  • 权力分散在地方政权中分散(中政权)的管理职能或权力
    To distribute the administrative functions or powers of(a central authority) among several local authorities.
  • 今天仍有许多美国人不信任中政府,他们情愿在社区里自己动手做事,不愿让政府对他们实施更多的管制。
    There remains among many Amencans a distrust of central government. People still prefer to do things themselves within their communities, rather than give the government more control.
  • 如果发生动乱,中政府就要加以干预。
    If there are disturbances in Hong Kong, the Central Government will intervene.
  • 新闻纪录电影制片厂
    Central Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio
  • 这种错误,在一九三五年一月党中结束了“左”倾机会主义的统治以后,也就在基本上被克服了。
    This kind of mistake was generally overcome after the Central Committee ended the domination of "Left" opportunism in January 1935.
  • 迄今为止,通过识别并经中政府确认的民族有56个,即汉、蒙古、回、藏、维吾尔、苗、彝、壮、布依、朝鲜、满、侗、瑶、白、土家、哈尼、哈萨克、傣、黎、傈僳、佤、畲、高山、拉祜、水、东乡、纳西、景颇、柯尔克孜、土、达斡尔、仫佬、羌、布朗、撒拉、毛南、仡佬、锡伯、阿昌、普米、塔吉克、怒、乌孜别克、俄罗斯、鄂温克、德昂、保安、裕固、京、塔塔尔、独龙、鄂伦春、赫哲、门巴、珞巴、基诺等民族。
    So far, there are 56 ethnic groups identified and confirmed by the Central Government, namely, the Han, Mongolian, Hui, Tibetan, Uygur, Miao, Yi, Zhuang, Bouyei, Korean, Manchu, Dong, Yao, Bai, Tujia, Hani, Kazak, Dai, Li, Lisu, Va, She, Gaoshan, Lahu, Shui, Dongxiang, Naxi, Jingpo, Kirgiz, Tu, Daur, Mulam, Qiang, Blang, Salar, Maonan, Gelo, Xibe, Achang, Pumi, Tajik, Nu, Ozbek, Russian, Ewenki, Deang, Bonan, Yugur, Jing, Tatar, Drung, Oroqen, Hezhen, Moinba, Lhoba and Jino.
  • 我们正在制订详细的各级代表会组织法(依据中的大纲),把以前的错误逐渐纠正。
    We are drafting a detailed organic law for the councils at all levels (based on the outline drawn up by the Central Committee) in order gradually to correct previous mistakes.
  • 军事委员会发布了《中国人民解放军立法程序暂行条例》,从立法规划、计划到法规起草、审议及发布实施,作了明确规定,实现了军事立法的规范化、制度化。
    The Interim Regulations on Legislative Procedures of the PLA promulgated by the CMC contains clear-cut provisions on legislation programming and planning and the drafting, examination, promulgation and enforcement of laws and regulations, which embody the standardization and systemization of military legislation.
  • 在这种情况下,中采取坚决的态度来纠正和防止“左”的倾向,是完全正确的。
    Under these circumstances, it was absolutely correct for the Central Committee to adopt drastic measures to overcome and check "Left" tendencies.
  • 也许您喜欢坐在房间中吧?那儿风小些。
    Perhaps you will prefer to sit in the middle of the room? there's less draught.
  • 也许您喜欢坐在房间中吧?那儿风小些。
    Perhaps you would prefer to sit in the middle of the room? There's less draught.
  • 也许您喜欢坐在房间中吧?那儿风小些。
    Perhaps you will prefer to sit in the middle of the room? There 's less draught.
  • 人民广播电台和地方台用16种少数民族语言进行广播,地、州、县电台或广播站使用当地语言广播的达20多种。用少数民族语言摄制的故事片达3410部(集)、译制各类影片达10430部(集)。
    The Central People's Broadcasting Station and local broadcasting stations use 16 minority languages, and regional, prefectural and county broadcasting stations or rediffusion stations use more than 20. As many as 3,410 feature films have been produced and 10,430 films dubbed in minority languages.
  • 别把沙子倾倒在路中
    Don't dump that sand in the middle of the path!
  • 同时,中局在三月下半月开了统战工作会议,四月下半月开了第二次城市工作会议,两个会议的总结另有专门报告,不在这里叙述。
    In the second half of March, the Southwest Bureau of the Central Committee held a meeting on united front work and, in the second half of April, held the second meeting on urban work. I shall not dwell on those two meetings, since we have submitted separate summary reports on them.
  • 自此之后,尽管中国经历了几代王朝的兴替,多次更换过中政权,但西藏一直处于中政权的管辖之下。
    Since then, although China experienced several dynastic changes, Tibet has remained under the jurisdiction of the central government of China.
  • 锤骨柄与耳膜中部分连接的锤骨的长而渐细的突起
    The long tapering process of the malleus attached to the central portion of the eardrum.
