  • 舰队在离山岬半里处抛锚停泊。
    The fleet lay at anchor half a mile off the headland.
  • 为了改变坏运气,泰恩和船员们决定到远离新格兰海岸的法兰德斯角海域捕鱼,那里的鱼类资源非常丰富。
    Tyne and his crew are convinced that they can change their run of bad luck by going beyond the normal reach of New England fishing boats to the Flemish Cap, a remote area known for its rich fishing prospects.
  • 海克尼挽马一种国培育的马种,该马跨步时膝盖有明显的弯曲
    A horse of a breed developed in England, having a gait characterized by pronounced flexion of the knee.
  • 产于马达加斯加岛现已绝种的巨型鸟(可达9尺)。
    huge (to 9 ft.) extinct flightless bird of Madagascar.
  • &&&国最后出的一个伟大音乐家是在什么时候?
    When did Britain last fling up a great musician?
  • 查塔胡奇河发源于美国佐治亚州北部的河流,流程约702公里(436里),流向大致为西南向,然后向南在佐治亚州和佛罗里达州的边界流入弗林特河
    A river rising in northern Georgia and flowing about702 km(436 mi) generally southwest then south to the Flint River on the Georgia-Florida border.
  • (旧指)一个备有轻型燧发步枪的国步兵。
    (formerly) a British infantryman armed with a light flintlock musket.
  • 国 Dunmow 地方赠给终年和睦的夫妇的腌猪肉
    flitch of Dunmow(=Dunmow flitch)
  • 他们要在吉利海峡上架一座浮桥,这是一个不太切合实际的计划。
    They had some feather-brained scheme to float a pontoon bridge across the Channel.
  • 在陆地哺乳动物中,北极熊无疑是长距离游泳冠军。人们经常在距离陆地或者大块浮冰50里远的地方看到它们。
    Polar bears are champion long-distance swimmers among land mammals, and it is not uncommon to find them at sea as far as 50 miles from land or an ice floe.
  • 大多数的微机使用5.25和3.5寸的软盘,下图示的是一张3.5寸的软盘。
    Most microcomputers use floppy diskettes of 5.25 inches and 3.5 inches in diameter. The following figure shows a 3.5 inches floppy diskette.
  • 远离佛罗里达海湾的小鱼(4寸)。
    small (4 inches) fish found off Florida gulf coast.
  • 产于新格兰和欧洲沼泽的、多刺的一种灌木,花黄色。
    prickly yellow-flowered shrub of the moors of New England and Europe.
  • 长黄花的小形草本植物,像美国中部和东南部的药蒲公
    small yellow-flowered herb resembling dandelions of central and southeastern United States.
  • 突然,他脚下的一个雪坡开始滑动,接着积雪从几千尺高的山顶上滚下,而我只能站在那儿,眼睁睁地看着他被雪崩卷走了。
    He got on a snow slope that suddenly started to move.There was nothing I could do.It was a sheer drop of nearly a thousand feet to the Magdelena,and I saw him go over in a flurry of snow.
  • 我们正在1000尺处飞行。
    We are flying at 1000 feet.
  • 格兰人们把天桥称为跨线桥或是空中分列式。
    an overpass is called a flyover or a flypast in England.
  • 看电视是现在许多国人家庭生活中的主要消遣。
    Television is now the focal point of family life in many British homes.
  • 冬天,壁炉是国众多家庭的活动中心。
    In winter, the fireplace is the focal point of family life in many homes in Britain.
  • 在这次战争中,波兰反动政府甘愿驱使波兰人民充当法财政资本的炮灰,甘愿充当国际财政资本反动战线的一个组成部分。
    In the war, this reactionary Polish government willingly drove the Polish people to serve as cannon-fodder for British and French finance capital, and it willingly served as a sector of the reactionary front of international finance capital.
  • 无论在德意,无论在法,无论在欧洲和世界其他地方,人民如果不愿充当帝国主义的炮灰,他们就一定会起来用各种方式去反对帝国主义战争。
    Whether in Germany or in Italy, Britain or France, or anywhere else in Europe or the world at large, if the people do not want to be used as imperialist cannon-fodder, they will have to rise up and oppose the imperialist war in every possible way.
  • 加利福尼亚州威尔逊山天文台的100寸望远镜镜面原先涂的是银粉,但是银粉很容易失去光泽,因此每年都得重新涂两次。
    The 100-inch telescope mirror at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California was originally coated with silver. Silver, however, loses its polish easily, and it was necessary to replace the foiling twice yearly.
  • 赫明,约翰1556?-1630国演员,是莎士比亚戏剧第一对开本的编辑者(1623年)
    English actor and an editor of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays(1623).
  • 国和爱尔兰民间舞蹈
    folk dance of United Kingdom and Ireland
  • 小妖精格兰民间传说中的一个淘气的精灵
    A mischievous sprite in English folklore.
  • 国民间传说中一个和他父亲的大拇指一般大的男孩雄人物。
    English folklore: an imaginary hero who was no taller than his father's thumb.
  • 大多数学生爱好语。
    Most students are fond of English.
  • 方达发现的这个问题直逼美国才教育理念的要害。
    Fonda has identified a problem that strikes at the heart of the American meritocratic educational ideal.
  • 他酷爱国文学远近皆知。
    His fondness for English literature is known everywhere.
  • 真空的宇宙是不利于人类生存,令人生畏的禁地。如果人类要在几千尺厚的大气层之外旅行和工作的话,就只能靠密封的容器来保护自己。
    The vacuum of space is a hostile, forbidding place: people must remain in high-tech cocoons if they are to travel or work above the lowest few thousand feet of the earth's almosphere.
  • 这支军队英勇抗敌.
    The army defied the enemy's forces.
  • 旧长度单位以前臂的长度为根据约至寸。
    an ancient unit of length based on the length of the forearm.