  • 可是到一九六二年七、八月北戴河會議,又轉回去了,重提階級鬥,提得更高了。
    At the Beidaihe Meeting of July-August that year, however, he reversed direction again, laying renewed and even greater stress on class struggle.
  • 殘酷的競;殘酷的剝削。
    cutthroat competition; bowelless readiness to take advantage.
  • 運用手段,為圖謀某個職位或利益而競
    compete (for an advantage or a position).
  • 日本已放棄了戰爭。
    Japan has renounced war.
  • 遊擊戰沒有正規戰那樣迅速的成效和顯赫的名聲,但是“路遙知馬力,事久見人心”,在長期和殘酷的戰中,遊擊戰將表現其很大的威力,實在是非同小可的事業。
    Guerrilla warfare does not bring as quick results or as great renown as regular warfare, but "a long road tests a horse's strength and a long task proves a man's heart", and in the course of this long and cruel war guerrilla warfare will demonstrate its immense power; It is indeed no ordinary under taking.
  • 學校裏的激烈競,使新加坡學生的優越表現,特別在數學和科學方面,舉世聞名。
    The competitiveness of our schools has made Singaporean students world-renowned for their academic prowess, especially in mathematics and science.
  • 由於市場競激烈,科技不斷進步,年內,流動電話的手機價格繼續下降。
    Competition and technological advancement meant cellular handset prices continued to drop in 1997.
  • 這裏的特點是包括了資産階級,這是因為資産階級在今天的環境下,又有重新參加抗日的可能,所以無産階級政黨不應該拒絶他們,而應該招致他們,恢復和他們共同鬥的聯盟,以利於中國革命的前進。
    The salient feature here is the inclusion of the bourgeoisie; the reason is that in the present circumstances there is a possibility that the bourgeoisie will once again co-operate with us and join in the resistance to Japan, and the party of the proletariat should therefore not repel but welcome them and revive its alliance with them for the common struggle, so as to help the Chinese revolution forward.
  • 一百年來,中國的鬥,從鴉片戰反對英國侵略起,後來有太平天國的戰,有甲午戰,有戊戌維新,有義和團運動,有辛亥革命,有五四運動,有北伐戰,有紅軍戰,這些雖然情形各不相同,但都是為了反抗外敵,或改革現狀的。
    During that century, there was first the Opium War against British aggression, then came the War of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, then the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the Reform Movement of 1898, the Yi Ho Tuan Movement, the Revolution of 1911, the May 4th Movement, the Northern Expedition, and the war waged by the Red Army -- although these struggles differed from each other, their common purpose was to repel foreign enemies or change existing conditions.
  • 現在戰如此緊急,應是國民黨全部實行三民主義的時候了,再不實行就要悔之無及了。
    The war situation having become so critical, it is high time that the Kuomintang applied the Three People's Principles in full, or otherwise it will be too late to repent.
  • 這個戰將給經濟帶來什麽影響?
    What repercussions will the war have on the economy?
  • 最後,在階級鬥接近决戰的時期,統治階級內部的、整個舊社會內部的瓦解過程,就達到非常強烈、非常尖銳的程度,甚至使得統治階級中的一小部分人脫離統治階級而歸附於革命的階級,即掌握着未來的階級。
    Finally, in times when the class struggle nears the decisive hour, the process of dissolution going on within the ruling class, in fact within the whole range of society, assumes such a violent, glaring character, that a small section of the ruling class cuts itself adrift, and joins the revolutionary class, the class that holds the future in its hands.
  • 半個世紀以前,日本軍國主義在亞洲,德國法西斯在歐洲幹着被全世界人民痛恨的慘無人道的法西斯行徑,半個世紀以後竟然在一個非戰環境下的印尼重演這種悲劇,真令人痛心。
    Half a century ago, Japanese militarists and German fascists committed inhuman atrocities in Asia and Europe, atrocities which people over the world deplore. How sad to see, half a century later, the same tragedy actually being replayed in Indonesia, a country which was not at war.
  • 半個世紀以前,日本軍國主義在亞洲,德國法西斯在歐洲幹着被全世界人民痛恨的慘無人道的法西斯行徑,半個世紀以後竟然在一個非戰環境下的印尼重演這種悲劇,真令人痛心。
    Half a century ago, Japanese militarists and German fascists committed inhuman atrocities in Asia and Europe, atrocities which people the world over deplore. How sad to see, half a century later, the same tragedy actually being replayed in Indonesia, a country which was not at war.
  • 阿爾巴尼亞歐洲東南部的一個國傢,位於亞得裏亞海。曾長期是各國統治者和民族(從羅馬人、土耳其人到塞族人和巴爾幹人)戰的場地,阿爾巴尼亞於1925年成為一個共和國。地拉那是首都及最大城市。人口2,841,300
    A country of southeast Europe on the Adriatic Sea. Long a warring ground for rulers and peoples ranging from the Romans and Turks to the Serbs and Bulgarians, Albania became a republic in1925. Tiran is the capital and the largest city. Population,2, 841, 300.
  • 這種時候,我之作戰方針,不在於攻擊不可必勝的、固守着防禦陣地的敵人;而在於有計劃地在一定地區內消滅和驅逐為遊擊隊力能胜任的小敵和漢姦武裝,擴大我之占領地區,發動民衆的抗日鬥,補充並訓練部隊,組織新的遊擊隊。
    At such times our operational policy is not to attack enemy forces which are entrenched in defensive positions and which we are not sure of defeating, but systematically to destroy or drive out the small enemy units and puppet forces in certain areas, which our guerrilla units are strong enough to deal with, and to expand our areas, arouse the masses for struggle against Japan, replenish and train our troops and organize new guerrilla units.
