  • 苜蓿叶式立体交叉的路两条高速路的立体交叉道,一条穿过另一条,有一系列入口和出口坡道,与四叶苜蓿的外形相似,车辆在两条高速路上均可驶入任一的两个方向
    A highway interchange at which two highways, one crossing over the other, have a series of entrance and exit ramps resembling the outline of a four-leaf clover and enabling vehicles to proceed in either direction on either highway.
  • 泰勒先生一定会在参院同意任命的听政会上遇到刁难,因联保司未能发现国际信用贷款银行在全球到处制造丑闻。
    Mr.Taylor is in for a grlling at his confirmation hearings on why the Fed failed to uncover the casndalous global rampage by the Bank of Credit and Commerce International.
  • 这种原始微型轿车的全新型号、机敏灵活的赛车——其特色是新的多重连接悬浮——在崎岖的路和城市街道上开起来同样自如。
    A thoroughly modern version of the original Mini, this agile sport sedan -- which features a new multilink suspension -- is equally at home on winding roads and urban streets.
  • 大约30年后,警察的正直和诚实程度再次受到众的质疑。尤其是在洛杉矶市,这里的警察局刚刚因为其防卫处的一桩受贿丑闻而受到打击。
    Almost 30 years later, police honesty and integrity are again being called into question, most recently in Los Angeles, where the police department is trying to recover from a serious corruption scandal in its Rampart Division.
  • 他承认在卡尔加里向西100里的广阔牧场拍片时的确遇到了不少困难。
    The actor admits there is more than one obstacle to starring in the period piece being shot on a sprawling ranch about 100 km west of Calgary.
  • 该法规定,国家机关及其工作人员如在行使职权中侵犯民合法权益造成损害的,受害人有权依法取得国家赔偿。
    This law stipulates that if the legal rights and interests of citizens are infringed upon by state organs and their staff in exercising their functions and powers, the aggrieved persons have the right to get state compensation in accordance with the law.
  • 调查官,巡视员一个调查抱怨和不满,报告调查结果和平解决事端的人,尤指在互相怨恨的几方之间,如消费者或学生和一机构、组织或司之间
    A man who investigates complaints, reports findings, and mediates fair settlements, especially between aggrieved parties such as consumers or students and an institution, an organization, or a company.
  • 他由司的总部被调到海外分部,对此他颇为愤愤不平。
    He felt much aggrieved at being transferred from the company’s headquarters to its overseas branch.
  • 欣悉您已被任命为英格索--兰德司董事会的董事。
    I was delighted to hear that you were appointed to the Board of Ingersoll-Rand Company.
  • 消防处在153名申请者中,抽签选出30名来自各行各业的市民,出任第四届众联络小组成员。
    Thirty members of the public from all walks of life were randomly selected from among 153 applicants to form the group's fourth-term membership during the year.
  • 据位于加州古本蒂诺市的太平洋煤气电力司的网络专员兰迪·琼称,“我们的网络管理人员不具备很多unix和internet连网的经验,因此,开头时工作负荷确实很重。”
    "Our network administrators didn't have a lot of Unix and Internet networking experience, so the workload was initially really heavy", said Randy Jew, network specialist at Pacific Gas and Electric Co., in Cupertino, Calif..
  • 国家园管理员必须随时准备好处理各种紧急情况。
    Ranger must be ready to deal with emergencies of all kinds.
  • 国家园管理员必须随时准备好处理各种紧急情况。
    Ranger must is ready to deal with emergencies of all kinds.
  • 积极开发一批市场信誉优良、文化特色鲜明的旅游景点和远郊旅游景区,建设好京城水系、森林园、主题园、观光农业园等,满足广大游客和市民日益增长的现代体育、休闲、娱乐文化生活需求。
    An array of tourist sites and suburban tourist areas shall be aggressively developed to give them unique cultural features and strong standing in the market. The water systems, forest parks, theme parks, and sightseeing agricultural gardens shall be developed to meet the constantly growing need of both tourists and local residents for modern sports, leisure and entertainment.
