  • 我回头望望,只见约瑟夫给狗送进一桶粥,希刺克厉夫太太俯身向着火,烧着火柴玩;这堆火柴是她才把茶叶罐放回炉台时碰下来的。
    and on looking round I saw only Joseph bringing in a pail of porridge for the dogs, and Mrs Heathcliff leaning over the fire, diverting herself with burning a bundle of matches which had fallen from the chimney-piece as she restored the tea canister to its place.
  • 与人争辩的演讲;爱与人争辩到了愎自用的程度;一个聪明但爱与人争辩的小孩。
    an argumentative discourse; argumentative to the point of being cantankerous; an intelligent but argumentative child.
  • 这人是为生产厂家推销产品的旅行推销员,当时流行把这类人称作“皮包客。”
    Here was a type of the travelling canvasser for a manufacturing house--a class which at that time was first being dubbed by the slang of the day "drummers."
  • 他们通过无线电了解到船绕过了好望角。
    They knew by radio that the ship had just circled the Hope Cape.
  • 石墨和金石是碳的同素异性体。
    graphite and diamond are allotropes of carbon.
  • 蛋壳的成分中好有95%就是碳酸钙。
    Eggshells, it happens, are 95 percent cacium carbonate.
  • “我们如期付了账,”卡罗尔想起来感到庆幸地说。“我们从家人那儿借钱付了房屋贷款。”
    "We just made our bills," Carol remembers, " "We borrowed from relatives to pay the mortgage.”
  • 基姆和克瑞基特的书《婚誓——卡彭特夫妇的故事》出版。基姆·卡彭特和克瑞基特·帕帕斯是在1992年9月通过电话相识的。
    Kim Carpenter and Krickitt Pappas whose book The Vow:The Kim and Krickitt Carpenter Story, is just out met over the telephone in September 1992.
  • 才提到了杰克。卡森。是啊,他驾驶技术学得很快。
    You mentioned Jack Carson just now. well, he 's very quick at leaning how to drive.
  • 哈罗!布莱克先生,你来得正是时候,我们把本公司的最新产品,印制在这份漂亮的新目录上呢!
    Hello, Mr. black. You've come at a good time. We've just got our latest products all nicely set out in this new catalog.
  • 动物的体温降到好在零摄氏度以上,心脏跳动非常缓慢。
    The animal's temperature drops to just over zero centigrade, and its heart beats very slowly.
  • 一旦出现了特别激烈的家庭论战——比如,一个女儿不顾第二天的学校考试想去赴个约会——里奇便会煞有介事地把大药片放到餐桌中间,以缓和每个人被引发的头痛。
    During particularly heated family discussions--for example, when one daughter wanted to go on a date despite school exams the next day-Rich would ceremoniously place the tablet in the middle of the table to soothe everyone’s incipient headache.
  • 如果你不相信的话,可以听听从高中毕业的勒妮·怀特珀森是怎么说的。她说:“他们或许感到厌烦或厌倦,但是他们并没有成熟。”怀特珀森是今年从芝加哥的摩根帕克高中毕业的。
    If you're not convinced, just listen to a certified expert, Renee Wtherspoon, who graduated this year from Morgan Park High School in Chicago: "They may be tired or bored, but they are not mature.
  • 才姜社长讲得很好,一九九七年确实是深感兴奋的一年,也是我们面对重大挑战的一年。
    Just now, Director Jiang was most correct in pointing out that 1997 was an exciting and momentous year for us, and a most challenging one as well.
  • 国际结算银行在香港设立办事处的时间,巧是亚洲货币危机在过去十二个月造成破坏之后,亚洲面对艰巨挑战的时刻。
    The timing of this BIS initiative is very fortuitous because Asia is facing a very challenging time after the havoc with the Asian currency crisis over the past twelve months.
  • 不幸的小伙子啊,他死了妻子。
    Poor chap, his wife has just died.
  • 其实我的两个爸爸都是那种生性强、富有魅力、对他人有着非凡影响力的人。
    Both men were strong, charismatic and influential.
  • 这项善举正好代表了我们对未来的社会栋梁的投资,在新纪元开始时便作出这项善举,实在令今晚的盛会更具特别意义。
    The charitable contribution has added special meaning to this occasion : marking the beginning of a new era with an investment in our young people, a stake in the future of Hong Kong.
  • “原本是一个活泼可爱的小孩,可因为被宠惯了,所以有时也会愎自用,任性倔强”(夏洛蒂·勃朗特)。
    "A lively child, who had been spoilt and indulged, and therefore was sometimes wayward(Charlotte Bront).
  • 包含有弹簧架的床垫。
    a mattress containing springs in a rigid frame.
  • 和他们愉快地聊了一会儿天。
    I've just had a delightful chat with them.
  • ”他边说边为在网上订的比萨饼签上了支票日期,在计算机鼠标和支票簿之间忙碌。
    '' he asks as he dates a check for a pizza he just ordered online, going between the computer mouse and the checkbook.
  • 我被告之他们付清帐目离开旅馆。
    I was told that they had just checked out.
  • 我刚住进酒店。
    I've just checked in.
  • 才,我在这儿结账。
    Just now I checked out here.
  • 说完“干杯”,他便一饮而尽。
    Soon after"Cheers!"he drained off the cup.
  • 球队一上场,球迷的欢呼声立即响遍全常
    The cheers of the fans echoed round the ground as the team appeared.
  • 才说的跟我们的见解不很一致。
    What you have just said does not quite chime in with our views.
  • 一名保育人士周四表示,乌干达西部的人民因邻国果长达两年的内战而流离失所,饥民被迫以小型黑猩猩果腹,此举已威胁到黑猩猩族群的生存。
    Hungry refugees displaced by the two-year civil war in neighboring Congo and forced to eat small apes threaten to wipe out the chimpanzee population in western Uganda, a conservationist said Thursday.
  • 伤寒病、登革热、小儿麻痹症、霍乱、黑热病、克里米亚-果出血热……连美军上尉军医d.j都勒对阿富汗境内的种种疾病都感到心惊胆战。
    Even to a physician like U.S. Army Capt.D.J. Doyle, the list of diseases in Afghanistan is frightening: typhoid fever, dengue fever, polio, cholera, leishmaniasis, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever.
  • 不管怎样,“我爱你”背后的含义似乎在整个关系的过程中是变化着的,“开始是用来示爱,是通向婚约的第一步,”瑞来特公司顾问克里丝汀·诺瑟姆说。
    Anyhow, it seems the meaning behind “I love you” changes throughout a relationship. “In the beginning, it may be used as a declaration of interest and as one of the first steps towards commitment,” says Christine Northam, a counsellor with Relate.
  • 米克买了2,000只第二次世界大战时的防毒面具,他一定发疯了,他要这一批东西干什么?
    Mick has just bought a job lot of 2,000 World War Ⅱgas masks; he must have gone off his chump, what's he going to do with them all?