  • 亚洲金融风暴袭击香港,其中的一个影响,就是加快了这个调整的速度和力度,催化了股市暴跌、楼价锐降、银根短缺、消费疲和投资放缓等等负面的经济现象。
    One of the Asian financial turmoil's impact on Hong Kong is that it has quickened the pace of, and added momentum to our economic adjustments. The crisis has thus been a catalyst for a plunge in the stock market, a drastic drop in property prices, a shortage in cash supply, reduced consumption power and slackened investment.
  • 在大江大河源头、湖泊、库区周围和环境脆地区,按流域、山系、地域规模治理,营造水源涵养林、生态防护林。
    Water resources conservation forests and ecological protective forests will be built at sources of large rivers, the surrounding areas of lakes and reservoirs and environmentally fragile areas according to catchment, mountain range and regional scope.
  • 必须着重地指出,党是一个战斗的组织,没有集中统一的指挥,是不可能取得任何战斗胜利的,一切发展党内民主的措施都不是为了削党的必需的集中,而是为了给它以强大的生气勃勃的基础,这是我们大家都充分明了的。
    It must be emphasized that the Party is a militant organization. Without centralized, unified command it would be impossible to win any battles. The measures taken for the development of inner-Party democracy are not meant to weaken necessary centralization in the Party, but to supply it with a powerful and vigorous base. This is perfectly clear to every one of us.
  • 一环薄弱,全局必垮。
    A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
  • 链条中薄弱的一环
    A weak link in a chain.
  • 就是那最懦的胆小鬼也会接受这种挑战。
    The veriest coward would accept the challenge.
  • 苏联大军的进入波兰东部,是为了收复自己国土,解放小民族,同时也是制止德国侵略势力向东扩展,击破张伯伦阴谋的一个具体步骤。
    The powerful Soviet army's entry into eastern Poland, with the aim of recovering the Soviet Union's own territory and liberating the weak and small nationalities there, was at the same time a practical move to prevent the forces of German aggression from expanding eastward and to frustrate Chamberlain's intrigue.
  • 这主要是过去推行大汉族主义的反动统治阶级挑起来的,是大民族主义统治小民族的手段,但是他们内部也有很多利害关系。
    This was instigated primarily by the reactionary ruling class, which pursued Han chauvinism; it was used by chauvinists from large nationalities to dominate small and weak nationalities. However, the minority nationalities themselves also had many problems involving their gain and loss.
  • 让脆的人们出于恐惧或愚蠢的利己思想而这样想吧。
    let feeble souls,from fear or absurd egoism,cherish such thoughts.
  • 的但是是最重要的象棋棋子。
    weakest but most important chess piece.
  • 春秋时候,鲁与齐(28)战,鲁庄公起初不待齐军疲惫就要出战,后来被曹刿阻止了,采取了“敌疲我打”的方针,打胜了齐军,造成了中国战史中军战胜强军的有名的战例。
    During the Spring and Autumn Era, when the states of Lu and Chi[28] were at war, Duke Chuang of Lu wanted to attack before the Chi troops had tired themselves out, but Tsao Kuei prevented him. When instead he adopted the tactic of "the enemy tires, we attack", he defeated the Chi army. This is a classic example from China's military history of a weak force defeating a strong force.
  • 她肯定在什么地方有点。我们能找到它就好啦!
    She must have a chink in her armour somewhere. If we could only find it!
  • 贪杯是丹的点。把他灌醉了,他肯定会说出来的。
    Dan's love of drink is the chink in his armour. Get him drunk and I'm sure he'll talk.
  • 如果他怀疑总数,请他计算一下;他不擅加法——那是他薄环节。
    If he questions the total, ask him to calculate the figures; he’s no good at adding up-and that’s the chink in his armour.
  • 微软公司(Microsoft)一位主管Excel的产品经理希金斯说:"我们正逐渐地削一个首要的竞争者。在这一行业里市场占有率颇为重要。"
    "We're chipping away at a very dominant competitor where market share means a lot, " said Peter Higgins, a Microsoft product manager in charge of Excel.
