  • 我并不是反对私人补习的作法。不幸的是,过度的依赖补习,已经给莘莘学子,带来许多不必要的力。他们无时无刻被提醒要考取好成绩,和实现父母对他们的高度期望。
    While I am not against private tuition per se, over dependence on it, unfortunately, has exerted undue pressure and stress on our young, who are always exhorted to deliver results and to live up to their parents’high expectations.
  • 例如在江苏境内,应不顾顾祝同、冷欣、韩德勤⑵等反共分子的批评、限制和迫,西起南京,东至海边,南至杭州,北至徐州,尽可能迅速地并有步骤有计划地将一切可能控制的区域控制在我们手中,独立自主地扩大军队,建立政权,设立财政机关,征收抗日捐税,设立经济机关,发展农工商业,开办各种学校,大批培养干部。
    In Kiangsu Province, for example, despite the verbal attacks and the restrictions and oppression by anti-Communist elements such as Ku Chu-tung, Leng Hsin and Han Teh-chin,[2] we should gain control of as many districts as possible from Nanking in the west to the seacoast in the east and from Hangchow in the south to Hsuchow in the north, and do so as fast as possible and yet steadily and systematically;and we should independently expand the armed forces, establish organs of political power, set up fiscal offices to levy taxes for resistance to Japan and economic agencies to promote agriculture, industry and commerce, and open up schools of various kinds to train large numbers of cadres.
  • 抽空密封的在低或部分真空状态下密封起来的
    Sealed under low pressure or a partial vacuum.
  • 演奏方法像手风琴,通过挤两端强迫空气通过簧片。
    played like an accordion by pushing its ends together to force air through the reeds.
  • 全活动、数字化和未缩的视频需要大约270兆位/秒的数据传输率。
    Full-motion, digitized and uncompressed video requires a data transfer rate of roughly 270M bit/sec.
  • 禁止对任何民族的歧视和迫,禁止破坏民族团结和制造民族分裂的行为。
    Discrimination against and oppression of any nationality are prohibited; any acts that undermine the unity of the nationalities or instigate their secession are prohibited.
  • 次于其他病症的高血
    hypertension that is secondary to another disease.
  • 第一,由高血引起;第二...
    The illness can develop in two ways: firstly, in cases of high blood pressure and secondly...
  • 收缩的收缩的、变窄的或缩的,如血管的一段的
    Constricted, narrowed, or compressed, as a segment of a blood vessel.
  • 中国加入了《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》、《禁止并惩治种族隔离罪行国际公约》、《防止和惩治灭绝种族罪行公约》等国际公约,并认真履行国际公约的义务,同国际社会一起,为在世界各国实行民族平等,反对种族隔离、民族迫和民族歧视进行不懈的努力。
    China has joined international conventions such as The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, and Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and has conscientiously performed the duties prescribed in these conventions and made unremitting efforts together with the international community to realize ethnic equality and oppose racial segregation and ethnic oppression and discrimination in all countries of the world.
  • 在长期革命战争中,我们在正确的政治方向指导下,从分析实际情况出发,发扬革命和拚命精神,严守纪律和自我牺牲精神,大公无私和先人后己精神,倒一切敌人、倒一切困难的精神,坚持革命乐观主义、排除万难去争取胜利的精神,取得了伟大的胜利。
    During the long years of revolutionary war our political orientation was correct and we based our actions on analyses of the actual situation. We promoted the revolutionary spirit, which inspires people to work tirelessly, observe strict discipline, make sacrifices, act selflessly and put the interests of others first, the spirit that gives people revolutionary optimism and the determination to overwhelm all enemies and surmount all difficulties in order to win victory. And we did win great victories.
  • 这11位奖学金得主向英文报记者异口同声表示打算毁约,在舆论力下再次坚持初衷,我们还会天真地认为这是一种偶然吗?
    Could we take it as accidental that, with one voice, the 11 scholars admitted to an intention of breaking the bond and then stuck to it even under pessure from public opinion?
