逻辑思维,从不认为自己很明,但她见多识广,懂得很多。”
    "She had trouble thinking logically, and she never thought she was bright, but she knew so much," she said.
  • 他们并非那种仅凭足够的明才智便能创造乌托邦的“万物之灵。”
    They aren’t the lords of creation who could produce a utopia if only they were clever enough.
  • 婴儿卡罗莱娜跟巴卜罗长成又明又健康的儿童……据某些人说,他们知道他们是被收养的。据所有的人说,他们有受到疼爱与照顾。
    The babies, Carolina and Pablo, grew into bright and healthy children,… By some accounts, they knew they were adopted. By all accounts, they were lovingly cared for.
  • 人处压迫下,明也会疯。
    Oppression maketh a wise man mad.
  • 仙女具有人形的小的虚构形象,被描述为明、淘气和有魔力
    A tiny imaginary being in human form, depicted as clever, mischievous, and possessing magical powers.
  • 明的政客知道如何操纵公众舆论。
    A clever politician know how to manipulate public opinion.
  • 1个明的政治家知道如何利用他的拥护者。
    A clever politician knows how to manipulate his supporters.
  • 1个明的政治家知道如何利用舆论。
    A clever politician knows how to manipulate public opinion.
  • 耍小明,搞小动作,不老老实实的;
    petty operators who are always manoeuvring;
  • 她是一个很明的女人。
    She is a woman of marked intelligence.
  • 明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再明起来。
    The wise never marry, and when they marry they become otherwise.
  • 即使是最明的人也会对小孩在如此之短的时间里学会其母语的能力感到惊异。
    Even the cleverest people marvel at a child's ability to learn his native languagee in such a short time.
  • 即使最明的人对孩子在如此短的时间里学会他的母语的能力也会感到惊讶。
    Even the cleverest people marvel at a child 's ability to learn his native language in such a short time.
  • 不要拿你的小明来对付我高深的智慧。
    Don't pit your puny wit against my massive intelligence.
  • 明的人应该是在采取行动前先仔细考虑一下。
    Clever people should meditate on the problems before acting.
  • 他的思想的动作将更为灵活;其排列将更有秩序;他可以看出来把这些思想变成言语的时候它们是什么模样;他终于变得比以往的他明,而要达到这种情形,一小时的谈话比一天的沉思为效更巨——这些都是没有疑义的。
    He tosseth his thoughts more easily; He marshalleth them more orderly, he seeth how they look when they are turned into words: finally, he waxeth wiser than himself; And that more by an hour's iscourse, than by a day's meditation.
  • 历史使人聪明;
    Histories make men wise;
  • 为了提高停车收费表的操作效率,当局已在一九九七年底批出新合约,由承办商供应接受明卡付款的电子停车收费表。
    To improve the efficiency of parking meter operations, a new contract for the supply of electronic parking meters which accept smart cards was awarded in late 1997.
  • 为了向全社会展示“双学双比”活动的丰硕成果和对农村改革与两个文明建设的有力推动,展现当代农村妇女的明才智和崭新风貌,激励更多的农村妇女投身社会主义新农村建设,在“双学双比”活动十周年之际,全国妇联、农业部、财政部等15个部委联合组织两项纪念活动:
    To exhibit the great success achieved in the dual campaign, the talents and completely new look of rural women and encourage more rural women to throw themselves into construction of the new countryside and give a more vigorous push to the rural reform and development of material and moral civilizations, 15 ministries and commissions including the ACWF, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Finance have decided to jointly hold the following two activities to celebrate the tenth anniversary of "Learning and Competing Campaign".
  • 他既明又小气,你从他那里是根本骗不到钱的。
    He is wise and miserly and you cannot skin him out of money.
  • 身体有残疾的人被称为“移动受到挑战的人”,盲人被称为“视觉受损的人”,不太明的人被称为“不拥有知识库者”。
    The handi-capped are now ' mobility-challenged ', the blind 'perceptually impaired' and the not so bright 'knowl-edge-base non-possessors'.
  • 或者以为一个在发怒中的人和一个默数过二十四个字母的人一般地明;或者以为一枝旧式毛瑟枪,托在臂上放和托在架上放一样地得力;他可以有许多类此的愚蠢骄傲的妄想,以为自己一身就很够了。
    Or that a man in anger, is as wise as he that hath said over the four and twenty letters; or that a musket may be shot off as well upon the arm, as upon a rest; and such other fond and high imaginations, to think himself all in all.
  • 明人从邻人的错误中吸取教训。
    From a neighbour's fault a wise man correct his own.
  • 太慧,或思想太多的男女有时会接受这个观念,因而变成和尚与尼姑;
    Men and women who are too intelligent, or inclined to think too much, sometimes accept this view and become monks and nuns;
  • 很明显,她挺聪明。
    It is obvious that she is very clever.