  • 神性作为神的必不可少的品性或件;神威
    The essential nature or condition of being a god; divinity.
  • 河成了这座城市重工业区和轻工业区的分界线。
    The river forms the division between the heavy industrial and light industrial areas of the city.
  •  (四)申请的修改不符合专利法第三十三规定,或者分案的申请不符合本细则第四十三第一款规定的。
    where the amendment to the application does not comply with the provisions of Article 33 of the Patent Law, or the divisional application does not comply with the provisions of Rule 43, paragraph one of these Implementing Regulations.
  •  第一百一十二国际申请包含两项以上发明或者实用新型的,申请人在办理进入中国国家阶段手续后,依照本细则第四十二第一款的规定,可以提出分案申请。
    Rule 112 Where two or more inventions or utility models are contained in an international application, the applicant may, after going through the formalities for entering the Chinese national phase, submit a divisional application in accordance with the provisions in Rule 42, paragraph one of these Implementing Regulations.
  •  第四十二一件专利申请包括两项以上发明、实用新型或者外观设计的,申请人可以在本细则第五十四第一款规定的期限届满前,向国务院专利行政部门提出分案申请;
    Rule 42 Where an application for a patent contains two or more inventions, utility models or designs, the applicant may, before the expiration of the time limit provided for in Rule 54, paragraph one of these Implementing Regulations, submit to the Patent Administration Department under the State Council a divisional application.
  • 主义就是脱离自己的现实。
    It is divorce from reality.
  • 这个女人有本事把多宾少校捏在手里任意使唤,叫他拿这样做那样的,简直把他当做一纽芬兰大狗。
    This woman had a way of tyrannizing over Major Dobbin…and made him fetch and carry just as if he was a great Newfoundland dog.
  • 我们把码头工人罢工当作头新闻
    We'll lead with the dock strike.
  • 他们将以码头罢工一事作为头新闻。
    They’ll lead with the dock strike.
  • 我们将以船坞罢工作为头新闻。
    We will lead with the dock strike.
  • 游艇正停在船坞里。
    The yacht is lying up in the dock.
  • 这条路能到码头。
    This road leads to the docks.
  • 第三十八 在车站、铁路编组站、港口、码头、航空港等地指挥作业时使用广播喇叭的,应当控制音量,减轻噪声对周围生活环境的影响。
    Article 38 Where loudspeakers are used to direct operations at transport terminals, railway marshal yards, ports, docks and airports, the sound volume shall be controlled so as to minimize the noise impact on the living environment of the neighbourhood.
  • 马克思主义不是教
    Marxism is not doctrine.
  • 主张以实验为依据的经验主义教
    an empirical doctrine that advocates experimental principles.
  • 信奉自由意志教的人。
    someone who believes the doctrine of free will.
  • 哲学教认为一些想法是天生的。
    the philosophical doctrine that some ideas are innate.
  • 通过目的来解释其现象的教
    a doctrine explaining phenomena by their ends or purposes.
  • 这个文件包括许多文。
    This document includes many articles.
  • 抱歉地说,我们能接受的付款件只有100%不可撤销跟单信用证。
    I am sorry to say the only term of payment we can accept is100% irrevocable documentary letter of credit.
  • 抱歉地说,我们能接受的付款件只有100%不可撤销跟单信用证。
    I am sorry to say the only term of payment we can accept is 100% irrevocable documentary letter of credit.
  • 是的,一般都是要准备一式两、三份的,尤其是在采取跟单信用状的状况下让购汇票时,开状银行都会强调需要发票、提单和海险单各三份,以正确配合信用状的件来处理。
    Yes, they're usually prepared in sets of two or three. Especially when drafts are to be negotiated under documentary credits, the issuing bank will expressly require invoices, bills of lading, and marine insurance policies in triplicate to be disposed of exactly in accordance with the terms of the credit.
  • 每一格式都会在生成的文档里自动加入一个超链接的“seealso”(参见)目。
    Each one adds a hyperlinked “See Also” entry to the generated documentation.
  • 洛斯-阿拉莫斯国家实验室负责人约翰c.布劳恩(johnc.browne)博士曾在美国国会特别委员会关于中美实验室间合作计划的听证会上作证说,“对实验室的所有访问学者一律按美国能源部的保密例来管理。
    Dr John C. Browne, head of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, said at a hearing of the US Congress Select Committee on the Sino-US lab-to-lab exchange program, "All foreign visits and assignments at the Laboratory are governed by DOE requirements.
  • 因为这里有两个特别保密的情报类别——国防部和能源部的“受限制的资料”,这些资料一律按保密例来管理。在指责这件事情上,语言上的精确是很重要的。
    Because there are two principal categories of "classified" information--DOD "defense information" and DOE "restricted data"--and different laws cover the handling and misuse of the two different categories of "classified" information, it is important to be quite precise in the "language" that is used in the charge.
  • 他做一切事情都很有理。
    He's very systematic in all he does.
  • 这条狗想要进去
    The dog wants in.
  • 他放开了那条狗。
    He loosed the dog.
  • 这条狗看上去很凶
    The dog acted ferocious.
  • 狗有肠道寄生虫。
    The dog has worms.
  • 狗像羽毛一样的尾巴。
    the dog's plumy tail.
  • 每一种教都必定自有其得意之时。
    Every dogma must have its day.