  • 他们这样迅速地和自愿地加入农业生产合作社,难道不是我们党从众本身的经验出发,大量地帮助农民从组织季节性的互助组起,进而组织常年互助组,进而组织初级合作社,又进而组织高级合作社,使农民从实践中确信了合作化的优越性的结果吗?
    Why have the peasants joined the agricultural producers' co-operatives so readily of their own will? Is it not because our Party, proceeding from the masses' own experience, gave extensive assistance to the peasants in organizing seasonal mutual-aid teams, then year-round mutual-aid teams, then elementary co-operatives, and finally advanced co-operatives, so that the peasants came through practice with a firm belief in the superiority of co-operative transformation?
  • 产于加拉帕哥斯岛的栖息于海滨并以海藻为食的蜥蜴。
    shore-dwelling seaweed-eating lizard of the Galapagos Islands.
  • 苔藓虫苔藓虫门的小型水生动物,通过芽生繁殖,形成象苔藓一样的分支体,一直附着在石头或海草上
    Any of various small aquatic animals of the phylum Bryozoa that reproduce by budding and form mosslike or branching colonies permanently attached to stones or seaweed.
  • 固着型水生动物,形成象苔藓一样珊瑚虫体,每只有弯曲或圆形的背脊;附着在石头或海藻上,通过芽接繁殖。
    sessile aquatic animal forming mosslike colonies of small polyps each having a curved or circular ridge bearing tentacles; attach to stones or seaweed and reproduce by budding.
  • 安圭拉岛英属西印度岛,位于背风岛北部,17世纪英国人在此定居,1967年以前一直是圣济慈-奈维斯-安圭拉自治领的一部分,当时它是半独立。1969年要求完全独立,引发了英国军队的登陆事件
    An island of the British West Indies in the northern Leeward Islands. Settled by the British in the17th century, it was part of the self-governing colony of St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla until1967, when it seceded unilaterally. A bid for full independence led to the landing of British troops in1969.
  • 鼓吹从大的体中分离出来的人(例如一个英国国教或一个国家联盟)。
    an advocate of secession or separation from a larger group (such as an established church or a national union).
  • 隐退,隐居脱离人或不见他人的性质或状态
    The quality or condition of being secluded from the presence or view of others.
  • 裸体主义信仰或实行裸体,尤指在隐蔽的两性混杂的体中为了健康的原因
    The belief in or practice of going nude, especially in secluded, sexually mixed groups for reasons of health.
  • 第二,动员众的方式,不应该是官僚主义的。
    Secondly, we must not be bureaucratic in our methods of mobilizing the masses.
  • 被依法处理的信教的人中,有进行颠覆国家政权,破坏、危害国家安全活动的,有煽动众抗拒执行国家法律、法规的,也有挑动众互相殴斗、严重扰乱社会秩序的,还有假借宗教名义诈骗钱财、危害他人身心健康、诱奸妇女的,等等,没有一个是因信教而被捕的。
    Among the religious people who were dealt with according to law, some were engaged in subversion against the state regime or activities endangering national security, some instigated the masses to defy state laws and regulations, others incited the masses to infighting that seriously disturbed public order, and still others swindled money, molested other people physically and mentally and seduced women in the name of religion. In short, none of them were arrested only because of their religious beliefs.
  • 她正在用竹竿驱赶一在秧田上空盘旋的麻雀。
    With a bamboo pole she is beating off a flock of sparrows hovering over the seedling patches.
  • 略带黑色的微小的居飞虫,破坏蘑菇和树苗。
    minute blackish gregarious flies destructive to mushrooms and seedlings.
  • 一种长于西印度岛和佛罗里达的小树,有奇数羽状的大叶和从带红色条纹的紫色至白色的圆锥花序,可产美观的翼状卷曲心皮,;产毒。
    small tree of West Indies and Florida having large odd-pinnate leaves and panicles of red-striped purple to white flowers followed by decorative curly winged seedpods; yields fish poisons.
  • 通过就业服务体系为劳动者求职和企业用人提供指导、咨询与介绍服务,对初次求职者进行就业前训练,对失业人员进行转业训练,并提供失业保险,为就业弱势体提供就业岗位。
    The system offers guidance, consultancy and agency services to job seekers and employers, offers pre-job training and vocational training courses to seekers of employment and reemployment, and provides unemployment insurance. The system also offers job openings to those of the weak group in the employment field.
