  • 这万千华厦的屋顶有瓦盖的,也有石板铺的,重重叠叠,勾勒出万般奇怪景观,而展现在这些华厦之上的则是右岸四十四座教堂的钟楼,都是纹细镂,有凹凸纹的,有格子纹的;
    upon these thousands of edifices, whose tiled and slated roofs outlined upon each other so many fantastic chains, the bell towers, tattooed, fluted, and ornamented with twisted bands, of the four and forty churches on the right bank;
  • 还可以看见密密麻麻的黑点点,熙来攘往,络绎不绝,在街上彼此擦肩而过,叫人看了眼缭乱。
    A continual flux of a thousand black points which passed each other on the pavements made everything move before the eyes;
  • 弄得海滩都是泡沫.
    The breaking waves left the beach covered with foam.
  • 天空乌云密布,波涛掀起白色的浪
    Dark clouds were gathering in the sky;big waves threw up white foam.
  • 这样就可令水面只有泡沫而不溅起水
    This effect leaves only foam on the surface of the water. There is no splash.
  • 有粉紫杂色的欧洲多年生植物;有时作为饲料或绿肥作物种植。
    European perennial with mottled purple-pink flowers; sometimes cultivated for fodder or as green manure.
  • 芸苔,油菜属十字科的一种欧洲植物,(芸苔属欧洲油菜),作为饲料进行种植,可炼出价值珍贵的油
    A European plant(Brassica napus) of the mustard family, cultivated as fodder and for its seed that yields a valuable oil.
  • 野葛一种产于东亚的野藤(野葛葛属),长有复合叶,并开有紫红色簇,它被培植用来作饲料、草料和根茎淀粉
    An eastern Asian vine(Pueraria lobata) having compound leaves and clusters of reddish-purple flowers. It is grown for fodder, forage, and root starch.
  • 苜蓿属植物产于东半球的豆科苜蓿属草本植物,生有通常为黄色的小簇和含三个叶片的复叶。此属中有几种植物是重要的饲料和绿色肥料
    Any of several Old World herbs of the genus Medicago in the pea family, having clusters of small, usually yellow flowers and compound leaves with three leaflets. Several species are important for fodder and green manure.
  • 剑,没有劈杀用的剑刀,是刺戳用兵器。
    The foil is a thrusting weapon with no cutting edge.
  • 剑没有劈打用的剑刃,是刺戳用兵器。
    The foil is a trusting weapon with on cutting edge.
  • 他昨晚了不少时间才折好的那只精巧的金箔纸鹤就放在那里。
    There it was, the delicate gold-foil bird he'd labored over the night before.
  • 剑刺中的有效部位仅限于对手的躯干上各点。
    For example, with the foil, hits are restricted to touches made with the point on the opponent's trunk.
  • 用一张纸把包起来。
    Fold a piece of paper round the flowers.
  • 枯萎病一种由不同原因引起的植物疾病,会导致芽、、叶和未成熟果实的突然死亡
    Any of several plant diseases of diverse causes, resulting in sudden death of buds, flowers, foliage, or young fruits.
  • 一根单个的树枝或者放射状和叶。
    a single branch or shoot bearing flowers and foliage.
  • 一种叶有斑点的植物,可用作窗口坛。
    plant having variegated foliage and used for window boxes.
  • 缠绕藤本植物,叶有毛,深紫色。
    twining vine with hairy foliage and dark purplish-brown flowers.
  • 一根环形的树叶带子或者用来装饰的
    a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes.
  • 我的一族并没有乘坐《五月号》来,但他们就在那里迎接那船的。
    My folks didn't come over on the Mayflower, but they were there to meet the boat.
  • 我们把半生费于抛弃传自父母的愚行,又把余下的半生费于传授自己的愚行给子孙。
    We spend half our lives unlearning the follies transmitted to us by our parents, and the other half transmitting our own follies to our offspring.
  • 现在你就跟出同色的牌。
    Now you just follow suit.
  • 一百美元买这样的旧化是愚蠢的。
    It is folly to buy such a junk at $100.
  • 一百美元买这样的旧化是愚蠢的。
    It is folly to buy such a junk at$100.
  • 摘花;采野食
    Gather flowers; gather wild foods.
  • 如今,我们生活中的食品越来越五八门了。
    Nowadays, the foodstuffs in our life are more various.
  • 故宫御花园
    Imperial Garden in Forbidden City
  • 而子孙,谈起老祖母生前视镶金边的黑褐箱子如珍宝不许人动的感情,就有如那蝴蝶锁般,锁住一幅幅都是徐大师的画的谜一般。
    Their current owners recalled how their late grandmother had jealously guarded that dark brown, gold-laced box, forbidding anybody to touch it. To them, her keen attachment for whatever kept inside was as mysterious as the butterfly-shaped padlock that had been securing Master Xu's priceless works all the time.
  • 当地的天气预报员是否提醒过注意粉过敏?
    Did your local weather forecaster issue a pollen warning?
  • 可预测的费都记入预算内了。
    foreseeable costs were well within the budget.
  • 森林里的花。
    The flowers in the Forest
  • 寻找这个答案她了许多时间。
    It took her forever to find the answer.