  • 然而,如果你不喜欢本学期你所上的某一门课,你便需要采用一些技巧来对付这种令你产生重感的情形,直到学期结束。
    If,however,you do not like a particular class that you have this semester,you might need to employ some techniques for coping with the stressful situation until the semester finishes.
  • 在半殖民地半封建的旧中国,妇女长期被在社会的最底层。
    In semi-colonial and semi-feudal old China, women were for a long time kept at the bottom of society.
  • 石英一种天然的或人造的晶体材料,具有电性和半传导性
    A natural or synthetic crystalline material having piezoelectric or semiconducting properties.
  • 变容二极管,可变电抗器一种半导体装置,其中电容对应用在半导体材料和绝缘体边界线处的电很敏感
    A semiconductor device in which the capacitance is sensitive to the applied voltage at the boundary of the semiconductor material and an insulator.
  • 发光二极管一种半导体二极管,可将实用电转变成亮光,用于数字显示,如计算器
    A semiconductor diode that converts applied voltage to light and is used in digital displays, as of a calculator.
  • 他故意低自己在讨论会的成功中所发挥的作用。
    He played down his role in the success of the seminar.
  • (物理化学)当半渗透膜两侧溶液的浓度不同时,溶剂从低浓度的一侧渗过半透膜流向高浓度一侧时产生的力。
    (physical chemistry) the pressure exerted by a solution necessary to prevent osmosis into that solution when it is separated from the pure solvent by a semipermeable membrane.
  • 人造纤维板由木浆制成的一种轻的、半硬的建筑材料,用作墙和隔板
    A light, semirigid building material of compressed wood pulp, used for walls and partitions.
  • 某些合成或半合成物质的类属名,该类物质能铸成或成物体、薄膜、纤维,或用于制造包装和粘合剂等。
    generic name for certain synthetic or semisynthetic materials that can be molded or extruded into objects or films or filaments or used for making e.g. coatings and adhesives.
  • 蒸粗麦粉源于北非的用碎并蒸出的粗面粉制成的面食
    A pasta of North African origin made of crushed and steamed semolina.
  • 参议院以倒优势的票数否决了众议院的动议。
    By an overwhelming vote the Senate disagreed with the House motion.
  • 对感官或者精神力很大。
    weighing heavily on the senses or spirit.
  • 测量疼痛或力敏感度的仪器。
    measuring sensitivity to pain or pressure.
  • 我们通常没有注意到大气力。
    the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal.
  • 计算机安全用语,指用以检测入侵行动的一种设备,通常是一块带有力传感器的薄橡皮,或乙烯垫子,用以检测入侵行动。
    In computer security, an intrusion detector; a thin rubber or vinyl mat, with pressure sensors, used to detect intrusions.
  • 机械性刺激感受器对机械性刺激,如抗力、力或位移作出反应的神经末梢器官
    A specialized sensory end organ that responds to mechanical stimuli such as tension, pressure, or displacement.
  • 力感受器一种感觉神经末梢,被力变化所刺激,特别指血管壁(例如颈动脉窦)上的力感受器
    A sensory nerve ending that is stimulated by changes in pressure, especially one in the walls of blood vessels such as the carotid sinus.
  • 音乐除了带来纯粹的享受,还提供机会逃避日常生活的力,进入一个感官享受的审美世界。
    Apart from providing sheer enjoyment , music provides one with the opportunity to escape the daily pressures of life and enter an aesthetic world of sensual pleasure.
  •  但一想到几百座石窟的无限风光将被缩进几块小小的芯片,慰籍与惊叹之余,不由涌起难以言喻的复杂感情。
    However, while feeling greatly consoled and astonished that the unlimited charm of the hundreds of grottoes will be compressed into a few tiny chips, one cannot help being overwhelmed by an indescribable complicated sentiment.
  • 血清中的白蛋白,能保持血
    albumin occurring in blood serum; serves to maintain the somatic pressure of the blood.