Chinese English Sentence:
  • 年内,主要的艺术及体育组织已开始行跨进下一世纪的发展计划。
    The major statutory sporting and cultural bodies have begun to implement plans for the development of their respective fields into the next century.
  • 本人特致函申请,随函还附上了本人简历。荐信一旦贵公司要求,本人马上提供。
    I enclose a resume, and letters of reference are available upon request.
  • 推销及管理费用
    Selling and administrative expense
  • 信用卡公司、银行、政府和零售商也在一起工作,以建立和动因特网上安全的交易。
    Credit card companies, banks, governments and retailers too are working together to create and promote secure transactions over the Internet.
  • 一个信息被延迟或一个事件被迟的时间量。
    The amount of time by which a signal is delayed or an event retarded.
  • 这也是一个重要的政治步骤,因为如果没有这一步骤,则两党合作的建立势将迟,而这对于迅速准备抗日是完全不利的。
    This was likewise an important political step, for without it the establishment of co-operation between the two parties would have been retarded, which would have been wholly detrimental to speedy preparations for resisting Japan.
  • 三、积极进经济结构调整和经济体制改革。
    III. Carrying Forward Adjustment of the Economic Structure and the Economic Restructuring
  • 总之,专家们一般不会荐利尿剂排除体内多余水分。虽然这样有效,但这类药物也同时带走体内重要的营养成分。
    On the whole, experts don't recommend taking diuretic products to combat fluid retention while these may get rid of excess fluid, they also sap the body of vital nutrients.
  • 随着经济的衰退,你应该翻从前的计划,根据现实情况重新制定切实可行的战略方针。
    As the economy slows, you need to wipe your whiteboard clean and rethink your st rategy based on what's realistically achievable.
  • 这些发现或许会使科学家们重新思考他们的某些关于慧星来自何处、它们在为地球上的生命提供必不可少的物质时所扮演的角色等测。
    The findings may lead scientists to rethink some of their theories about where comets come from and their role in providing some of the essential ingredients for life on Earth.
  • 5月底,微软将其最受欢迎的办公商务软件的经典改进版officexp投放市场。这只是头一炮,标志着即将闪电式出一系列技术产品,盖次深信,这些产品将巩固其公司作为计算机行业不可动摇的“航空母舰”地位。
    The launch of Office XP, a sophisticated rethink of Microsoft's most popular business tool at the end of last May, marks merely the opening shot in a forthcoming technological blitz that Gates is serenely his company's status as the unshakeable colossus of computing.
  • 进一步的研究表明它还可降低糖尿病人尿中的白蛋白含量(尿中的蛋白含量多少是肾功能正常与否的标志),并迟age对视网膜造成的损伤。
    Further studies showed that aminoguanidine lowered diabetics' urine albumin -- an indicator of kidney malfunction -- and delayed AGE-related damage to the retina.
  • 不过,拉妮雅目前似乎更加敏锐地认识到如何在不冒犯传统主义者的基础上行改革,有时这需要她调整自己的音调以适应听众。
    Still, Rania seems to be developing a keener sense these days of how to push reforms without offending traditionalists. Sometimes that entails adjusting her pitch to her aduience.
  • 原定去年下半年增加机关事业单位职工工资及离退休人员离退休金,考虑到要优先解决城镇低收入者的生活困难问题,协调各方面利益关系,这一措施迟到今年出台。
    Our original plan to raise the salaries of government employees as well as retirees' pensions in the second half of last year was postponed in order to first solve the problems of the urban poor and to harmonize relationships among the interests of all quarters. This measure, however, will take effect this year.
  • 改革和完善社会保障制度,使社会保险制度覆盖了大多数城镇从业人员和退休人员,并在城市普遍建立了居民最低生活保障制度,在农村也积极进社会保障制度建设。
    The reform and improvement of the social security system has enabled the social insurance system to cover the vast majority of employees and retirees in urban areas. The system for ensuring a minimum standard of living for residents has been set up in cities, and the building of a social security system is being vigorously promoted in rural areas.
  • 专责小组自成立以来,已行多项措施,包括提前展开政府工程项目、加强就业辅导服务、改善职业训练和雇员再培训,以及加强措施遏止非法雇用劳工。
    Since its establishment, it has advanced government projects, strengthened employment services, enhanced vocational training and employees' retraining and tightened measures to combat illegal employment.
