  • 一九九七年礼貌运动随着八月二十八日举行的"828礼貌日"展开,由18位"礼貌小天使"于18区扬待人以礼的信息,而大会更邀请了"礼貌之星"刘德华在开幕礼中演出。
    The 1997 Courtesy Campaign kicked off with 828 Courtesy Day on August 28. A total of 18 Courtesy Kids helped spread the message about courtesy in all 18 districts, while Courtesy Star Andy Lau lent his talents to the opening ceremony.
  • 扬人类解放的安吉尔·克莱不复存在了。
    Angel Clare, the prophet of emancipation, no longer exists.
  • 一个在1688年革命后拒绝对威廉和玛丽以及他们的继承人誓效忠和承认他们至高无上的领圣俸的英国圣公教牧师
    A beneficed Anglican clergyman who refused to take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy to William and Mary and their successors after the Glorious Revolution of1688.
  • 我们说,长征是历史纪录上的第一次,长征是言书,长征是传队,长征是播种机。
    We answer that the Long March is the first of its kind in the annals of history, that it is a manifesto, a propaganda force, a seeding-machine.
  • 布安为他的继承人。
    He proclaimed Anne his heir.
  • 当他布竞赛的优胜者时,大家都静静地倾听。
    Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the competition.
  • 已正式布a先生与b小姐将于下星期结婚。
    It has been announce d that Mr. A and Miss B will be married next week.
  • 机长布飞机就要着陆了。
    The captain announced that the plane was going to land.
  • 政府布他们将修建一条通向山区的新公路。
    The government announced that they would build a new highway to the mountain.
  • 不久就要布这班飞机的起飞时间了。
    The flight will is announce soon.
  • 布调查结果或向上级部门通报某事。
    announce as the result of an investigation, or announce something to the proper authorities.
  • 告正式且公开地布;声明
    To announce officially and publicly; declare.
  • 引起公众的注意;
    To bring to the public attention; announce.
  • 裁定,判定布判决;布裁决
    To pronounce a judgment; announce a verdict.
  • 偏偏选中我去布这个坏消息。
    I was picked on to announce the bad news.
  • 仲裁庭已布同意撤销原判决。
    The court has announce the award to meet causation.
  • 在某些赌博游戏中用来布赌注
    Used to announce a bet in certain gambling games.
  • 布某人到达(旅馆、机场等)。
    announce one's arrival, e.g. at hotels or airports.
  • 布分数;指扑克游戏中得分的牌。
    announce for a score; of cards in a card game.
  • 在总统选举前两年布竞选者
    Presidential candidates announce two years in advance of the elections.
  • 用喇叭或好象用喇叭布。
    proclaim or announce with or as if with a fanfare.
  • 仲裁庭已布裁决,拒绝诉讼。
    The court has announce the award to disallow the claim.
  • 仲裁庭已布裁决,拒绝诉讼。
    The court have announce the award to disallow the claim.
  • 这些飞机何时起飞还没布。
    When the planes is to take off is not announce.
  • 大家就坐後,主席开始布他的计划。
    After everyone is seated the chairman proceeds to announce his plan.
  • 他没有布王室婚礼的确切日期。
    He do not announce the definite date of the royal wedding.
  • 仲裁庭已布驳回起诉。
    The arbitration court have announce the award to dismiss the action.
  • 我们屏住呼吸等待布获胜者的姓名。
    We wait with bate breath for the winner to is announce.
  • 我经常想,用这种方式布是多么有趣啊!
    I always thought it was such a sweet way to announce it.
  • 很多学生布对于比赛他们已准备就绪。
    A number of student announce their readiness to engage in the contest.
  • 他蹦蹦跳跳地跑进房间里,布他要结婚了。
    He bound into the room and announce that he is get marry.
  • 在一个政府公报或报纸中布或刊载
    To announce or publish in an official journal or in a newspaper.