  • 第六〔商标:注册件;
    Article 6 [Marks: Conditions of Registration;
  • 《土地注册例》规定,所有根据该例注册的文件,其在法律上的优先次序依照注册日期先后决定。
    The Land Registration Ordinance provides that all land documents registered under it shall have priority according to their respective dates of registration.
  • 对不完全具备设立件或在管理上存在一些突出问题的宗教活动场所政府部门予以暂缓登记或临时登记。
    Government departments shall defer the registration or only approve temporary registration of religious sites which cannot completely satisfy these basic requirements or have prominent management problems.
  • 但是这部分计划由于一连串的大风天气不得不改变。实际上最后的情况是:格雷厄姆·怀特带了一个邮袋飞越了乡村,在天气非常恶劣的件下飞了约7英里又返回机场。
    But this part of the programme had to be changed owning to a series of high winds, and what actually happened in the end was this: Graham White took a mail-bag in his aeroplane, and made a flight with it across country, in very bad weather conditions, for a distance of about seven miles, returning to the aerodrome.
  • 有三边的等边多角形。
    a three-sided regular polygon.
  • 《核数例》赋予审计署署长法定权力,审核帐目是否妥善。
    The Audit Ordinance gives the Director statutory authority for conducting regularity audits.
  • 一位作家说:如果那些窟窿碰巧是非常圆的,那么,我们应该把一些小圆石塞进去,以破坏那些圆圈的有规则的线
    One writer suggested that if the perforations happen to be perfectly round, some little pebble should be inserted to break up the regularity of the circle.
  • 实际上里面充满了嗡嗡声和明显的混乱,然而又满有理和规律性,还有以不间断的勤奋从大自然最优质的储藏品中收集而来的食物。”
    but full as it is of buzz and apparent confusion, it is yet full of order and regularity, and food collected with incessant industry from the choicest stores of nature."
  • 为此,要求各地以《例》为准绳,制定或修改本地的办法和规定,使之与《例》保持一致。加强调查研究和政策理论研究,随时解决好工作中带倾向性的问题,总结、交流和推广先进工作经验,树立典型,纠正偏差,规范运作。
    To this end, different localities are required to formulate and modify the local methodology and rules and align them with the Regulations, strengthen field research and policy and theoretical study, address problems indicative of tendencies, summarize, share and apply widely advanced working experiences and to highlight models of excellence, correct aberrations and regularize operations.
  • 2002年7月,中央军委颁布施行《中国人民解放军后勤装备例》,促进了后勤装备的正规化建设。
    In July 2002, the CMC promulgated the Regulations on the Logistical Equipment of the PLA to promote the regularized development of logistical equipment.
  • 在完善训练管理机制方面,严格执行《中国人民解放军军事训练例》等训练法规,实施正规化训练,并适应国家、军队改革调整出现的新形势,加强和改进了训练的组织领导与管理。
    To improve the training management mechanism, efforts have been made to strictly carry out the PLA's Military Training Regulations and other training statutes, conduct regularized training, and enhance the organization, leadership and administration of military training consonant with the new situation arising from the state and armed forces' reform.
  • 这次演习,检验了部队现代化、正规化建设的成果,较好地体现了现代战争的特点,摸索了现代件下诸军兵种协同作战的经验,提高了部队军政素质和实战水平。
    These exercises have given us an opportunity to assess our achievements in building modern, regularized armed forces, and have simulated modern warfare fairly well. They represent part of our effort to explore combined operations by the various services and arms under modern conditions, and have enhanced the political consciousness and military capability of our army, especially its capacity to fight actual battles.
  • 水门由两根带彩的杆构成,杆悬挂在横跨水道上空的缆绳上。
    A gate is composed of two color-striped poles that are suspended from an aerial wire that spans the race waterway.
  • 会议、公会议教会官员和神学研究者的集会,来规定宗教例和原则等事务
    An assembly of church officials and theologians convened for regulating matters of doctrine and discipline.
  • 百叶窗一种有水平板的遮阳物或活动遮板,用来调节光和空气的流通量
    A blind or shutter having adjustable horizontal slats for regulating the passage of air and light.
  • 我们如何能避开那规则呢?
    How can we get round that regulation?
  • 约束国际贸易的例或政策。
    any regulation or policy that restricts international trade.
  • 现在看来,我们可以找到一在比较短的时间内恢复国民经济的道路。
    It appears that we can find a way to rehabilitate the national economy in a comparatively short time.
  • 第十五 国家鼓励个人或者集体对荒山、荒地、荒滩进行承包开发、治理,并保护承包人的合法权益。
    Article 15 The State shall encourage individuals or collectives to contract to develop and rehabilitate waste hills, unreclaimed lands or waste beaches, and shall protect the contractors' lawful rights and interests.
  • 第二十五 水土流失地区的集体所有的土地承包给个人使用的,应当将治理水土流失的责任列入承包合同。
    Article 25 In soil-eroded regions, any individual who contracts for the use of land owned by the collective shall include the responsibility of rehabilitating soil erosion in the contract.
  • 第二 本法所称水土保持,是指对自然因素和人为活动造成水土流失所采取的预防和治理措施。
    Article 2 As used in this Law, the term "water and soil conservation" means preventive and rehabilitative measures taken against soil erosion which is caused by natural factors or human activities.
  • 第八 从事可能引起水土流失的生产建设活动的单位和个人,必须采取措施保护水土资源,并负责治理因生产建设活动造成的水土流失。
    Article 8 Units and individuals engaged in production and construction activities which may cause soil erosion must adopt measures, and construction activities which may cause soil erosion must adopt measures to protect the water and soil resources, and shall be responsible to take rehabilitative measures against the soil erosion resulted from their production and construction activities.
  • 他担任总统期间,在正式接见来宾之前,他都会事先与助手演练一番。通常情况下,他会有不紊地按照先前的计划把握谈话内容。
    During his presidency, his on-the-record interviews were rehearsed beforehand with aides, and he was usually disciplined about staying on message.
  • 瓦达一长约386公里(240英里)的河流,发源于南斯拉夫东南部并向南在希腊东北部注入爱琴海海湾
    A river, about386 km(240 mi) long, rising in southeast Yugoslavia and flowing southward to an arm of the Aegean Sea in northeast Greece.
  • 带有电报索汇款的信用证
    Credit with T/T Reimbursement Clause
  • 一旦最高法院认定国会并没有违反著作权款,国会在这一领域的超限工作就没有办法控制了。
    Once the Court found that Congress had not violated the Copyright Clause, it was left with no other way to rein in Congress's excesses in this area.
  • 她化身为一条蛇。
    She was reincarnated as a snake.
  • 我们将用铁皮给箱子加固。
    We'll reinforce the cease with iron strap.
  • 滚边加厚,滚边装饰用沿或滚边加强厚度或装饰
    To reinforce or trim with a welt or welting.
  • 这个不用担心。我们可以用带加固。
    There's no need to worry. We can reinforce the cartons with straps.
  • 镶边窄织物,用作修饰,完善或加固布匹
    A narrow strip of fabric used to trim, finish, or reinforce articles of clothing.
  • 实际上,全球化应该加强美国著作权款的道德和勇气。
    In fact, globalization [660]should reinforce the moral and mettle of the United States Copyright Clause.