  • 在夏季发生的东亚货币危机中,港元稳如磐石,这是因为我们有八百五十亿美元的外汇储备支持港元。按人口平均计算,这是世界第二大储备。
    The Hong Kong Dollar stood its ground robustly during the Southeast Asian currency crisis of the summer. It is backed by US$85 billion in foreign exchange reserves, per capita the second-largest reserves in the world.
  • 罗杰斯和哈默斯坦的音乐喜剧脎太平洋脍.
    Rogers and Hammerstein's musical `South Pacific'.
  • 克拉克斯维尔美国印第安纳州部一座城镇,位于俄亥俄河旁与肯塔基州的路易斯维尔相对。为探险家乔治·罗杰斯·克拉克于1784年创建,人口19,833
    A town of southern Indiana on the Ohio River opposite Louisville, Kentucky. It was founded in1784 by the explorer George Rogers Clark. Population,19, 833.
  • 亚当斯,查尔斯·弗朗西斯1807-1886美国外交家,内战期间驻英大使,劝阻英国官方承认部邦联政府
    First Lady of the United States(1797-1801) as the wife of President John Adams. Her letters to her husband provide a vivid picture of life in colonial Massachusetts.
  • 第二,韩的财政状况逐渐稳定下来,因为世界各国终於明白到,要解决金融危机,绝不能单靠国家本身的财政储备,国际货币基金组织必须提供有条件的资金援助,而国际金融机构亦须自愿施以援手,提供新贷款。
    Second, the financial situation in Korea has stabilised because the world finally realised that financial crises cannot be solved by official funds alone, but a combination of IMF funding and conditionality, plus voluntary rollovers provided by international banking institutions.
  • 现已将这份指翻译为巴哈萨印度尼西亚语的出版物和制成光盘,数个其他国家也已要求翻译为各自的语文。
    It has been translated into the Bahasa Indonesia language for a publication and issuance on CD-ROM, and several other countries have requested translation into their respective languages.
  • 特里尔德国西部的一个城市,位于摩泽尔河畔,靠近卢森堡边界。该市是高卢东部的一个民族——特维希人建立的,在罗马人统治时期是重要的商业中心,后来成为神圣罗马帝国的一部分。该市在1797年至1815年一直被法国控制。人口94,190
    A city of southwest Germany on the Moselle River near the Luxembourg border. Settled by the Treveri, an eastern Gaulish people, it was an important commercial center under the Romans and later as part of the Holy Roman Empire. The city was under French control from1797 until1815. Population,94, 190.
  • 鲁塞保加利亚东北部一城市,位于罗马尼亚布加勒斯特部多瑙河上。公元前2世纪作为罗马的要塞建立,现在是主要港口和工业中心。人口185,000
    A city of northeast Bulgaria on the Danube River south of Bucharest, Romania. Founded as a Roman fortress in the second century a.d., it is today a major port and industrial center. Population,185, 000.
  • 奥匈帝国原欧洲中部的双重独裁帝国,包括奥地利、匈牙利、波希尼亚、及波兰、罗马尼亚、斯拉夫及意大利的一部分。经匈牙利民族主义者在奥地利帝国内部煽动后于1867年建立,延续至1918年
    A former dual monarchy of central Europe consisting of Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, and parts of Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, and Italy. It was formed in1867 after agitation by Hungarian nationalists within the Austrian empire and lasted until1918.
  • 多瑙河欧洲中部的一条河流,发源于德国的西部,全长约2,848公里(1,770英里)向东流经奥地利、匈牙利、斯拉夫和罗马尼亚,注入黑海。从中世纪起一直是主要的商业路线
    A river of south-central Europe rising in southwest Germany and flowing about2, 848 km(1, 770 mi) southeast through Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Romania to the Black Sea. It has been a major trade route since the Middle Ages.
  • 基什尼奥夫苏联欧洲部分西部一城市,靠近罗马尼亚边境,位于敖德萨西北。它于15世纪早期建立成为一个修道院中心。它是摩尔达维亚首府。人口624,000
    A city of southwest European U.S.S.R. near the Romanian border northwest of Odessa. Founded as a monastery center in the early15th century, it is the capital of Moldavia. Population,624, 000.
  • 英格兰东部一郡;第一个被罗马人殖民的地方。
    a county in southeastern England; the first to be colonized by the Romans.