  • 不僅應研究戰略戰術,而且還應以最大努力,利用一切可能,動員廣大民衆加入軍隊,補充現有兵團,組織新的部隊,積蓄與擴大國傢的武裝力量,以支持長期艱苦的戰
    We should not only study strategy and tactics, but also do our utmost in every possible way to build up and expand the national armed forces by mobilizing the people to join the army, replenishing the existing corps and organizing new armed units in order to support an arduous, long-drawn-out war.
  • 但是,能夠振奮人民和青年的革命精神,推動他們勇敢獻身於祖國各個領域的建設和鬥,具有強大鼓舞力量的作品,除了報告文學方面比較多以外,其他方面也有,可是不能說多。
    There have been a number of pieces of reportage that awaken a revolutionary spirit, especially in young people, encouraging them to dedicate themselves to construction and struggle in every field, pieces that are very inspiring. There have been some inspiring works in other literary forms as well, but altogether there are not many.
  • 還價不可接受,因市場價格上漲,據說其他廠傢已退出競
    Counteroffers are unentertainable as market upswing other sellers reportedly withdraw
  • 獨傢報道被某個競者搶先獲取的新聞消息
    The reporting of a news item obtained ahead of one's competitors.
  • 上個月,我寄給你們由專傢組寫的一份報告。報告列出了如何加強聯合國在和平和安全這個關鍵問題上的作用的詳細建議。這個關鍵問題是,人民特別希望其國傢,也特別希望聯合國將他們從“戰的深淵”中解救出來。
    Last month I sent you a Repot, produced by a Pane1 of experts, which makes detailed suggestions for strengthening the United Nations in the crucial area of peace and security -- the area where people look especially to the State, and where the world's peoples look to the United Nations to save them "from the scourge of war".
  • 一個有強烈競意識的銷售代表
    A highly competitive sales representative.
  • 路易喬治壓迫英國人民不許說反對帝國主義戰的話,任何表現這種民意的機關和集會都不許存在;
    Lloyd George repressed the British people, forbidding them to speak against the imperialist war and banning organizations or assemblies that expressed popular opinion against the war;
  • 衹有嚮頑固派采取這種強硬態度和在鬥時采取有理、有利、有節的方針,才能使頑固派有所畏而不敢壓迫我們,才能縮小頑固派防共、限共、反共的範圍,才能強迫頑固派承認我們的合法地位,也才能使頑固派不敢輕易分裂。
    This kind of strong attitude towards the die-hards and the policy of struggling against them on just grounds, to our advantage, and with restraint are the only way to make the die-hards somewhat afraid of repressing us, to reduce the scope of their activities in containing, restricting and combating the Communist Party, to force them to recognize our legal status, and to make them think twice before causing a split.
  • 他們要與各種形式的不公正和壓製行為作鬥
    They want to fight all form of injustice and repression.
  •  (2)工業産權的保護對象有專利、實用新型、外觀設計、商標、服務標記、廠商名稱、貨源標記或原産地名稱和製止不正當競
    The protection of industrial property has as its object patents, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, trade names, indications of source or appellations of origin, and the repression of unfair competition.
  • 完全采用壓製的辦法,其結果,縱然可以在表面上收到一些效果,也絶不是鞏固的,更不會發揚戰士的自動性,從戰士自己的覺悟中發生出無比的戰鬥威力,尤其不能在任何睏難環境中還會保持一致以支持艱苦的鬥
    Totally repressive measures can produce only undependable, superficial effects; they cannot rouse the soldiers' initiative or bring out their matchless fighting capabilities, much less unite the soldiers to carry on this arduous struggle under all kinds of adverse conditions.
  • 遷移到西南大沙漠(從亞利桑那州到德剋薩斯州並且嚮南進入到墨西哥)的阿它帕斯坦部落的人;1861-1886年對美戰失利並重新定居在俄剋拉荷馬。
    any member of Athapaskan tribes that migrated to the SW desert (from Arizona to Texas and south into Mexico); fought a losing battle from 1861 to 1886 with the US and were resettled in Oklahoma.
  • 這場論完全是無事生非
    The whole controversy is for too much ado about nothing
  • 有關美國剩餘的權力的論已是曠日持久的了。
    The debate over the residual powers of the States has been long drawn out.
  •  如果我們在自己的境內辦工業,這種工業在地區上、商業上、政治上是同我們結合在一起的,它嚮我們所吸取的食物和原料不衹是它所需要的一小部分而是絶大部分,它的産品並不會由於巨大的運輸費用而擡高代價,我們在這方面的物資交流也不會由於國外工業適應它自己的需要或由於戰或禁製性進口稅等關係而發生阻滯——試問,如果說遼遠地區的工業對我們農業有有利影響的話,那麽我們自己的工業在這方面的有利影響比前者要擴大多少倍?
    If, however, trade in the manufactures of far distant lands exercises admittedly so beneficial an influence on our agricultural industry, how much more beneficial must the influence be of those manufactures which are bound up with us locally, commercially, and politically, which not only take from us a small portion, but the largest portion of their requirements of food and of raw materials,which are not made dearer to us by great costs of transport, our trade in which cannot be interrupted by the chance of foreign manufacturing nations learning to supply their own wants themselves, or by wars and prohibitory import duties?
  • 抗日戰中的投降主義