  • 鸟肺中充满气扩张的膜。
    any of the membranous air-filled extensions of the lungs of birds.
  • 是的,这个照相机的匣子,算是他所留给我的纪念品了。
    That's right, one can say that this empty camera case is a memento he left behind for me.
  • 卖食品和货物的一个敞的地点。
    a public place where food and merchandise is sold.
  • 洞只是卖弄而毫无实质内容;外在的表现
    Mere show without reality; outward appearance.
  • 他的演讲只是些谈。
    His talk has been mere soap bubbles.
  • 一种想,没有努力与收获。
    a mere wish, unaccompanied by effort to obtain.
  • 大气层中介于中间层和外层间之间的一层。
    the atmospheric layer between the mesosphere and the exosphere.
  • 中间层离地球表面约80公里(即50英里)的气地带,形成中间层的上边界
    An atmospheric area about80 kilometers(50 miles) above the earth's surface, forming the upper boundary of the mesosphere.
  • 钟一种中的金属乐器,通常呈杯状带喇叭式外张口,敲击时可发出金属的音质
    A hollow metal instrument, usually cup-shaped with a flared opening, that emits a metallic tone when struck.
  • 在某一位置有个结尾;间的或者隐喻性的。
    have end in a certain location; either spatial or metaphorical.
  • 流星划过天空.
    A meteor shot across the sky.
  • 陨星迅速掠过天空。
    The meteor shot across the sky.
  • 一颗流星突然掠过天
    A meteor suddenly shot across the sky.
  • 流星象一道闪光划过夜
    Like a flash of lightming, the meteor shot across the sky.
  • 至于穿越太的流星的来源,还有待于得出令人满意的解答。
    The source of meteors traveling through space has yet to be explained satisfactorily.
  • 流星的大小从细若针头,大到数吨不等。当流星进入地球大气层后,其表面与气摩擦从而产生热量,使人们在夜间用肉眼就能看到。
    Meteors, ranging in size from that of a pinhead, to many tons, are visible to the naked eye at night, when the friction between the surfaces of the meteors and of the air, produces heat as the meteors enter the earth's atmosphere.
  • 与人们普遍的看法相反,"坠落的星"其实根本不是"星",而只是"流星",是穿越太的固态物体。
    Contrary to popular belief, "falling stars" are not stars at all, but are meteors, solid bodies that travel through space.
  • 辐散,散度一种天气状况,特征为:在气团均匀地散在某一地区上,常伴有晴朗干燥天气
    A meteorological condition characterized by the uniform expansion in volume of a mass of air over a region, usually accompanied by fair dry weather.
  • 煤矿中形成的一种气体混合物(主要成分是甲烷),与气混合后具有爆炸性。
    a mixture of gases (mostly methane) that form in coal mines and become explosive when mixed with air.
  • 去年美国国家航和航天局宇宙研究所的气候学家詹姆斯·汉森和他的同事们倡导了另一种减少开支的方法:把过失从二氧化碳身上转嫁到其它加热物质上,如甲烷。这些物质威力更强,对局部气质量的威胁更大,而对经济活动则不那么紧要。
    Last year climatologist James E.Hansen of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and his colleagues championed another way to cut costs: shift the onus from carbon dioxide to other heat trappers, such as methane, that are more potent, more threatening to local air quality and less cnicial to economic activity.
  • 每百户城镇居民拥有家用电脑、家用摄像机、微波炉、影碟机由前几年的几乎白状况分别提高到1999年的5.91台、1.06台、12台、25台。
    Not so long ago, almost no Chinese family owned a household computer, video camera, microwave oven or VCD player. In 1999, however, for every 100 urban households there were 5.91 household computers, 1.06 video cameras, 12 microwave ovens and 25 VCD players.
  • 能够提供和引导微波路径的中金属导体;适用于雷达。
    a hollow metal conductor that provides a path to guide microwaves; used in radar.
  • 中国在间领域的国际合作始于二十世纪七十年代中期。
    China's participation in international space cooperation started in the mid-1970s.
  • 他吊在半中,安全带救了他。
    He remained hanging in midair, saved by the belt.
  • 海军有3艘中途类航母舰……和24艘埃塞克斯类航母舰,其中9艘为现役,15艘储存备用。
    The Navy has 3 carriers of the Midway class, …and 24 of the Essex class, of which 9 are in active service and 15 in mothballs.
  • 其他六架米格机和正在高掩护侦察机的军刀机交战。
    The other six MIG's engaged the Saberjets that were flying topcover for the reconnaissance craft.
  • 国际海[空]里(=1852 米)
    the international nautical [air] mile
  • 现在西藏已建成以拉萨为中心的公路交通网,通车里程达2.18万公里,并开设了多条国际国内航线。
    At present, a highway network centered on Lhasa has been built, its mileage reaching 21,800 kilometers, and many domestic and international airlines have already opened.
  • 一九九七年二月二十日,政府飞行服务队的一架中超级霸王定翼飞机首次在新香港国际机场降落,标志着机场核心工程已到达另一重要里程碑。
    The first landing at the new HKIA - by a Government Flying Service Super King Air fixed wing aircraft on February 20,1997 - represented a major milestone in the Airport Core Programme.
  • 民兵追捕那个降特务,发现他藏在林中的一间小屋里。
    The militiamen hunted down the air-dropped agent and found him hiding in a cabin in the woods.
  • 基干民兵单独编组,在县级行政区内的民兵军事训练基地集中进行军事训练,目前编有应急分队和高炮、高机、便携式防导弹、地炮、通信、防化、工兵、侦察等专业技术分队。
    Primary militiamen are separately organized for concentrated military training in militia military training bases of administrative areas at the county level. Currently, there are emergency detachments, and such specialized technical detachments as anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft machineguns, portable air defense missiles, ground artillery, communications, chemical defense, engineering and reconnaissance detachments.
  • 乳液无色或乳状树液,例如猩猩木和马利筋属植物的树液,遇气而凝结
    The colorless or milky sap of certain plants, such as the poinsettia or milkweed, that coagulates on exposure to air.