  • 综合通信系统
    integrated communication system
  • 大气污染综合防治
    integrated control of atmospheric pollution
  • 水污染综合防治
    integrated control of water pollution
  • 城市工程管线合设计
    integrated design for subgrade piping system
  • 喀纳斯合自然景观保护区
    Kanasi Integrated Nature Landscape Protect Region
  • 在内容上,交易会是集高新技术成果交易、技术引进和技术出口、科技研讨与信息交流于一体的合性交易会。
    So far as its content is concerned, the Fair will be a comprehensive one, integrating transactions of hi-tech achievements, technology import and export, scientific and technological explorations and information exchanges.
  • 通过全面整合,合利用现有一百多个博物馆、二百多万件藏品展品,构建多种类、多层次的博览体系。
    Whenever possible, Beijing will offer its help in the museum projects. An elaborate and extensive museum network can be created by integrating the resources of the over 100 museums that already exist in the city, which together have more than two million exhibits on display.
  • 提高场馆智能化水平,统一规划场馆内的合布线系统,建设场馆合监视系统,对场馆内关键设施进行集中、可视化的协同监管。
    Improve intellectualized levels of stadiums and gymnasiums, make an overall planning of comprehensive line-fixing systems in stadiums and gymnasiums and build comprehensive monitoring system in these places so as to impose concentrated and visualized coordinated control and supervision over key facilities in them.
  • 以科技为先导,强化训练和管理,全面提高教练员、运动员的合素质和竞技能力。
    Using science and technology as the leading factor, intensify the training and management, improve the overall qualities and athletic ability of the coaches and athletes in an all-round way.
  • 这一项目是中国第一个跨省区、跨行业、合性的扶贫开发项目,也是迄今为止利用外资规模最大的扶贫项目。
    This inter-province, inter-industry comprehensive aid project is the largest of its kind in China, and one that has made use of the largest amount of foreign funds so far.
  • 当今世界,文化与经济和政治相互交融,在合国力竞争中的地位和作用越来越突出。
    In the present-day world, culture is interactive with economic and political activities, and its status and functions are becoming more and more outstanding in the competition in overall national strength.
  • 依托数字奥运标志性建筑,将数字集群等各类用于奥运会的信息基础设施合集成使用,建设合指挥决策信息共享平台,实现各类信息系统互联互通、信息资源共享。
    Supported by building symbolizing Digital Olympics, make comprehensive and integrated use of information basic facilities for the Olympics such as digital trunk system and build a platform for sharing comprehensive command and decision-making information so as to realize interconnection and intercommunication of various information systems as well as sharing of information resources.
  • 其原因是这种企业内部或企业之间的电子网络大大提高了生产、统筹、信息合和资料交换的效率,使业务迅速合理化,不仅促进了生产,也大幅度地降低了成本。
    The reason for this transformation is that intra- andinter-business electronic links greatly increase the efficiency of production, planning, the collecting of information and data exchange. As the business is rapidly being rationalised, production figures go up while costs come down.
  • 这是一本情节错复杂的小说。
    This is a novel with an intricate plot.
  • 复杂的、错的和涉及的
    Complex, intricate, and involved.
  • 棘手的很难理解或解决的;令人困惑地错复杂的
    Difficult to understand or solve; puzzlingly intricate.
  • 精美和错复杂的装饰(通常在金或者银或者其他好的双扭线里)。
    delicate and intricate ornamentation (usually in gold or silver or other fine twisted wire).
  • 以他的百万富翁的心理错,我相信在天堂住到第二星期,对于那些珍珠门一定会感到相当厌倦,而上帝到那时候一定是束手无策,想不出什么办法可以博得这个纵容坏了的孩子的欢心了。
    I am sure that with his millionaire complex, he will be pretty sick of the Pearly Gates during his second week in Heaven, and God will be at His wits' end to invent something else to please this spoiled child.
  • 因此,一九九九年的有形及无形贸易合盈余显着上升。
    In consequence, there was a marked increase in the combined visible and invisible trade surplus over the year.
  • 他还说:"天气并不是引起一个人'驾驶合症'的真正原因,但是如果其他某种原因已经惹得他心烦意乱,那么阴沉的天气也就成了'导火索'。"
    "Weather doesn't really cause (a person) to have road rage, but it can be a 'last straw' when other things have already caused them to feel irritable," he added.
  • 一个位于美国新泽西州的合性大学。
    a university in New Jersey.
  • 我总是有时差合症。
    I always have trouble with jet lag.
  • 把一堆错复杂的规则加以分类整理
    Sorting through the jungle of regulations.
  • 本章提供了一个核心源代码的述。
    This chapter gives an overview of the kernel sources.
  • 例如,将在2003年5月21日至23日举行的基辅部长级“欧洲环境”会议议程上将水问题列于重要地位,包括通过下列文书:欧洲经委会水和工业事故公约关于民间对跨国界水域工业事故引致损害应负责任的议定书;以及协助新独立国家的环境战略,包括合水资源管理和国际河域问题。
    For example, water issues will have a prominent place on the agenda of the Kiev ministerial conference on the theme “Environment for Europe”, to be held from 21 to 23 May 2003, including the adoption of a protocol to the ECE water and industrial accidents conventions on civil liability for damage caused by industrial accidents on transboundary waters, and an environment strategy for the newly independent States that includes integrated water resources management and international river basin issues.
  • lib通过把多个输入的标签联到同一外出标签信息中而简化了转发,提高了可扩性,从而提供了一类新型的合摘要路由。
    The LIB can simplify forwarding and increase scalability by tying many incoming labels to the same outgoing label information, providing a new type of integrated summary routing.
  • 复杂的规章和制度
    A labyrinth of rules and regulations.
  • 此外,政府已?手制订一个合减少废物计划,预计在一九九八年初实施。该计划的目的,是要减低需要堆填的废物数量。
    An integrated waste reduction plan - aimed at reducing the amount of waste requiring landfill disposal - is being formulated for implementation by early 1998.
  • 杰夫:我是特意赶回来告诉你一个好消息,今晚7:30分在合馆有一场电影《大红灯笼高高挂》。这部影片不是你最想看的吗?
    Jeff: I came with special news for you. A film will be on show tonight. It is the "Raise The Red Lantern", which is what you like to see the most.
  • 只有多方面的、合的改革,才能为价格改革创造条件。
    Only through the latter can we create the conditions for the former.
  • 所有知识的综合
    The synthesis of all learning.
  • 不能抽烟:它同婴儿猝死合症有关。
    No smoking: It has been linked to SIDS.