  • 然而,技术经常否认工作场所需要人类,这一点值得仔细考虑,而且,为受到影响的个人出再培训项目是必需的。
    Nonetheless , the fact that technology often negates the need for human beings in the workplace deserves careful consideration and retraining programs for affected individuals must be introduced.
  • 为更好地解决农村劳动者的就业问题,从2000年起,中国政府开展了为期三年的城乡统筹就业、组织农村劳动力转移培训、进西部地区农村劳动力开发就业和鼓励扶持返乡创业的试点工作。
    To better solve the employment of rural labor, the Chinese government has carried out a three-year program for the overall planning of urban and rural employment since 2000, retraining rural workers, promoting the development and employment of the rural labor force in the western region, and encouraging and supporting migrant laborers to return to their home villages to start businesses.
  • 不过,我们是不会忽略残疾人士的需要的,也不会在广平等机会和鼓励全面叁与的道路上倒退下来。
    Nevertheless, we will not neglect the needs of people with disabilities, nor take any retrograde steps along the road to equal opportunities and full participation.
  • 当社会有紧急需要或财源有限而要求迅速回收资金时,为了在遥远的未来获得收益而投入劳动,不但会使国家在当时陷于贫困,即所雇用的劳动者消费多少,国家就损失多少,而且即使是到最后,国家也不如采取另一种作法富裕,所谓另一种作法,就是从一开始便寻求眼前的收益,而迟远期获利的事业。
    Labour sunk in expectation of a distant return, when the great exigencies or limited resources of the community require that the return be rapid, may leave the country not only poorer in the meanwhile, by all which those labourers consume, but less rich even ultimately than if immediate returns had been sought in the first instance, and enterprises for distant profit postponed.
  • 此外,欧洲委员会也在越南行回国者资助计划,为回国者提供多方面的经济援助。
    The returnee assistance programme run by the European Community in Vietnam has also offered returnees financial assistance in various areas.
  • 对要求下院会议迟至次日动议的辩论
    Adjournment debate or debate on the adjournment
  • 不足法定人数时,可以一天一天地延期开会,并有权依照各该议院所规定的程序和罚则,强迫缺席的议员出席。
    but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.
  • 要求迟辩论的动议其后果是终止动议。
    Motion to adjourn a debate which has the effect of killing the motion is debate.
  • 要求迟辩论的动议其后果是终止动议
    Motion to adjourn a debate which has the effect of killing the motion being debated
  • 主席将审讯一直迟至3点(钟)。
    The chairman adjourn the tribunal until three o'clock.
  • 要求下院会议迟到次日举行的动议
    motion to adjourn a sit until the following day
  • 大大动了城市化进程,克拉玛依、独山子、阜东、泽普等一批石油新城在戈壁荒滩建起,乌鲁木齐、库尔勒、阜康、轮台等城市现代化建设加快;
    Meanwhile, the process of urbanization has revved up. New oil-producing cities have mushroomed on the barren sands of the Gobi Desert, such as Karamay, Dushanzi (Maytag), Fudong and Zepu (Poskam). The modernization drive is going ahead apace in such cities as Urumqi, Korla, Fukang and Luntai.
  • 动新经济的发展,不仅要求我们用先进科学技术更新经济,而且要求我们适应这个发展趋势来更新经济结构、经济体制、经济机制,更新国与国、企业与企业之间的经济关系,更新进各国开展经济技术合作的指导思想和观念。
    To develop the New Economy, we must not only update our economy with advanced science and technology, but also, in response to this new trend of development, revamp the economic structures, systems and mechanisms accordingly, readjust the economic relationships between states and between enterprises, and update our philosophies and concepts for economic and technological cooperation across national boundaries.
  • 一种神学:相信不需要神迹只要靠人类理便可以认识神。
    a theology that holds that knowledge of God can be acquired by human reason without the aid of divine revelation.
  • 给肋骨上狠狠的一推
    A sharp dig in the ribs.
  • 克林顿政权疯狂地想将考克斯报告中指责中国窃取核武器机密的罪咎到前任政权身上。理查森部长在模糊的安全文化上行严厉的安全措施,当局声称这是从里根—布什政权那儿遗传下来的。
    Now, as the Clinton Administration frantically tries to shift to previous Administrations the blame for what the Cox Report charges are "thefts" by the PRC of nuclear weapons "secrets," Secretary Richardson imposes draconian "security" measures on the "lax security culture" the Administration claims it "inherited" from the Reagan-Bush Administrations.