  • 在"骑警队"的办室里,他坚持穿着一双已有一个大洞的鞋子。
    At the Rangers office,he insisted on wearing a pair of shoes with a large hole in them.
  • 司要求员工为推出成功产品出谋划策,并对这些设想加以广泛论证,以确保其质量和安全性,然后积极地将这些设想付诸实施,推向市场,传递给消费者。
    Employees are expected to think up successful product ideas, to test those ideas extensively to ensure quality and safety, and to push those ideas aggressively into the market to the customer.
  • 司销售的产品范围从廉价的低档市场上的钢笔到进口的高级奢侈品,应有尽有。
    The company selled product ranging from the cheap down- market pen to import luxury item.
  • 食物环境卫生署管理105个众街市,共12900个档位。这些档位发售的货品,由新鲜粮食以至家庭用品,应有尽有。
    The FEHD operates 105 public markets with 12 900 stalls selling commodities ranging from fresh food to household items.
  • 大王候夫人大王妃;印度主或王侯的妻子。
    a great rani; a princess in India or the wife of a maharaja.
  • 女邦主地位在王妃之上的印度主,尤其指从前的土著王国的君王统治者
    A princess in India ranking above a rani, especially the sovereign ruler of one of the former native states.
  • 女贵族,其爵位在伯爵之上,爵之下
    A noblewoman ranking above a countess and below a duchess.
  • 等级低于女爵高于女伯爵的贵族妇女。
    a noblewoman ranking below a duchess and above a countess.
  • 有进取心的青年人在本司能大展鸿图。
    An aggressive young man can go far in our firm.
  • 等级在爵之下、伯爵之上的英国贵族。
    a British peer ranking below a duke and above an earl.
  • 使馆地位低于大使馆的驻在外国的外交使团
    A diplomatic mission in a foreign country ranking below an embassy.
  • 罗马教廷使职位低于罗马教皇使节的梵蒂冈的外交使者或代表
    A Vatican diplomatic envoy or representative ranking just beneath a nuncio.
  • 西班牙贵族中爵位最高的成员乃是大
    The highest- ranking member of the Spanish aristocracy is the grandee.
  • 彼得所属在休斯敦的司却正濒临倒闭,已取消了绑架保险,故而不能为彼得提供赎金。
    Peter's Houston based employer,however,is on the verge of bankruptcy and has cancelled the kidnapping insurance policy and they cannot provide the money for his ransom.
  • 除了食物的数量大大增加以外,质量和品种也大大改善和增加了,与此同时,食物以外的便利品和奢侈品不再只限于供人数很少的富裕阶级享用,已大量普及到很多日益扩大的社会阶层手中.这种社会的集体财力是空前巨大的,可以用来作一番惊人的事业:例如供养舰队和军队,修建共工程,不论是有用的还是装饰性的;
    Besides this great increase in the quantity of food, it has greatly improved in quality and variety; while conveniences and luxuries, other than food, are no longer limited to a small and opulent class, but descend, in great abundance, through many widening strata in society. The collective resources of one of these communities, when it chooses to put them forth for any unexpected purpose; its ability to maintain fleets and armies, to execute public works, either useful or ornamental, to perform national acts of beneficence like the ransom of the West India slaves;
  • 对公正的违反
    A rape of justice.
  • 安、司法机关依法打击杀人、爆炸、投毒、抢劫、重大盗窃、强奸、绑架和黑社会性质组织犯罪、涉枪犯罪等严重刑事犯罪活动,有力保障人民群众的生命和财产安全;
    The public security and judicial organs cracked down on serious crimes related to murder, explosion, poisoning, robbery, large-scale theft, rape, kidnapping, gangs, and guns, effectively protecting the safety of people's lives and property.
  • 设立该中心的目的,在于汇集和发放有关特殊教育的资讯,供特殊教育工作者及众人士蒐集和处理资料之用。
    The centre serves as a database for aggregation and dissemination of resources on special education. It is open to all special education personnel as well as the public for information searching and processing.