  • 微软公司(microsoft)一位主管excel的产品经理希金斯说:“我们正逐渐地削一个首要的竞争者。在这一行业里市场占有率颇为重要。”
    "We're chipping away at a very dominant competitor where market share means a lot," said Peter Higgins, a Microsoft product manager in charge of Excel.
  • 西方国家介入,使伊朗无法在此一相持不下的海湾战争中,顺利切断阿拉伯对伊拉克的援助。西方的介入给脆的海湾区国家予有力的支持,并且到目前为止,带来了联合国采取行动终战争的希望。
    This Western presence has frustrated Iran's efforts to choke off Arab help to Iraq in the deadlocked gulf war. It has shored up vulnerable gulf states and, up to this point, contributed to hopes for U.N. action to end the war.
  • 的难民对任何传染病都毫无抵抗力,霍乱在难民营中迅速蔓延开来。
    The weakened refugees had little resistance to infection of any kind and cholera spread through the camps like wildfire.
  • 身体虚的难民对各种疾病几乎没有抵抗力,因此霍乱在难民营中迅速传染开来。
    The weakened refugees had little resistance to infection of any king and cholera spread through the camps like wild fire.
  • (指颜色)不是纯色彩;被削的。
    (of color) not chromatically pure; diluted.
  • (指颜色)纯色彩;没有被白色、灰色或者黑色削
    (of color) being chromatically pure; not diluted with white or gray or black.
  • 由于使人虚的慢性疾病而导致身体的耗费。
    any general wasting of body and mind resulting from any debilitating chronic disease.
  • 该科向听人士、视人士、肢体伤残人士、长期病患者、精神病康复者和智人士免费提供就业辅导和安排就业服务。
    It provides a free employment counselling and placement service for the hearing impaired, sight impaired, physically handicapped, chronically ill, ex-mentally ill and mentally handicapped.
  • 使逐渐消失。用于电影或电视的图象或声音
    To cause to disappear gradually. Used of a cinematic or television image or of a sound.
  • 可能的话,你可说出一项可能会给公司带来好处的点,如可说:“我是一个完美主义者。工作做得不漂亮,我是不会撒手的。”
    If possible, cite a weakness that will work to the company's advantage. "I' m such a perfectionist that I won't stop until a job is well done."
  • 如果我们说,这是古代,不足为据,他们又可以搬出英灭印度的事实,证明小而强的资本主义国家能够灭亡大而的落后国家。
    If we say these events occurred long ago and do not prove the point, they can cite the British subjugation of India to prove that a small but strong capitalist country can vanquish a large but weak and backward country.
  • 一种水溶性酸,见于许多水果(尤其是柑桔类)中,用作调味品。
    a weak water-soluble acid found in many fruits (especially citrus fruits); used as a flavoring agent.
  • 到了十九世纪,西方人对中国的看法有很大的改变,他们开始看到中国的点,以及中国文明的其他较缺少启发性的一面,那是八国联军时期。
    The Western perception of China changed drastically in the 19th century. They began to see its weaknesses and the less edifying aspects of its civilisation, after they had entrenched themselves there through military coercion.
  • 礼貌不是软的表现,真诚有待验证。                 --约翰·肯尼迪
    Civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof.                             --John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)
  • 说即使最后一次钟声已经消失,消失的再也没有潮水冲刷的映在落日余晖里的海上最后一块无用礁石之旁时,还会有一个声音,人类微的、不断的说话声,这也很容易。
    that from the last ding-dong of doom and clang had faded from the last worthless rock hanging tireless in the last red and dying evening, that even then, there will be one more sound, that of his puny and inexhaustible voice still talking.
  • 迟钝的理解力或领悟力迟钝的或薄
    Lacking sharpness or clarity of understanding or perception.
  • 他的爬山装备有致命的点。
    he was fatally ill equipped for the climb.