  • 她的花,似乎不知(五官)集体配合之价值为何物。
    Her features did not seem to know the value of teamwork.
  • 她的花,似乎不知(五官)集体配合之价值为何物。
    Her feature do not seem to know the value of teamwork.
  • (关于设施如电话或厕所)难以被任何人使用或说明无效的;('engaged'是英国用于形电话线忙的术语)。
    (of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; (`engaged' is a British term for a busy telephone line).
  • 他向纽约发了一份电传电报,告之合同的详细内
    He telexed the details of the contract to New York.
  • 急脾气;易激动的脾气。
    a quick temper; a warm temper.
  • 他很容易发脾气。
    He loses his temper very easily.
  • 你的体型、貌以及气质和你的姐姐一点也不像,你就像是另一个模子铸出来似的。
    You are so unlike your elder sister in form and features and temperament, that you seem to have been cast in a different mold.
  • 他很容易感情激动。
    He is very temperamental.
  • 他脾气很好,不易生气。
    He's a good-tempered man and is not easily put out.
  • 他脾气暴躁,很易怒气冲天。
    He is so bad– tempered, anger easily sweeps in on him.
  • 节奏不同的夫妻可以找到纳双方节奏的方式避免使对方发疯。
    Mixed?pace couples can avoid driving each other crazy by finding ways to accommodate each other's tempos.
  • 他是易受到诱惑的。
    He is vulnerable to temptation.
  • 我们能很易驾驶一辆车,因为所有的汽车都共用一套标准的控制件。
    We can easily drive a car because all cars share a set of standard controls.
  • 本网站收录的内从汽车机械到汽车文化;从路试到上路行驶;从上市新车综述到老式汽车收藏;从车赛到汽车营销。
    Its editorial focus ranges from cars as machines to cars as culture,from road tests to road trips,from new vehicle reviews to vintage car collecting,from autosports to the auto business.
  • 处于压力下的人易发挥自己全部的潜力。
    People under stress tend to express their full range of potential.
  • 深得我心的内容
    A tenor after my own heart.
  • 可惜,这些专用通信交换机可能很易地每日吃掉成千上万美元的连接费用。
    Unfortunately these private communications exchanges can easily eat up connection charges of tens of thousands of dollars per month.
  • 成千是个形词,上万是实质,实际上是一万、两万、几万。
    And what he really meant was "tens of thousands" -- the "thousands" was just thrown in for rhetorical effect.
  • 处于紧张的状态;易不安的。
    being in a tense state; easily upset.
  • 许多形词的字尾是-ful。
    Many adjectives terminate in-ful.
  • 尽管c引以为傲的就是它是一种简练的语言,而且三元运算符的引入多半就是为了体现这种高效率的编程,但假若您打算频繁用它,还是要先多作一些思量——它很易就会产生可读性极差的代码。
    Although C (where this operator originated) prides itself on being a terse language, and the ternary operator might have been introduced partly for efficiency, you should be somewhat wary of using it on an everyday basis—it’s easy to produce unreadable code.
  • 相对而言,《孙子兵法》就不易读懂,因为它以文言文书写,内也相当精简。
    In contrast, "Sun Zi's Art of War" is not easy to read because it is written in classical Chinese and very terse.
  • 相对而言,《孙子兵法》就不易读懂,因为它以文言文书写,内也相当精简。
    In contrast, Sun Zi's Art of War(《孙子兵法》)is not easy to read because it is written in classical Chinese and very terse.
  • “量小之人易怒”这句老话恰恰可以用来形火性子威廉。他个头小,好发脾气,而且一发脾气就控制不住自己。
    It is an old saying that “a little pot is soon hot,” which was the case with William the Testy. Being a little man he was soon in a passion, and once in a passion he soon boiled over.
  • 在得州做到这一点可不易。
    This isn't easy to do in Texas.
  • 剧本内是音乐剧歌词的书
    A book containing such a text.
  • 阅读练习内为阅读练习的教科书
    A textbook of reading exercises.
  • (英国)用来形一所又旧又破的影院。
    (British) an old shabby movie theater.
  • 环境艺术品一种包围或包观众的艺术或戏剧作品
    An artistic or theatrical work that surrounds or involves the audience.
  • 不动的因而易击中的。
    not moving and therefore easy to attack.
  • (二)只有将国民党一党专政的政府转变为全民的统一战线的政府的时候,即在今天的国民党政府(甲)接受本党所提抗日救国十大纲领的基本内,依据此内,发布施政纲领时;
    The Communist Party of China can participate in the government only when it is changed from a one-party dictatorship of the Kuomintang into a united front government of the whole nation, that is, when the present Kuomintang government (a) accepts the fundamentals of the Ten-Point Programme for Resisting Japan and Saving the Nation proposed by our Party and promulgates an administrative programme in accordance therewith;
  • 我们正在进行改革。我们改革的内为什么那么广泛深刻呢?
    We are carrying out a thorough and extensive reform. Why?