  • 木版作成的横梁;有中的矩形截面。
    a beam built up from boards; has a hollow rectangular cross section.
  • (喇叭形)天线中的,金属制成的电磁发射天线,具有圆形或矩形的覆盖网
    A hollow, metallic electromagnetic transmission antenna with a circular or rectangular cross section.
  • 一种整流器是这样造成的、把铜片在气中加热,直到在一面形成一层薄薄氧化铜。再把这铜片切成圆片,夹在一起,中间垫进铅垫圈。
    One kind of rectifier is made by heating; a sheet of copper in air until a thin layer of copperoxide forms on one side. The sheet is cut into disks, and these are clamped together with lead washers in tetween.
  • 请在信封左上角贴上印有“航”的纸签。
    Please affix an " An Mail " sticker on the envelope at the top left corner.
  • 在大部分工业化世界里,气、水和土壤长期缓慢的污染所引起的一系列问题难以解决和纠正。
    In many parts of the industrialized world, long-term chronic pollution of air, water, and soil pose problems that are difficult to resolve and rectify.
  • 新鲜气可助人康复的作用
    The recuperative powers of fresh air
  • 当然,越多罐回收再生,对环境越有利。
    And the more empty cans that can be collected for recycling, the better.
  • 通红的天使地平线上的一行清晰可见。
    The reddening sky threw into relief a line of trees on the horizon.
  • 这篇报导为官方人士所断然否认,他们断言根本没有这回事,其内容纯属凭捏造。
    This report is positively denied in official circles, who affirm that nothing of the kind occurred, but that the story is made out of whole cloth.
  • 这篇报导为官方人士断然否认,他们断言根本没有这回事,其内容线性凭捏造。
    This report is positively denied in official circles, who affirm that nothing of the kind occured, but that the story is made of whole cloth.
  • 一九一九年公布的《巴黎航公约》和一九四四年签署的《芝加哥公约》均确认,每个国家对其领具有完全的、排他性的主权的原则。
    The 1919 Paris Aviation Convention and the 1944 Chicago Convention affirm the principle of complete and exclusive sovereignty of each country over its airspace.
  • 1.高质量、高性能电子信息系统难以置信地迅速扩散,创造了全球网络--网络间,从而改变了我们经营的方式。
    l.The incredibly rapid proliferation of high-quality,high performance electronic information systems have created the Global Network--Cyberspace--thus redefining how we conduct business.
  • 它可获取财富,它要剥夺竞争对手的财富。信息战争与权力有关。控制信息就控制了金钱。信息战争与恐惧有关。控制信息的人能让那些企图保住自己秘密的人感到恐惧。纽约银行就经历了这种恐惧,它在一天里就丢失了230亿美元。信息战争与政治有关。当德国政府支持情报机构对美国进行黑客活动时,盟友的含义就需要重新确定了。或者当为扰乱美国经济伊朗政府暗中支持向美国市场投放假币时,我们应该隐隐察觉到冲突已不同于以往。信息战争与生存有关。法国和以色列发展各自的经济,把全部所有的工业部门都建筑在偷窃美国的机密的基础上。日本和韩国,在他们政府的帮助下,只要美国的技术一离开设计图板就把它偷走了。信息战争与挑衅和侵犯公民权有关。无论是在发达国家还是在发展中国家,从网络间的城堡里走来了不起眼的黑客,他们一无所有而不怕失去。他们了解进行信息战争的经济收益。信息战争就是要控制信息。随着网络间的扩展和电子无政府状态的蔓延,现实社会越来越失去控制。从80年代末和整个90年代的情况来看,信息战争不可避免。
    It's about the acquisition of wealth,and the denial of wealth to competitors. Information Warfare is about power. He who controls the information controls the money. Information Warfare is about fear. He who controls the information can instill fear in those who want to keep their secrets a secret.It's the fear that the Bank of New York felt when it found itself $ billion short of cash in only one day. Information Warfare is about politics. When the German government sponsors intelligence agency hacking against U.S. computers,the concept of ally needs to be redefined. Or when Iran takes aim at the U.S. economy by state sponsored counterfeiting,we should have a glimmer that conflict is not what it once was. Information Warfare is about survival.France and Israel developed their respective economies and based entire industries on stealing American secrets.Japan and Korea purloin American technology as it comes off the drawing boards with the help of their governments. Information Warfare is about defiance and disenfranchisement in both modern and Third World societies. From the inner cities of Cyberspace come fringe? element hackers with nothing to lose. They recognize the economic benefits of waging Information Warfare. Information Warfare is about the control of information.As a society we maintain less and less control as Cyberspace expands and electronic anarchy reigns.Given global conditions of the late 1980s and 1990s, Information Warfare is inevitable.