  • 芭蕾舞剧随音乐伴奏而进行的舞或独舞的戏剧表演,通常以服装和布景效果,来表达一个故事或主题
    A theatrical presentation of group or solo dancing to a musical accompaniment, usually with costume and scenic effects, conveying a story or theme.
  • 易受大众传媒影响的部分众。
    the segment of the public that is easily influenced by mass media (chiefly British).
  • 用两条船拉曳的鱼网,碰到鱼时它们合围然后由纲线收起鱼网。
    a seine designed to be set by two boats around a school of fish and then closed at the bottom by means of a line.
  • 从一人中选择出……来。
    select from a group.
  • 经过挑选的媒介巨头
    A select group of media influentials.
  • 经过挑选的人士被邀请参加婚宴。
    A select group were invited to the wedding reception.
  • 被选出或征召服役的一
    A body of people selected or conscripted.
  • 在奥运会前六年,精心设计创造一批具有国际影响的知名品牌文化活动,孕育形成一批有北京城市文化特点、吸引普通众参与、深受广大众喜爱的市民文化品牌,并利用北京组织重大国际性活动,特别是体育赛事的机遇,努力营造北京文化生活的新亮点。
    In the six years running up to the Olympic Games, Beijing will produce a range of carefully crafted cultural events worthy of international acclaim, and foster the growth of popular cultural activities that will appeal to average residents and can therefore attract broad citizen participation. Furthermore, Beijing will take full advantage of the significant international activities that will be organized in the coming few years, especially sports events, to provide new highlights of cultural life in Beijing.
  • 还开设有临时展厅,举办各种主题性展览,如近年来的《古书画真伪对比展》、《古陶瓷真仿品对比及古窑址资料展》、《清代宫廷包装艺术展》、《五十年入藏文物精品展》等,都是广受社会各界欢迎的展览。同时也引进国内各兄弟博物馆和国外的收藏文物展。为满足广大众的要求,故宫博物院还组织小型文物展到各省市博物馆展出,并应邀到国外举办各种形式的展览,特别是改革开放以来,此类展览愈见频繁。
    A number of thematic shows have been held in galleries devoted to temporary exhibitions; in recent years these have included such acclaimed ones as "A Comparison of Authentic and Counterfeit Paintings and Calligraphy", "Genuine and Imitation Examples of Ancient Porcelain and Materials from Ancient Kilns", "The Art of Packaging in the Qing Court" and "Selections from the Finest Acquisitions of the Last Fifty Years". Moving exhibitions have also graced various provincial museums and museums abroad.
  • 这本书得到适度的赞扬;他向人答谢喝彩。
    the book met with modest acclaim; he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd; they gave him more eclat than he really deserved.
  • 在人中我只是无意推了她一下,然而她却大声惨叫。
    I only jostled her accidentally in the crowd yet she screamed blue murder.
  • 当参议员卡罗尔出现时,众立即欢呼。
    The crowd broke forth in cheers when Senator Carol appeared.
  • 他正赶着一羊上市。
    He was sending a drove of sheep to market.
  • 离开塞内加尔海岸的大西洋中的一岛屿。
    a group of islands in the Atlantic off of the coast of Senegal.
  • 这个消息在人中引起了轰动。
    the announcement caused a sensation.
  • 流亡在外的达赖对旧西藏普遍的践踏人民众基本人权的状况只字不提,竭力掩饰,却对新西藏的发展、进步百般诋毁和攻击,以编造耸人听闻的谎言欺骗世界舆论。
    Making no mention whatsoever of the situation where trampling the people's basic human rights was commonplace in old Tibet, the exiled Dalai Lama has tried by every means to cover it up and vilify and attack the development and progress in new Tibet. He also fabricates sensational lies to befuddle world opinion.
  • 小报依靠耸人听闻的故事维持读者
    the tabloids relied on sensationalism to maintain their circulation.
  • 鹿感觉到了有危险,都逃到树林里去了。
    The herd of deer sensed the danger and made off into the woods.