  • 贫困人口分布呈现明显的地缘性特征,这主要表现在贫困发生率向中西部倾斜,贫困人口集中分布在西南大石山区(缺土)、西北黄土高原区(严重缺水)、秦巴贫困山区(土地落大、耕地少、交通状况恶劣、水土流失严重)以及青藏高寒区(积温严重不足)等几类地区。
    and the distribution of the poverty-stricken population shows obvious geographical characteristics, i.e. most poverty-stricken people live in central and western China, in the barren rocky mountain area of southwest China, the arid Loess Plateau in northwest China and the impoverished Qinling and Daba mountain areas (which suffer from rugged terrain, a shortage of arable land, poor transportation conditions and serious soil erosion), and the frigid Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
  • 从事套利交易的人(在一市场买了有价证券迅速到另一市场去卖希望从价中获得利润)。
    someone who engages in arbitrage (who purchases securities in one market for immediate resale in another in the hope of profiting from the price differential).
  • 一种意在取得微小价格额的不正当投资;在两个套汇市场中某物的价格有一个额。
    a kind of hedged investment meant to capture slight differences in price; when there is a difference in the price of something on two different markets the arbitrageur simultaneously buys at the lower price and sells at the higher price.
  • 考古系的职员未经过合格的训练,该系的学生确实是问道于盲,因此该系的质量好像愈来愈了。
    The staff of the Archaeological Department are insufficiently trained – indeed as regards the students it is a case of the blind leading the blind, and the quality of the department is likely to deteriorate progressively.
  • 因为他是伟大的思想家亚里斯多德,所以不多有两千年之久,没有人对他的想法提出怀疑。
    And because he was Aristotle, the great thinker, no one questioned his idea for almost2,000 years.
  • 因为他是伟大的思想家亚里斯多德,所以不多有两千年之久,没有人对他的想法提出怀疑。
    And because he was Aristotle, the great thinker, no one questioned his idea for almost 2, 000 years.
  • (数学)其倒数构成一个等级数的级数术语。
    (math) a progression of terms whose reciprocals form an arithmetic progression.
  • 要计算两个数的的数学运算。
    an arithmetic operation in which the difference between two numbers is calculated.
  • 从她的学习成绩单可看出她算术和生物成绩
    Her school report shows that she is weak at/in arithmetic and biology.
  • 分布平均数与偏绝对值的算术平均值。
    the arithmetic mean of the absolute values of deviations from the mean of a distribution.
  • 当某数位处的算术为负数时产生的一个数字,它被传送到其它地方处理。在按位表示的系统中,借位数字被传送到相邻较高权的数位上处理。
    A digit that is generated when a difference in a digit place is arithmetically negative and that is transferred for processing elsewhere. In a positional representation system, a borrow digit is transferred to the digit place with the next higher weight for processing there.
  • 维克过去是阿森纳尔队的支持者,但在该队成为竞赛联合会中最的队后,他转而反对该俱乐部了。
    A former supporter of Arsenal, Vic turned against the club after it came bottom of the league.
  • 把这种异完全归因于人们在不同时间和地点对自然规律和工艺技术掌握程度上的不同,是不够的。
    And it is not a sufficient explanation to ascribe them exclusively to the degrees of knowledge possessed at different times and places, of the laws of nature and the physical arts of life.
  • 亚洲人与美国人价值观的
    Differences between Asian and American values
  • 询问时差及费率
    Asking about time difference underrate
  • 测量恒星距离的天文学长度单位;一秒距等于三十万亿公里。
    a unit of astronomical length based on the distance from Earth at which stellar parallax is 1 second of arc; equivalent to 3.262 light years.
  • 我丈夫在家时对我很关心,但一出从不想着给我打电话——真是眼不见,心不想。
    My husband is very attentive when he's at home, but when he's away on business he never even thinks to phone me-out of sight out to mind.
  • 一个频带的上下界频率之间的一种度量,以周期/秒表示。在该频带中,任何一频率的衰减(对中心频率而言)小于一个特定的值(通常为半功率或3分贝)。
    A measurement of the difference in cycles/sec between the limiting frequencies of a band in which the attenuation of any frequency, with respect to the central frequency, isless than a specified value(usually half power or three db).
  • 中美两国贸易迅速增长的根本原因,在于两国资源条件、经济结构、产业结构以及消费水平存在着较大异,经济具有互补性。
    This is mainly attributable to the marked differences in the two countries' resources, economic structures, industrial setup and consumption levels, and to the fact that their economies can be complementary to each other.
  • 近年来,美方统计的所谓对华巨额贸易逆,其原因是多方面的。既有统计技术方法上的缺陷,也有美国对华政策方面的因素。
    The so-called enormous trade deficit against China under the US statistics in recent years is attributable to a variety of factors, including flaws in statistical techniques and methods as well as the US policies to China.
  • 现在飞行事故多,当然这里面有部队训练不好、飞行员素质、地面指挥水平低等问题,但是也要研究飞机质量方面的问题。
    Airplane accidents are numerous nowadays, and of course some are attributable to the poor training of the men, the incompetence of the pilots or the deficiencies of the ground-control crews. But sometimes the fault may lie in the quality of the aircraft.
  • 不同点,异之处可区分的要素、属性或特点
    A distinguishing factor, attribute, or characteristic.
  • 异将一个事物与其它事物区分开的特性,特别是指相同种类的物质区分开的特性
    An attribute that distinguishes one entity from another, especially an attribute that distinguishes one species from others of the same genus.
  • 2,700美元的价应于1989年8月5日前支付。
    The price difference US 2,700 shall be paid before Aug 5th,89
  • 你这个浑蛋! 你一点儿把我辗死!
    You stupid bugger! You could have run me over!
  • 稳定在1秒钟以上的时间内的实际运行带速与正常带速之,用带速的容许偏的百分数表示。
    The difference between actual steady running tape speed, averaged over a period of 1 second or greater, and nominal tape speed, expressed as tolerance percentage on tape speed.
  • 副业尤指以此来消耗时间的一项活动;兼
    An activity engaged in especially as a means of passing time; an avocation.
  • 她放垃圾的方法很劲!
    The way she puts out her garbage is awful!
  • 天气不错(天气很),不是吗?
    Nice day( awful weather today), is not it?
  • 太对不起了,先生,很可能出了错。
    I'm awfully sorry, sir. There must have been some mistake.
  • 我醒来看见耀眼的阳光从窗户射入我的卧室;不多是中午时分了。
    I awoke to bright sunlight beams coming into my bedroom through the window; it was almost midday.
  • 昨天他由于对手的错而获得冠军。
    He backed into a championship yesterday.