  • 快活地咧着嘴笑;愉快的一
    A careless grin; a careless wave of the hand.
  • 在不到两年的时间里伯恩斯坦就发表了他的第一首交响乐,成功地创作了他们一个芭蕾舞剧(“自由遐想”),写了一部轰动一时的百老汇音乐剧(“在小镇里”),并在卡内基音乐厅首次指当今已成为传奇的纽约爱乐乐团。
    Within two years Bernstein had published his first symphony, written a successful ballet ("Fancy Free"), had a hit Broadway show ("In the Town") and made his now legendary New York Philharmonic conducting debut in Carnegie Hall.
  • 在不到两年的时间里,伯恩斯坦发表了他的第一部交响乐作品,写了一出很成功的芭蕾舞剧(“自由的想像”),搞了一出轰动一时的百老汇音乐剧(“在小镇上寻欢作乐”)并在卡内基音乐厅首次指纽约爱乐乐团演出(今天这已成为传奇)。
    Within two years Bernstein had published his first symphony, written a successful ballet ( Fancy Free ), had a hit Broadway show ( On the Town ) and made his now legendary New York Philharmonic con- ducting debut in Carnegie Hall.
  • 她的哥哥嚷道:“这种恭维话可不能用在达西身上,珈罗琳,因为他并不能够大笔一而就,他还得在四个音节的字上面多多推敲。
    "That will not do for a compliment to Darcy, Caroline," cried her brother -- "because he does not write with ease. He studies too much for words of four syllables.
  • 第七十八条 煤矿企业的管理人员违章指、强令职工冒险作业,发生重大伤亡事故的,依照刑法第一百一十四条的规定追究刑事责任。
    Article 78 Where administrators of a coal mining enterprise give directions against regulations and order miners to work at risk, thus causing serious casualty, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to the provisions of Article 114 of the Criminal Law.
  • 贵国优美怡人的环境,令人津津乐道;贵国在促进亚太区经济增长方面,亦发重要的作用。
    the beauty of your city is justly admired, you are a catalyst for growth in our region.
  • 这显示试验计划已在市场发了催化作用,促进本港定息按揭的发展。
    This shows that the Pilot Scheme has served as a catalyst in promoting fixed rate mortgages in Hong Kong.
  • 我发了作用帮助捉住那个罪犯。
    I was instrumental in catching the criminal.
  • 邻居们发了作用帮助捉拿了那个罪犯。
    The neighbours were instrumental in catching the criminal.
  • 他小心翼翼发最大的警觉。
    he exercised caution in opening the door; he handled the vase with care.
  • ☆让明星文化为你和孩子们发作用--了解他们当前心目中的英雄人物是哪些。
    Make the celebrity culture work for you and them -- keep abreast of their current heroes.
  • 依法落实、规范和完善城市居民最低生活保障制度,要以深入贯彻《城市居民最低生活保障条例》为中心,建立起覆盖全体城市困难居民的最低生活保障网,为保护居民基本生活权益、促进经济和社会的持续发展发更大作用。
    To implement, regulate and improve the urban subsistence security system according to law, efforts should, by centering on the "Regulations on the Subsistence Security for Urban Residents", be devoted to setting up a subsistence security net that covers all urban residents in difficulty so that the system can play a greater role in protecting the basic living rights and interests of the citizens and pushing for the sustained economic and social development.
  • 我们党的组织原则是高度的民主和高度的集中相结合,把列宁提出的民主集中制原则精神发了。
    Our Party's organizational principles combine a high degree of democracy with a high degree of centralism, developing the principles of democratic centralism advanced by Lenin.
  • 史密斯:我们的意思是,对于实施“系统集成”的远距离打击来说,更需要增加指与控制的集中程度。
    COL. SMITH: We imply that there will be a significant increase in centralization necessary to conduct long? range strikes with a system of systems.
  • 由此,游击战争的指原则,一方面反对绝对的集中主义,同时又反对绝对的分散主义,应该是战略的集中指和战役战斗的分散指
    Hence, as opposed both to absolute centralization and to absolute decentralization, the principle of command in guerrilla war should be centralized strategic command and decentralized command in campaigns and battles.
  • 游击战争的指方法,由于游击部队是低级的武装组织和分散行动的特性,不容许高度的集中主义,如同正规战争的指方法那样。
    Since guerrilla units are a lower level of armed organization characterized by dispersed operations, the methods of command in guerrilla warfare do not allow as high a degree of centralization as in regular warfare.