  • 过几天我们要开中全会,讨论城市改革,城市改革也是变,是翻天覆地的变化。
    In a few days we shall hold a plenary session of the Central Committee of the CPC to discuss reform in the cities. That reform will also be a change, and an earthshaking one.
  • 但是西藏上层反动集团把中这种仁至义尽的态度看作软弱可欺。
    However, the reactionary clique of the upper social strata in Tibet took the extreme forbearance of the central government as a sign of weakness and easiness to bully.
  • 但是在那个时候,不但红军和地方党内有一种悲观的思想,就是中那时也不免为那种表面上的情况所迷惑,而发生了悲观的论调。
    hence it was actually the time when the counter-revolutionary tide had begun to ebb and the revolutionary tide to rise again. Yet pessimistic ideas were to be found not only in the Red Army and local Party organizations; even the Central Committee was misled by appearances and adopted a pessimistic tone.
  • 西藏地方政府及藏族僧俗人民一致拥护,并在毛主席及中人民政府的领导下,积极协助人民解放军进藏部队,巩固国防,驱逐帝国主义势力出西藏,保护祖国领土主权的统一”。
    The Tibetan local government as well as ecclesiastic and secular people unanimously support this agreement, and under the leadership of Chairman Mao and the central people's government, will actively assist the PLA troops entering Tibet in consolidating national defense, ousting imperialist influences from Tibet and safeguarding the unification of the territory and the sovereignty of the motherland."
  • 在海湾中,你将看到一个活珊瑚礁,里边有无数个空隙,许多鳗鱼、蟹和各式贝壳生长在这些空隙里。
    In the center of the bay, you'll reach a living coral reef that is punctuated with countless pukas (holes) that hold numerous eels, crabs and shells of many descriptions.
  • 《佳电》是中共中以第十八集团军总司令朱德、副总司令彭德怀和新四军军长叶挺、副军长项英的名义,于一九四○年十一月九日答复何应钦、白崇禧《皓电》的电报。
    The telegram of November 9, 1940 was sent by Chu Teh and Peng Teh-huai, Commander-in-Chief and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Eighteenth Group Army (Eighth Route Army), and Yeh Ting and Hsiang Ying, Commander and Deputy Commander of the New Fourth Army, in reply to the telegram of the Kuomintang generals Ho Ying-chin and Pai Chung-hsi, dated October 19, 1940.
  • (这是邓小平同志在中共中北方局党校第八期开学时作的整风动员讲话,刊载于一九四三年十二月四日北方局、第十八集团军总司令部直属机关学委会出版的《整风周报》第二期。)
    (Delivered at the beginning of the eighth term of the Party School of the Northern Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, the speech was carried in Rectification Weekly No. 2, published on December 4, 1943 by the study committee of the departments directly under the Northern Bureau and the General Headquarters of the Eighteenth Group Army.)
  • 如果没有,我们就宣布第六次中全会胜利闭幕。
    If not, let us declare that the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee has successfully completed its work.
  • 这个情况,特别集中地体现在我们党刚刚开过的中工作会议和十一届三中全会上。
    This was most clearly reflected at the working conference of the Central Committee and the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee our Party just held.
  • 现在比九大、十大、十一大中委员的平均年龄大。
    As it is now, the average age of the Central Committee members is higher than that of those elected at the Ninth, the Tenth, and the Eleventh National Congresses.
  • 我在中工作会议上讲过,我们要解放思想,开动脑筋,实事求是,团结一致向前看。
    As I said at the Central Working Conference, it is essential that we emancipate our minds, use our heads, seek truth from facts and unite as one and look to the future.
  • 不但中、省委、地委、县委、公社党委,就是一个工厂、一个机关、一个学校、一个商店、一个生产队,也都要实事求是,都要解放思想,开动脑筋想问题、办事情。
    Comrades in every factory, government office, school, shop and production team as well as comrades in Party committees at the central, provincial, prefectural, county and commune levels -- all should act on this principle, emancipate their minds and use their heads in thinking questions through and taking action on them.
  • ——中政府的关心、全国人民的支持,使西藏的生态建设和环境保护事业进入新的阶段。
    — Concern from the Central Government and support from people throughout the country have enabled Tibet to embark upon a new phase in its ecological improvement and environmental protection undertakings.
  •  三、《中人民政府公布中华人民共和国国徽的命令》附:国徽图案、说明、使用办法
    3. Order on the National Emblem of the People's Republic of China Proclaimed by the Central People's Government. Attached: Design of the national emblem notes of explanation and instructions for use.
  • 我希望从我们这次中全会之后,来一个全党的学习竞赛,看谁真正地学到了一点东西,看谁学的更多一点,更好一点。
    Following on this plenary session of the Central Committee, I hope to see an all-Party emulation in study which will show who has really learned something, and who has learned more and learned better.