  • 姆已记不清他在马戏场里花掉了多少钱。
    Tom lost track of the money he spent at the circus.
  • 姆在他父母的朋友面前表现得很有礼貌。
    Tom shows his civility before his parents' friends.
  • 面哈肉海鲜怎么样?
    How about chicken noodle clam showder soup?
  • 这是姆。我的同学。
    This is Tom. He's my classmate.
  • 作为运动员,姆觉得爬山很容易。
    Being athlete, Tom found the climb quite easy.
  • 姆想要爬上那棵大树。
    Tom tried climbing the tall tree.
  • 吃一头生蒜可能会让你流眼泪,但你可以把它榨成汁做成热,或以胶囊的形式服用。
    Eating a raw clove brings tears to your eyes but you can crush it into hot soup or take it as capsules.
  • 他们结婚不久姆便露出了他的凶恶本性。
    Shortly after they became man and wife Tom began to show the cloven foot.
  • 那天学生给她带来了各种各样的礼物,礼物上都扎着漂亮的绸带,裹着鲜亮的彩纸,只有泰迪的礼物不大一样,用一块从杂货店袋子上剪下的棕色厚纸笨拙地包着,普森夫人费了好大劲儿才把它打开。
    Her children brought her presents, all in beautiful ribbon and bright paper,except for Teddy's, which was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper of a scissored grocery bag. Mrs.Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents.
  • 农业社会的节庆是跟着大自然的季节走,收割了秋获的金黄稻谷,在日最短夜最长的冬至吃过圆,随着天气越冷,期待过年的氛围就越热烈。
    Festivals in an agricultural society coincide with the change in the seasons. After a bumper harvest in autumn and the Winter Solstice, people begin to feel increasingly excited about ushering in the Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year, as the weather gets colder.
  • 这不是我的老朋友鲍勃·姆森吗--真巧哇!
    If it isn't my old friend Bob Thomson what a coincidence!
  • 、拌色拉、炸鸡、苹果馅饼、咖啡或可乐。
    Consomme, tossed salad, fried chicken, apple pie, coffee or Coke.
  • 姆从马上下来的时候,他的爸爸撞上他了。
    As Tom was alighting from the horse, his father collided with him.
  • 每逢有重要的考试,普林夫人总不忘那科龙香水。
    On days there would be an important test, Mrs. Thompson would remember that cologne.
  • 姆的叔叔去世后,他得到一大笔钱。
    Tom came into a fortune when his uncle died.
  • "小姆身上出现了斑点,所以正卧床休息。"
    Little Tom has come out in spots so he's staying in bed.
  • 姆安乐于他那既无过高要求也不太费劲的工作而不曾想做任何改变。
    Tom is too comfortably ensconced in his modest, undemanding job ever to consider making a change.
  • 姆对足球赛进行实况广播报道。
    Tom kept up s running commentary on the football game.
  • 1949年底前后,美国人劳尔·姆斯以“无线电评论员”名义在西藏探索“华盛顿给西藏以可能的援助”,并在美报刊上报道:“美国已准备承认西藏为独立自由”的国家。
    Around the end of 1949, the American Lowell Thomas roamed Tibet in the guise of a "radio commentator" to explore the "possibility of aid that Washington could give Tibet." He wrote in a US newspaper: " The United States is ready to recognize Tibet as an independent and free country."
  • 托马斯,通常称为姆。
    Thomas, commonly known as Tom.
  • 姆过去每天要往返于乡下的家和城里的学校之间,行程15英里。
    Tom used to commute the fifteen miles between his home in the country and his school in the city.
  • 当同事们举杯向他祝贺那未出世的孩子时,姆不禁露出一种异常得意的神情。
    When Tom's companions drank to the Hans en Kelderr, or Jack in the low cellar, he could not help displaying an extraordinary complacence of countenance.
  • 我需要一些胡椒粉来补充的香味。
    I need some pepper to complement the sweet touch in the soup.
  • 姆告诉大家他在作曲时,众人哄然大笑。
    People fell about when Tom told them he was composing music.
  • 姆发现很难集中注意力。
    Tom finds it difficult to concentrate.
  • 稠的、浓缩的番茄浓
    thick concentrated tomato puree.
  • 我教她配制一种新的诀窍。
    I give her a tip on how to concoct a new kind of soup.
  • 《汽车与驾驶》的编辑詹恩斯,姆设计了道奇的intrepid,克莱斯勒的concorde和鹰型轿车“大为成功”。
    "Tom had hit a major home run" with the new Dodge Intrepid, Chrysler Concorde and Eagle Vision sedans, says William Jeanes, editor of car & Driver.
  • 姆对她的俗气的服饰有点不悦thestave的表示,但没有立即指责。
    Tom raises his eyebrows a little at her vulgar dress, but he does not condemn it outright.
  • 使姆十分惊讶的是,社会地位很高的、有时还是贵族社会和上流社会的贵妇们,怎么会自贬身价,用下流粗话来发泄感情。
    It was greatly surprising to Tom that ladies of standing in society, often of rank and fashion, should condescend to utter sentiments couched in the language of the fish market.
  • 姆的新工作很复杂,人家又没有时间教他,所以他一切都得靠自己。
    Tom's new job was confusing and no one had time to help him learn, so he had to sink or swim.
  • 你看到过姆·史密斯的七叶树吗?他有一棵非常大的七叶树。
    Have you seen Tom Smith's conker? He's got ever such big one!