  • 她站在门,拿不定主意是否进去。
    She stood in the doorway, unable to decide whether to go in.
  • 她不得不低下头才能穿过低矮的门
    She had to duck her head to get through the low doorway.
  • 她冲到门口躲藏起来.
    She darted into the doorway to hide.
  • 他站在门,堵住通向大厅的路.
    He stood framed in the doorway to the hall.
  • 他正站在门口。
    He is standing in the doorway.
  • 海曼·德罗斯尔梅厄站在大门
    Hermann Drosselmeier stood in the doorway.
  • 不要站在门口。
    Don't stand in the doorway.
  • 他正站在门口。
    He is just standing on the doorway.
  • 他把他的头贴在门上。
    he stuck his head in the doorway.
  • 在门口有一个人。
    There is a man on the doorway.
  • 用一件军装装饰门口
    Emblazon a doorway with a coat of arms.
  • 村民们将门撒满了鲜花。
    The villagers had strewn the doorway with flowers.
  • 我发现他正站在门
    I find he is just standing on the doorway.
  • 我们给睡在门的狗绊了一脚。
    We stumbled over a dog sleeping in our doorway.
  • 他站着,气势汹汹地堵住门
    He stood, a threatening figure, framed in the doorway.
  • 被邻居的房子挡住了。
    The doorway was built up by a neighbour's house.
  • 门毯,门垫放在门用于擦鞋底的垫子
    A mat placed before a doorway for wiping the shoes.
  • 我到达的时候,他正站在门
    He is just standing on the doorway when I arrive.
  • 卡伦和尼尔已经在门挥手与我告别了。
    Karen and Neil had waved me off from the doorway.
  • 被邻居的房子挡住了。
    The doorway was built up the door between the two houses.
  • 我们挤在一家商店的门避雨。
    We huddled in a shop doorway to shelter form the rain.
  • 你认识我们在大门遇见的那个同志吗?
    Do you know that comrade that we meet on the big doorway?
  • 这个箱子太大,我们不能把它抬过入
    The box is too big, we can't carry it through the doorway.
  • 把车倒进车库时要小心,门很窄。
    Be careful how you back into the garage, the doorway is very narrow.
  • 拜寺口双塔
    Double Pagodas at Baisikou
  • 说话口是心非
    Speak with a double tongue.
  • 五十年内翻了一翻。
    The population doubled within 50 years.
  • 老两笑得弓起了身子来。
    The old couple doubled up with laughter.
  • 今年晚些时候,英特尔的新芯片组将增加新的性能,如133mhz的前端总线,支持更快的存储器和将英特尔的加速图形端的性能翻一番。
    Later in the year, a new Intel chip set will add additional performance capabilities such as 133?MHz front side bus, support for faster memory, and a doubling of the performance of Intel's Accelerated Graphics Port.
  • 经过将近九年的努力,百分之九十的农村人解决了温饱问题,全国人均国民生产总值提前两年完成了原定十年内翻一番的任务。
    Thanks to nine years of hard work, 90 per cent of the rural population now has enough food and clothing. And our ten-year task of doubling the per capita GNP has been fulfilled two years ahead of schedule.
  • 和牲畜的增长终于开始使天然牧草出现不足。这无疑便使人们开始耕种土地,正如后来这使尚存的游牧部落袭击农业部落那样。
    The growth of the population of men and cattle began in time to press upon the earth's capabilities of yielding natural pasture: and this cause doubtless produced the first tilling of the ground, just as at a later period the same cause made the superfluous hordes of the nations which had remained nomad precipitate themselves upon those which had already become agricultural;
  • 棉绒由刮亚麻布得到的软绒,用于包扎伤
    Downy material obtained by scraping linen cloth and used for dressing wounds.