  • 坎尼意大利东部一古老的城镇,公元前216年迦太基人在汉尼拔的率领下在此击败罗马人
    An ancient town of southeast Italy where Carthaginians under Hannibal defeated the Romans in216 b.c..
  • 科策布,奥古斯特·弗雷德里希·费迪德·冯1761-1819德国剧作家,以他对浪漫主义的嘲讽,二百多部生动的戏剧,和他与歌德的争吵而闻名
    German dramatist noted for his ridicule of romanticism, his more than200 lively dramas, and his quarrels with Goethe.
  • 1952年,他与女演员希·戴维斯结婚,又育两子:帕特里夏·安和罗纳德·皮斯考。
    In 1952 he married Nancy Davis, also an actress; their children are Patricia Ann and Ronald Prescott.
  • 里根,希·戴维斯生于1921为罗纳德·里根总统的妻子,在1981至1989年期间为美国的第一夫人。,开展了一场全国性的反毒品运动
    First Lady of the United States(1981-1989) as the wife of President Ronald Reagan. She established a nationwide antidrug campaign.
  • 非的一种灌木,具有扁平、尖形的叶和黄色花;叶子干燥后有香味,用于制一种药草茶。
    South African shrub having flat acuminate leaves and yellow flowers; leaves are aromatic when dried and used to make an herbal tea.
  • 泥满墙茅屋,小茅屋墨西哥和美国西部由篱笆和涂抹物构成的茅草屋顶的小屋
    A thatch-roofed hut made of wattle and daub found in Mexico and the southwest United States.
  • 屋顶向南倾斜。
    The roofs slanted towards south.
  • 乌克兰部位于黑海边的旅游城市;是年同盟国会议的会址,由罗斯福、丘吉尔和斯大林出席。
    a resort city in S Ukraine on the Black Sea; scene of the Allied conference between Churchill and Stalin and Roosevelt in 1945.
  • 美国达科他州西部布莱克山脉的一座山;山石上雕有华盛顿、杰弗逊、林肯和罗斯福的巨大雕像。
    a mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota; site of the likenesses of Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln and Roosevelt carved on it.
  • 欧石根欧石的硬木根
    The hard woody root of the briar.
  • 欧石木取自欧石根的木头
    Wood from the root of the briar.
  • 美国东的一种深根的多年生植物。
    deep-rooted perennial of southeastern United States.
  • 生长很快的东亚藤蔓植物,有多毛的三叶叶子,开紫色花的总状花序,结多种子的长毛豆荚,块根富含淀粉;为制草料和淀粉而种植;在美国部广泛种。
    fast-growing East Asian vine having hairy trifoliate leaves and racemes of purple flowers followed by long many-seed hairy pods and tuberous starchy roots; grown for fodder and forage and root starch; widespread in the southern United States.
  • 非藤蔓植物,有很大的根状茎,皮上有很深的裂纹。
    South African vine having a massive rootstock covered with deeply fissured bark.
  • 美国墨西哥西部草本植物,有辛辣的块状茎,长有有白色苞片的小穗状花,使人想起银莲花。
    stonoliferous herb of southwestern United States and Mexico having a pungent rootstock and small spicate flowers with white bracts suggesting an anemone.
  • 俄勒冈部和加利福尼亚的一种矮生灌木,有刚毛和匍匐根茎,通常为伞房花序。
    low-growing bristly shrub of southern Oregon and California with creeping rootstocks and usually corymbose flowers.
  • 帕萨迪纳美国加利福尼亚州部洛山矶东北部的一座城市,因其玫瑰碗剧场和每年的玫瑰花车游行而闻名。人口131,591
    A city of southern California northeast of Los Angeles. It is famous for its Rose Bowl and annual Tournament of Roses parade. Population,131, 591.
  • 玫瑰很适於接枝在石根上。
    Roses graft well on brier roots.
  • 美洲虎一种产自中美及美地区的大型猫科哺乳动物(美洲虎猫科),与豹有很近的血缘关系,长有黄褐色带黑色花斑的皮毛
    A large feline mammal(Panthera onca) of Central and South America, closely related to the leopard and having a tawny coat spotted with black rosettes.
  • 种植普遍的美蔓生植物,盾状叶,玫瑰色花。
    a commonly cultivated trailing South American plant with peltate leaves and rosy flowers.