  • 如果是一个集中行动的部队或兵团,其内部指关系,适用集中指的原则,因为情况是明了的;但是如果该部队或该兵团一旦分散行动,便又适用一般集中、具体分散的原则,因为具体的情况无从明了。
    For an armed unit or bigger formation which is engaged in a concentrated operation, the principle to be applied is one of centralization in its internal relationship of command, since the situation is clear to the higher command, but the moment this unit or formation breaks up for dispersed action, the principle of centralization in general matters and of decentralization in details should be applied, for then the specific situation cannot be clear to the higher command.
  • 必须着重地指出,党是一个战斗的组织,没有集中统一的指,是不可能取得任何战斗胜利的,一切发展党内民主的措施都不是为了削弱党的必需的集中,而是为了给它以强大的生气勃勃的基础,这是我们大家都充分明了的。
    It must be emphasized that the Party is a militant organization. Without centralized, unified command it would be impossible to win any battles. The measures taken for the development of inner-Party democracy are not meant to weaken necessary centralization in the Party, but to supply it with a powerful and vigorous base. This is perfectly clear to every one of us.
  • 我认为这确实是指与控制的一个核心问题。而且我认为我们必须设法在集中指与控制的有效性存在着实际限制的情况下(例如,要有一个系统来控制战斗机向哪里飞和哪一个作战平台发射以及何时发射),求得集中与分散两者之间的平衡。
    I think that is really one of the central issues for command and control, and I think we're going to have to somehow strike a balance between the two in the sense that there are practical limitations to the effectiveness of centralization, for example, in terms of having a system that controls where fighters are going to go and which platform fires and at what time.
  • 但所谓正规战争是中国型的,只表现在集中兵力打运动战和指上、组织上的某种程度的集中性和计划性方面,其他则仍是游击性的,低级的,不能和外国军队一概而论,也和国民党的军队有些不同。
    But this regular warfare was of the Chinese type, regular only in its concentration of forces for mobile warfare and in a certain degree of centralization and planning in command and organization;in other respects it retained a guerrilla character and, as regular warfare, was on a low level and not comparable with the regular warfare of foreign armies or, in some ways, even with that of the Kuomintang army.
  • 反对绝对的集中指,承认相对的集中指
    Oppose an absolutely centralized command, and favour a relatively centralized command.
  • 然而游击战争不是不要任何的集中指就能够顺利地发展的。
    However, guerrilla warfare cannot be successfully developed without some centralized command.
  • 随着信息技术的发展,指与控制好像将要向集中和分散两个方面发展,在实践中怎样使指控制的集中与分散有效地结合起来?
    Along with the development of information technology, it is likely that command and control will become both centralized and decentralized. How can centralized and decentralized command and control be effectively combined in practice?
  • 是大后方主义,是绝对的集中指
    There were, further, the policy of maintaining a great rear area and an absolutely centralized command.
  • 一个仪式,如婚礼。
    conduct a ceremony, such as a wedding.
  • 中级指训练课程于二月进行改革,加入一系列有关重要管理课题的综合证书讲座,并由香港城市大学的专业讲师主讲。
    The Intermediate Command Course was changed in February to include a comprehensive and certificated package of lectures on key management topics delivered by professional lecturers from the City University of Hong Kong.
  • 员开始制订进攻计划的要点。
    The commander began to chalk out a plan of attack.
  • 一件令人烦厌的事搞成具有挑战的比赛便会使你发全部潜力。
    Turn a boring task into a challenging game,so that you engage all your potential.
  • 在这样一个不断发展壮大的公司,本人可以干份具有挑战性的工作,充分发我的潜能。
    With such a growing company, I can take a challenging job to exploit my potential.
  • 主任工程师负责指地铁的建造工程。
    The chief engineer was in charge of directing the building of the subway.
  • 他通常是徒步与对手交战,有时候也从一辆四马战车上戈---那四匹马是北风和一位复仇女神的后裔。
    Usually he fights on foot, sometimes from a chariot drawn by four horses,--the offspring of the North Wind and a Fury.
  • 官朝气蓬勃和欢欣愉悦的神态使士兵们勇气倍增。
    The leader's vital and cheerful manner filled his men with courage.