  • 在第轮比赛中我赢了10英镑,结果在第二轮比赛中输得精光。
    I won ten pounds on the first race and blued it al on the second.
  • 传染病次性猛烈的爆发造成的死亡也许没有次狂怒的洪水或者次长期的旱灾吞噬的人多,但是它旦在个地区生了根,就难以根除并会蔓延到其它地区。
    It may kill fewer people in one fell swoop than a raging flood or an extended drought, but once it takes root in a community, it often defies eradication and can invade other areas.
  • 彻底清除“四人帮”所造成的这种恶果,是关系到巩固无产阶级专政的项极其严重的政治任务。
    The eradication of the Gang's pernicious influence is a political task which is of the utmost importance and which has a direct bearing on the consolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat in China.
  • 凡此切流寇思想的表现,极大地妨碍着红军去执行正确的任务,故肃清流寇思想,实为红军党内思想斗争的个重要目标。
    All these manifestations of the ideology of roving rebels seriously hamper the Red Army in performing its proper tasks; consequently its eradication is an important objective in the ideological struggle within the Red Army Party organization.
  • 最严重的火灾痕迹可以通过全面的再造林计划予以消除;太大了的声音不能通过消音磁头次给抹去。
    the fire's worst scars were effaceable by a comprehensive program of reforestation; a signal too loud to be erasable in a single pass through the erase head.
  • 从存储器中删去个程序。
    To erase a program from memory.
  • delete退后格并删除条字符或数字项。
    Delete backspace and erase one character or number entry.
  • 吉姆努力忘掉这念头。
    Jim tried to erase the idea from his mind.
  • 在我整个困难时期,她直是个大好人,真心地帮助了我。
    Throughout al my difficulties she's been a brick and helped me willingly.
  • 在存储媒体上进行读、写或擦除数据的种部件,例如,用于在磁鼓、磁带上读、写或擦除数据的小型电磁体。
    A device that reads, writes, or erases data on a storage medium, for example, a small electromagnet used to read, write, or erase data on a magnetic drum or magnetic tape.
  • 如果是重新安装或对现有的winaip安装进行升级,请确保先为现有的安装目录(特别是带有.ini扩展名的文件)创建个备份,因为如果在重新安装或升级winaip中操作不当,可能会抹去以前输入winaip数据,包括数据库文件、com端口的使用说明或其他选项。
    If you are reinstalling or updating an existing WinAIP installation, be sure to create a backup copy of your existing installation directory (especially files with.ini extensions) since improperly reinstalling or updating WinAIP may erase WinAIP data you have previously entered, including Database Files, Com Port usage, and other options.
  • 从磁盘上清除掉个文件
    Erased a file from the diskette.
  • 我的眼睛随着艾尔的眼光往下着,只见他肚子上面(睡袋底下)鼓起包,
    My eyes followed Al's - down to the lump over his stomach.
  • 个笨重的、凶恶的脑袋紧挨着艾尔的脸露出来了。
    A heavy, evil head appeared, right next to Al's face.
  • 他头上受到击使他忘记了事故的细节。
    The blow on his head erased from his memory the details of the accident.
  • 种只读存储器,其中的内容可以擦除,使存储器成为空白状态。
    A type of read only memory that can is erased, thereby returning the device to a blank state.
  • 种特性,指断电时数据丢失而不可再恢复。
    A characteristic of becoming lost or erased when power is removed, i.e., the loss of data.
  • 种只读存储器,其中的内容可以擦除,使存储器成为空白状态。
    A type of read-only memory that can be erased, thereby returning the device to a blank state.
  • 有消息,我会马上通知您。
    I'll call you al soon as I hear anything.
  • 重写本尤指纸莎草纸或羊皮纸的底稿,已被写了不止次,以前写的东西已被不完全擦掉,通常是清晰易读的
    A manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely erased and often legible.
  • 约翰花了数小时才把资料输入了电子计算机,但电源断便擦去了机器中的存储量,他的切全白费了。
    John had spent hours keying data into the computer, but it all went down the drain when a power cut erased the machine’s memory.
  • 由于早期作品的部分被擦去但仍可见而所写的不止个的手稿(通常写在纸草或羊皮纸上)。
    a manuscript (usually written on papyrus or parchment) on which more than one text has been written with the earlier writing incompletely erased and still visible.
  • 样都没有,我带的都只是私人用品。
    Nothing at all.I'm just bringing in person-al effects.
  • 种不包括数据仅有参考结构的数据媒体。如预印格式、仅有中导孔的穿孔纸带、已清除的磁带等。
    A data medium that does not contain data other than a frame o f reference, for example, a pre-printed form, tape punched only with feed holes, a magnetic tape t hat has been erased.
  • 她受聘虽说是临时性的,但却是大成功。
    Her appointment was a significant, (al)though/albeit temporary success.
  • 定是你最喜欢的球星,别急,我们来看下他失败的原因吧,首先我觉得贝克尔打落地球时动作不连贯,又缺乏信心。他截击空中球时漏洞百出,他13次发球得分的机会却有10次双误,贝克尔第十局接连两次失误使得弗里拉获得反败为胜的机会。
    He must be your favorite star. Don't worry, let's see the reasons his failure. Firstly, I think that Backer's ground strokes lacked consistency and confidence, his volleys were erratic and his 13 aces were nearly erased by 10 double-faults. Two straight double-faults by Becker gave Ferreira a key break in the 11 th game.
  • 这回我的橡皮擦又到哪去了?不要不说声就拿别人桌子上的东西,好吗?
    Now where do my eraser go this time? do not take thing off other people's desk without asking them, o.k.?
  • 这回我的橡皮擦又到哪去了?不要不说声就拿别人桌子上的东西,好吗?
    Now where does my eraser go this time? Do not take thing off other people 's desk without asking them, o.k.?
  • 橡皮制成的擦子(或有和橡皮接近的人造材料制成);般装在铅笔的末端。
    an eraser made of rubber (or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber); commonly mounted at one end of a pencil.
  • 名被捕的基地组织成员交代,在1998年我们驻肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚的使馆爆炸后,萨达姆更愿意帮助基地组织了。
    A detained Al Qaida member tells us that Saddam was more willing to assist Al Qaida after the 1998 bombings of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
  • 检查、修改、代替或擦去文档内容部分的过程。
    The inspection, modification, replacement or erasure of part of file's contents.
  • 种黑色矿物,由钇、铒、钽和其他矿物的氧化物组成。
    a dark mineral consisting of oxides of yttrium and erbium and tantalum and other minerals.