  • 服务员进来,轻轻地对李先生了一句。
    An attendant enters end whispers to Mr. Li.
  • “这就是那另一个男人,”陪同人
    "That's the other man," said the attendant.
  • “他的病很惨,”陪同人
    "His was a sad case," said the attendant.
  • 他的演吸引住我们。
    His speech arrested our attention.
  • 你应该注意倾听父母所的话。
    You should be attentive to what your parents have said.
  • 一般来,健康较好的学生在课堂里听讲思想更为集中。
    By and large the students with better health are more attentive in class.
  • 她专心听着,把他的话一字不漏地记下来。
    She listened attentively and set down every word he said.
  • 我们都认真地听着她诉苦衷。
    We all listened attentively while she poured out her thrones.
  • 她诉着她的苦衷,我们都仔细地听着。
    We all listened attentively while she poured out her troubles.
  • 我发誓,我的话句句属实。
    I have said nothing that I am not ready to attest.
  • 作为一个结婚40余年的人,我可以证明下面这个法完全正确:想要在家庭的争辩中打满分,首先要掌握认输的艺术。
    Having been married for more than 40 years, I can attest to the truth of the following statement: To excel in the art of domestic argument, one must master the art of losing.
  • 关于婴儿是否应同成人一起睡大床,医生众纷坛。但在如何使婴儿在床上睡得比较安全的问题上,他们的看法基本一致。
    Though physicians differ on whether infants and adults should sleep together in an adult bed, they typically agree on steps to make that bed safer-though as any parent will attest, nothing is truly babyproof.
  • 为了向抱怀疑的孩子们明情况,妈妈在阁楼上找出一些旧照片。
    To show the doubting children, their mother hunted up some old photographs in the attic.
  • 阿提卡希腊中东部雅典周围的一古老地区。根据古希腊传,四个阿提卡部落由雅典国王西修斯统一为一个部
    An ancient region of east-central Greece around Athens. According to Greek legend, the four Attic tribes were unified into a single state by the Athenian king Theseus.
  • 微软在反垄断诉讼案中败诉,盖茨的竞争对手把他成是野蛮的匈奴,对此盖茨感到既痛苦又愤怒。
    Defeated in court and depicted by rivals as a corportate Attila the Hun, he seemed bitter and angry.
  • 不适合于办公室的服装;一些全都不合适的事情。
    unsuitable attire for the office; said all the wrong things.
  • 比如,你应该在穿着上倍加细心,穿戴整齐得体,避免走极端,既不要穿得过分考究,也不要显得太随便。
    You should, for example, take care to appear well-groomed and modestly dressed, avoiding the extremes of too elaborate or too casual attire.
  • 或许我话有些不合时宜,但是你可能愿意知道你的衣着与这里的服装规则不相符
    I may be speaking out of turn, but you might like to know that your attire does not conform to the dress code here.
  • 他的态度本身就足以明问题。
    His attitude speaks for itself.
  • 教老一套的道德准则或态度
    A conventional moral maxim or attitude.
  • 律师论辨这一裁决侵害了他的委托人。
    The attorney argue that the decision involve prejudice to his client.
  • 他代表辩护律师这番话的。
    He said these words on the part of the attorney.
  • 他被警告检察官将诉讼他。
    He was warned that the district attorney would process him.
  • 正当我们要起身告辞时,律师,"还有3件东西呢。"
    As we rose to leave,the attorney said,"there are three more things."
  • 常常有人,“对立物互相吸引。
    It's often said, " opposites attract.
  • 过去侦探小对我特别有吸引力。
    Detective novel used to hold a special attraction for me.
  • 大卫他们公司之所以获得成功是由于全体员工的团结和坚持不懈努力工作的结果。
    David attributed his company's success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work.
  • “拚消耗”的主张,对于中国红军来是不适时宜的。
    It is inappropriate to advocate a "contest of attrition" for the Chinese Red Army today.
  • (一○○)从理论上和需要上来,中国在防御阶段中,应该利用运动战之主要的歼灭性,游击战之部分的歼灭性,加上辅助性质的阵地战之主要的消耗性和游击战之部分的消耗性,用以达到大量消耗敌人的战略目的。
    100. Speaking theoretically and in terms of China's needs, in order to achieve the strategic objective of greatly depleting the enemy's forces, China in her defensive stage should not only exploit the function of annihilation, which is fulfilled primarily by mobile warfare and partially by guerrilla warfare, but also exploit the function of attrition, which is fulfilled primarily by positional warfare (which itself is supplementary) and partially by guerrilla warfare.
  • 为了这个,我们将依次明下列的问题:能动性在战争中,战争和政治,抗战的政治动员,战争的目的,防御中的进攻,持久中的速决,内线中的外线,主动性,灵活性,计划性,运动战,游击战,阵地战,歼灭战,消耗战,乘敌之隙的可能性,抗日战争的决战问题,兵民是胜利之本。
    We shall therefore successively discuss the following problems: man's dynamic role in war, war and politics, political mobilization for the War of Resistance, the object of war, offence within defence, quick decisions within a protracted war, exterior lines within interior lines, initiative, flexibility, planning, mobile warfare, guerrilla warfare, positional warfare, war of annihilation, war of attrition, the possibilities of exploiting the enemy's mistakes, the question of decisive engagements in the anti-Japanese war, and the army and the people as the foundation of victory.
  • 当然,你不会把我所的话都当真。
    Of course, you won’t take what I've said quite au pied de la letter.
  • 美国人想了解现状,想知道欧洲时下声望最高的小是什么。
    The Americans want to be au courant, to know what fiction has critical prestige in Europe.