  • 要完全达到这种目的,集中力、运动战、速决战、歼灭战,都是必要的条件。
    Concentration of troops, mobile warfare, war of quick decision and war of annihilation are all necessary conditions for the full achievement of this aim.
  • 反攻阶段中,问题是很多的,主要的如反攻开始问题、集中力问题、运动战问题、速决战问题、歼灭战问题等。
    In the stage of counter-offensive, there are many problems, the chief of which are the starting of the counter-offensive, the concentration of troops, mobile warfare, war of quick decision and war of annihilation.
  • 我们说日本技术条件虽优,但它终必失败,除了我们给以歼灭和消耗的打击外,就是它的军心终必随着我们的打击而动摇,武器和员结合不稳。
    When we say that Japan will finally be defeated despite her technical superiority, we mean that the blows we deliver through annihilation and attrition, apart from inflicting losses, will eventually shake the morale of the enemy army whose weapons are not in the hands of politically conscious soldiers.
  • 虽然应该承认这种情况的客观原因,即敌我技术和员教养程度的不同,然而在理论上和实际上,无论如何也应该提倡主力军在一切有利场合努力地执行歼灭战。
    Although we should recognize the objective cause of this situation, namely, the disparity between us and the enemy in technical equipment and in the training of troops, in any case it is necessary, both theoretically and practically, to urge that our main forces should fight vigorous battles of annihilation whenever circumstances are favourable.
  • 在朽木中筑巢在其中钻洞产卵。
    ant that nests in decaying wood in which it bores tunnels for depositing eggs.
  • 但由于同苏联对立,又由于人财先天不足,所以日本的最大的出数和最后的进攻点都不得不受一定的限制。
    But because of Japan's antagonism with the Soviet Union and her inherent shortage of manpower and finances, there are inevitable limits to the maximum number of men she can throw in and to the furthest extent of her advance.
  • 第三,是由于我们今天征调壮丁的方式,还不无强迫的错误,这种错误的继续,造成了动员新的极大困难,且使入伍者缺乏坚定的意志与作战的勇气,甚至还可造成民众与政府、军队的对立,给日寇、汉奸以活动的口实与机会;
    Third, some people have used coercion in recruitment -- a mistake that has made it most difficult for us to enlist new recruits and has resulted in those forced to join the army lacking a strong will and the courage to fight, and one that could even cause antagonism between the people, on the one hand, and the government and army, on the other;this would only play into the hands of the Japanese aggressors and Chinese collaborators.
  • 中国红军以弱小者的姿态出现于内战的战场,其迭挫强敌震惊世界的战绩,依赖于力集中使用者甚大。
    The Chinese Red Army, which entered the arena of the civil war as a small and weak force, has since repeatedly defeated its powerful antagonist and won victories that have astonished the world, and it has done so by relying largely on the employment of concentrated strength.
  • 五角大楼里纸上谈的鼓吹战争者;纸上谈的人类学家。
    armchair warriors in the Pentagon; an armchair anthropologist.
  • 一些从事人道主义和人权工作的非政府组织走到一起,从1991年底至1992年初,国际残疾人联合会、人权观察组织、医疗国际、矿产咨询机构、人权医生组织和美国越战退伍老协会发表了《禁止使用杀伤性地雷的联合宣言》。
    It was a handful of NGOs, with their roots in hu manitarian and human rights work, which began to come to- gether, in late 1991 and early 1992, in an organized effort to ban antipersonnel landmines. In October of 1992, Handicap International, Human Rights Watch, Medico International, Mines Advisory Group, Physicians for Human Rights and Viet nam Veterans of America Foundation came together to issue a "Joint Call to Ban Antipersonnel Landmines.
  • 以各种压制火炮、反坦克火炮、反坦克导弹和战役战术导弹为基本装备,遂行地面火力突击任务。
    The artillery corps, equipped basically with artillery for suppression and anti-tank purposes, and missiles for antitank and other operational-tactical purposes, carries out ground fire strikes.
  • 阿格里帕,马库斯·维皮萨谬斯63-12罗马士和政治家,曾率领舰队于公元前31年在阿克提姆岬打败了马克·安东尼和克娄巴特拉的军队
    Roman soldier and statesman who commanded the fleet that defeated the forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra at Actium(31).
  • 报告中一个不太诱人的推测是生物技术可能使士“从战场上能够搜索到的原材料”中制造出“可食用、可消化的营养食品”。
    One of the report's less appetising speculations is that biote chnology might allow soldiers to create "edible, digestible, nourishing food from raw materials that might be foraged on the battlefield.
  • 从征募的士中任命的军事官员。
    a military officer appointed from enlisted personnel.
  • 航空兵战斗活动方法
    approach of aviation operation
  • 所以用的法则,不要寄望敌人不会来,而要依靠自己严阵以待,充分预备;
    In war, as appropriately pointed out by Sun Tzi, one cannot rely on the failure of the enemy to attack us. Instead, one must be ever ready to take on the enemy.
  • 要解决这“少数不良分子”的问题,也只能在农会整顿纪律的口号之下,对群众做宣传,对他们本人进行训练,把农会的纪律整好,决不能随便派捉人,损害贫农阶级的威信,助长土豪劣绅的气势。
    This problem of the "unhealthy minority" can be tackled only under the peasant associations' own slogan of "strengthen discipline", by carrying on propaganda among the masses, by educating the "unhealthy minority", and by tightening the associations' discipline;in no circumstances should soldiers be arbitrarily sent to make such arrests as would damage the prestige of the poor peasants and feed the arrogance of the local tyrants and evil gentry.
  • 有宽大的轮子和弓形顶部的马车;在世纪美国士用来通过巴黎河的工具。
    a large wagon with broad wheels and an arched canvas top; used by the United States pioneers to cross the prairies in the 19th century.
  • 我们不是士,他们也不是。
    We are not soldiers, nor are they.
  • 苏格兰是一个独特的地方,自然条件虽不得天独厚,历史的厚重感却随处可见。豪门望族的府第与城堡历历在目,仪仗队的士也还穿着传统服装。
    Scotland is a unique and austere place, laden with history, where you can find aristocratic palaces and castles, as well as the traditional parades in national costumes.
  • 海军岸防兵
    naval coast defence arm
  • 阿金库尔法国北部阿哈西北偏西的一个村庄。1415年10月25日,英王亨利五世在此村重创力远胜于己的法军。这次胜利显示了装备大弓的军队优于穿着厚重盔甲的封建武士
    A village of northern France west-northwest of Arras. On October25,1415, Henry V of England decisively defeated a much larger French army here. The victory demonstrated the effectiveness of longbow-equipped troops over heavily armored feudal knights.
  • 得到战斗命令的一列士
    an array of troops in battle order.
  • 有些士拿着铜剑,有些人握着弹弩、弓箭还有长矛。
    Some warrior figures are carrying bronze swords, some holding catapults, bows and arrows and long spears.
  • 炮兵部署在西边.
    Artillery was deployed in the west.
  • 炮火掩护步兵前进.
    Artillery gave cover (ie fired at the enemy to stop them firing back) while the infantry advanced.
  • 军士未受军衔的炮军官
    A noncommissioned artillery officer.
  • 火炮部队;炮兵
    A battery of cannons; artillery.
  • 炮兵部队士兵
    A soldier in the artillery.
  • 用炮或炮来攻击对方。
    attack with canons or artillery.
  • 剧烈持续的炮射击。
    intense and continuous artillery fire.
  • 通过迫击炮发射的炮射击。
    artillery fire delivered by a mortar.