  • 他们俩在公园的长凳上抱亲吻。
    The two of them are necking on a park bench.
  • 自己有封地或世袭封地。
    having or arising from a benefice.
  • 有授予教士教会圣职的女子
    A woman who possesses the right to grant an ecclesiastical benefice to a member of the clergy.
  • 有符合自己利益的……。
    have for one's benefit.
  • 帮红军家属做工是尽义务,帮孤老做工只吃饭不要工钱。因为这种劳动互助组织对于生产起了很大的作用,采取的办法又很合理,所以得到群众的热烈护。
    Apart from helping each other, the teams gave preferential treatment to the families of Red Army soldiers and worked for bereaved old folk without any pay except for meals during the work. As these measures of mutual aid were of great help to production and were carried out on a reasonable basis they won the warm support of the masses.
  • 伯克利大学的卡罗尔-莱蒙特教授说:"没有证据可以证明古埃及人使用过风筝,也没有证据证明埃及人有和我们今天使用的一样的滑轮。"
    "There's absolutely no evidence for kites in ancient Egypt," said Professor Carol Redmount of UC Berkeley. "There's no evidence of pulleys as we know them today."
  • 往年的圣诞和新年期间,游客从世界各地蜂而至。他们在这里冲浪、聚会或者悠闲地在泳池边消磨时间。
    In past years, tourists from around the world besieged the vacation island at Christmas and New Year's to surf, party or laze beside the pool.
  • 29.香港有精良的电讯基建设施,与内地关系独特,再加上港人通晓中英文两语,因此香港作为中国通向资讯世界的门户,可谓极具优势。
    29. With our excellent telecommunications infrastructure, our unique position vis-a-vis the Mainland and our bi-lingual language capability, Hong Kong has a strong competitive advantage in seeking to serve as an information gateway to the Mainland.
  • 北美已引入的欧洲两年生植物,在多刺的枝杈末端有挤的头状花序。
    European biennial introduced in North America having flower heads in crowded clusters at ends of spiny-winged branches.
  • 他是他们有的最迷人的演员。
    he was the biggest drawing card they had.
  • 重点发展电子信息、生物工程和新医药、光机电一体化、新材料、环保与资源综合利用五大行业,建设软件、微电子、电子及通讯、计算机及网络、新材料等高新技术产业基地,着力开发培育一批有自主知识产权的名牌高新技术产品,引进国内外大公司和跨国公司的技术和资金,为科技奥运创造条件。
    Priorities will be given to the development of 5 industries including electronics and information, bioengineering and new medicine, optical, mechanical and electrical integration, new materials, and environment protection and multi-purpose utilization of resources. New and high technology bases will be built for the development of software, microelectronics, electronics and telecommunications, computer and networking, and new materials. Efforts will be made to develop a series of high technology products with self-owned intellectual property rights and introduce technology and capital from domestic and foreign corporations and multinationals, so as to provide strong technological support for the Olympic Games.
  • 1997年出版的《玛格丽特公主传》一书的作者西奥·阿伦森说:"她有人们渴望的一切:美貌、活泼、地位和聪明才智,但她几乎什么都没得到。
    " She had everything one could wish for: beauty, vivacity, status and intelligence," says Theo Aronson, author of 1997's Princess Margaret: A Biography, " and she had been left with almost nothing.
  • 我们看到这个国家的政府,多次无法顺利逮捕一个有强大势力和无人不识的逃犯,过程显得荒谬可笑。我们也读到一些有关他所谓的逃亡生涯的趣闻。
    We have also seen how comically bizarre the government's failed attempts to capture a renowned fugitive of law with powerful connections, and the titbits of his life at large while under hot pursuit by the country's police force.
  • 虽然在1994年和1998年之间黑人和操西班牙语移民的计算机有量翻了一翻,但在家庭上网的白人与黑人之间的差距,以及白与操西班牙语的移民之间的差距仍以50%的速度增加。
    Even though computer penetration for blacks and Hispanics more than doubled between 1994 and 1998, the gap in household access to the Internet blacks and whites and His panics and whites grew by more than 50 percent.
  • 所以,只要追随你们自己的天赐之福,你们就会有一个丰富充实的人生。
    So follow your bliss, and you will have a rich, full life.
  • 我悄悄梦想:要是我是家里唯一的小孩,能够有完全属于我自己的一个房间,那该多好啊!
    Secretly, I meditated on the bliss of being an only child with a room all my own.
  • 我们有幸福的生活。
    We have a blissful life.
  • 挤的车辆阻塞了道路。
    Heavy traffic blocked the road.
  • 父母的态度也一样,寻求捐献卵子的广告对金发女子提供的报酬要高于一般标准。丹麦的精子库生意特别好,这在一定程度上是因为该国有天生金发的捐献者。
    So do parents:Ads for egg donors offer bonuses for blonds,and sperm banks in Denmark are booming,thanks in part to demand for the country's natural blond donors.
  • 现代的温血动物通常比冷血动物有更为挺拔的身躯。
    Modern warm-blooded animals tend to have more erected postures than cold-blooded animals.
  • 美国舰队登陆并打败日本护者的一次血腥持久的军事活动(1945年2月到3月)。
    a bloody and prolonged operation in which American marines landed and defeated Japanese defenders (February and March 1945).
  • 有具体的形式或者以具体的形式存在。
    possessing or existing in bodily form.
  • 有或者表现出不适当的勇敢或者大胆。
    having or showing undue valor or boldness.
  • 美国1884年总统大选中拒绝护总统候选人吉姆·乔治·布莱恩的共和党人
    A Republican who bolted the party in1884, refusing to support presidential candidate James G. Blaine.
  • 那时,中国还未有核武器。
    At that time, China did not yet have the bomb.
  • 达冈的女儿达尼特仅仅在12小时前死于一起自杀性爆炸事件,在耶路撒冷一家挤的咖啡店自杀者就在新娘和新郎的身边引爆了炸弹。
    Dagan's daughter Danit was only 12 hours dead,killed by a suicide bomber who blew himself up beside the young woman and her fiancé in a crowded Jerusalem café.
  • "隐形"飞机一旦装有精确制导炸弹,空军就有了一种实际上难以摧毁的轰炸机。这种飞机不仅能减少己方的伤亡,而且还能减少敌方平民的伤亡。
    Also,when they were loaded with precision guided bombs,the Air Force would have a practically invulnerable bomber that would not only reduce friendly losses but also reduce the losses of enemy civilians.
  • 反映社会进步的一面是计算机的有者和互联网的连接在飞速的发展。
    The upside is that computer ownership and Internet connectivity are booming.
  • 大胆的旅游者甚至把汽车停在火山口边缘,借此独览火山口的全部美景,而不必簇在一大群游客中与别人一同分享。
    Yet the car park on the edge of the crater is nearly empty. This is a boon for daring travelers who can enjoy all the beauty without having to share it with hordes of others visitors.
  • 有争议的边界地区两国都宣称有主权的两国之间的一块土地
    A tract of land bordering on two countries and claimed by both.
  • 纽卡斯尔英格兰中西部的一个市级自治区,位于斯图克西南偏南。有制砖业、制瓦业和纺织服装工业。人口74,200
    A municipal borough of west-central England south-southwest of Stoke. It has brick, tile, and clothing industries. Population,74, 200.
  • 动产抵押书,借款人给放款人的表示后者有作为货款抵押动产的文件。
    Document give to a lender by a borrower to show that the lender own the property as security for the loan.