  • 为改善效率和善用警政大楼对开地,综合重建警察总部的策划已展开。
    Planning has begun for the comprehensive redevelopment of Police Headquarters to improve efficiency and more fully utilise the Arsenal Yard site.
  • 当局正进行一项实验计划,测试连系地盘的方法,将一个入不敷支的重建地盘与另一个置地盘的发展连系起来,令重建计划有利可图。
    A pilot scheme is being implemented to test the linked-site approach, under which a redevelopment project that is not financially viable on its own is linked the development of a vacant site to produce a financially viable package.
  • 二零零一年,房屋委员会和房屋协会共提供70527个单位,编配给各类别的申请人,其中49900个为新单位、19700个为翻新单位,另有927个为置单位。这些单位有56%编配给公屋轮候册上的申请人、29%编配给受房屋委员会整体重建计划影响的租户、1%编配给受清拆计划影响的家庭、2%编配给初级公务员。其余获编配单位的包括火灾和天灾灾民、位处危险地点的寮屋及其他搭建物的住户,以及由社会福利署推荐给予体恤安置的人士。
    In 2001, 70 527 flats were allocated by the HKHA and the HKHS to various categories of applicant. Of these flats, 49 900 were new, 19 700 refurbished and 927 being vacant flats: 56 per cent were allocated to Waiting List applicants, 29 per cent to tenants affected by the HKHA's Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme, 1 per cent to families affected by clearances, 2 per cent to junior civil servants, and the remainder to victims of fire and natural disasters, occupants of huts and other structures at dangerous locations, and compassionate cases recommended by the Social Welfare Department.
  • 这种方法提供了对闲带宽的自动重新分配。
    This methodology provides an automated redistribution of idle bandwidth.
  • 那炼铁厂喷射出红光到中。
    The forge belched redly at the sky.
  • 熔炉在中发红地喷发——艾德里·兰利。
    the forge belched redly at the sky-Adria Langley.
  • 大厅里散发着地板蜡的气味;散发着啤酒和威士忌酒味道的气。
    the hall was redolent of floor wax; air redolent with the fumes of beer and whiskey.
  • 干部的学习气要加强。
    Cadres should redouble their efforts to study.
  • 这一2.0版的特性为第三方团体提供了有力的支持,这些第三方团体包括那些为特定标识系统提供认证的团体,或者是提供一个特定分类法的团体,对于后者而言,可能对该分类法的使用具有策略上的控制,比如仅能使用一组特定的分类值间,比如只能让联盟或协会内成员使用该分类法。
    This Version 2.0 feature makes it possible for a third party, who perhaps specializes in identity verification or provides a specialized classification that is restricted in use to either specific value sets or as applicable to specific members of a group or affiliation with an organization.
  • 沦为洞的形式主义的创造性
    Creativity reduced to an empty formalism
  • 通过删除间隙、字段、冗余项或不必要的数据以缩短记录或文件的长度来节省存储间。
    To save storage space by eliminating gaps, empty fields redundancy, or unnecessary data to shorten the length of records or files.
  • 话好无行动,等于一场
    Good words without deed is rush and reed.
  • 中国航学会北京航
    Beijing Aviation Museum Affiliated to China Aviation Association
  • 气中弥漫着烟草的气味。
    The air was reeking with the smell of tobacco.
  • 尾片在一盘影片末尾的简短的白的电影片断
    A short, blank strip of film at the end of a reel.
  • 一卷磁带开始处的白段。
    The blank section of tape at the beginning of a reel of tape.
  • 船成功地重返地球大气层。
    The spacecraft made a successful reentry into the earth's atmosphere.
  • 间机动飞行器可能运载的装备之一"通用运飞行器"是一种可从太发射武器的、可重返大气层再利用的航天器。
    Among the payloads the SMV might carry is the Common Aero Vehicle,reentry craft intended to deliver weapons from space.
  • 五角大楼打算开发的装备,包括具备防御能力以及潜在攻击能力设备--例如军用太飞机、太激光器,以及几乎可投放任何规格炸弹的再入式太航天器。
    The hardware on the Pentagon's wish list includes items that have offensive as well as defensive potential -- such as a military spaceplane, a space-based laser, and a reentry vehicle that could drop bombs of virtually any size.