  • 这种斗争,应从有理、有利、有节的原出发,也就是自卫的原、胜利的原和休战的原,也就是目前每一具体斗争的防御性、局部性和暂时性。
    This struggle must be based on the principle of fighting on just grounds, to our advantage, and with restraint, that is, on the principles of self-defence, victory and truce, which means that every concrete struggle is defensive, limited and temporary in nature.
  • 没钱的冒险者徒步跋涉,而有钱的旅客舒舒服服地乘车或骑马旅行。
    Poor adventurers trudged on foot while rich travelers rode in comfort.
  • 于今帝国主义更加无义战,只有被压迫民族和被压迫阶级有义战。
    This is even truer of imperialism today, for it is only the oppressed nations and the oppressed classes that can wage just wars.
  • 农民们相与议论,谈到都团总,愤然说:“那班东西么,不作用了1
    Whenever their conversation turns to the heads of the tu and the tuan, the peasants say angrily, "That bunch!They are finished!"
  • 把她撵走吧,否她会引起麻烦的。
    Send her away or she'll cause tumble.
  • 另一条为连接中环与东涌、提供市内服务的东涌线,中途站设于九龙、大角咀(奥运站)、荔景及青衣。
    and the Tung Chung Line domestic service will link Central to Tung Chung,with stops at Kowloon, Tai Kok Tsui (Olympic Station), Lai King and Tsing Yi.
  • 上每两年一届,只限大学生参加,第一届世界大学生运动会是1959年在意大利都灵举行的。
    In principle, there is one every two years. The participants must be college students. The first games were held in Turin, Italy.
  • 前方来的这消息使他紧张不安。
    The news from the front set him in the twitters.
  • 到1960年之后,随着许多新独立国家加入联合国,另一些国家抱怨发展中国家的“多数暴政”。
    After 1960, with many newly independent States having joined the UN, others complained about a "tyranny of the majority" by the developing countries.
  • 诚能如此,苟非别有用心之徒,未有不团结一致而纳于统一国家之轨道者。
    If things are really done in this way, all except those with ulterior motives will unite and take the road of national unification.
  • 他们下了一道最后通牒,要我们在五天内还款,否就要诉诸法庭。
    They gave us an ultimatum to pay the money back in five days, or they would take us to court.
  • 如果不坚持这四项基本原,纠正极左就会变成“纠正”马列主义,“纠正”社会主义。
    If we do not uphold them in our effort to correct ultra-Left thinking, we shall end up "correcting" Marxism-Leninism and socialism.
  • 第一组人开始显示出某些性格上的不正常现象,而另一组人似乎没有受多少影响。
    Began to show some personality disorders while the others seemed more or less unaffected.
  • 第一组人开始显示出某些性格上的不正常现象,而另一组人似乎没有受多少影响。
    The first group began to show some personality disorders while the others seemed more or less unaffected.
  • 在订立劳动合同过程中,劳动关系双方必须遵循平等自愿、协商一致的原
    during the conclusion of the labor contract, the two parties to the contract must abide by the principles of equality, voluntariness and reaching unanimity through consultation.
  • 应该注意的是,至少在加利福尼亚州,frye规也不需要“科学界内部观点的完全一致”,根据加利福尼亚上诉法院的观点,这种要求是“不可能的”。
    It should be noted that, at least in California, the Frye rule does not require absolute "unanimity of views within the scientific community," which, according to the California Court of Appeals, would "demand the impossible."
  • 自1993年东北亚合作对话会成立以来,中国参加了历次会议,并于1996年在北京主办了第四次大会,中国还与其他成员一道,推动对话会就东北亚国家合作指导原达成一致。
    Since 1993, when the NEACD was founded, China has attended all NEACD meetings and, in 1996, hosted its fourth conference in Beijing. Along with other member states, China has also helped the NEACD to achieve unanimity on the guiding principle of cooperation between Northeast Asian countries.
  • 在会议最后文件的磋商过程中,中国政府代表团提出了许多建设性方案和建议,在坚持原的基础上,以顾全大局和灵活合作的态度,处理、协调起草过程中的问题与矛盾,促进与会各国达成协商一致,使《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》得以顺利通过。
    During consultations over the conference's final documents the Chinese government delegation put forward many constructive plans and suggestions and handled and coordinated the problems and contradictions that occurred during the drafting of documents on the basis of adhering to principle and, with a flexible and cooperative attitude, taking the situation as a whole into account, thus helping all countries to reach unanimity through consultation and achieve the smooth adoption of the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action.
  • 不规的,不对称的有不平衡的方面或部分的;不对称的
    Having unbalanced sides or parts; asymmetrical.
  • 不信仰上帝是我们的原
    The unbelief of God is our principle.
  • 莲花的上西区,永新的天龙区、万年山区,和整块不甚连属。
    The Shanghsi district of Lienhua and the Tienlung and Wannienshan districts of Yunghsin, however, are not firmly linked with this unbroken stretch.
  • 未校验的命名空间不需要任何校验过程,当然这些命名空间必须被注册为tmodel。
    Unchecked namespaces do not require any validation, although the namespaces must still be registered as tModels.
  • 要旗帜鲜明地坚持四项基本原,否就是放任了资产阶级自由化,问题就出在这里。
    It is essential to adhere firmly to the Four Cardinal Principles; otherwise bourgeois liberalization will spread unchecked -- and that has been the root cause of the problem.
  • 法律改革委员会于一九九五年四月建议制定法牢垃规定发展商必须就所发售的住宅楼花,印备载列清晰准确资料的售楼说明书,以及订立违例的罚
    The Law Reform Commission recommended in April 1995 the introduction of legislation to require developers to provide sales literature with clear and accurate descriptions of uncompleted residential properties put on sale, and to impose penalties for non-compliance.
  • 他的话说一不二;他告欣他们必须改进工作,否就予解雇.
    His language was uncompromising: he told them their work must improve or they would is fired.
  • 加入世贸组织将使中国能够在世贸组织成员提供的多边、稳定、无条件的最惠国待遇原下进行国际贸易和经济合作,为中国国民经济和对外经贸关系的发展营造有利的国际环境;
    Joining the WTO will enable China to conduct international trade and economic cooperation under the multilateral, stable and unconditional MFN principle provided by WTO members, thus cultivating a favorable international environment for the development of China's national economy and foreign economic and trade relations.
  • 公式并没有支截了当的名称,因为不命名似乎比较灵验,那些一切皆已就绪、正在四下摸索的人仍可以俯拾皆得。
    It has not been directly named, for it seems to work more successfully when it is merely uncovered and left in sight, where THOSE WHO ARE READY, and SEARCHING FOR IT, may pick it up.
  • 在解决这些问题时,绝不能采取非民主的不正当的方式,即使他是一个反革命,也必须经过民主斗争或合法手续,才能加以逮捕与处理,否有害无益。
    No undemocratic, improper methods are allowed in handling such matters. Even if a counter-revolutionary is involved here, he shouldn't be arrested and dealt with before waging a democratic struggle against him or going through legal formalities. To do otherwise will only harm, not benefit, us.
  • 打仗最重要的一条原,是先发制人,防患于未然。
    One of the most important principles underlying the conduct of war has to be proactiveness.
  • 如提供下列货物的最低报价。不胜感激。
    We shall be glad if you kindly quote us your rock- bottom price for the undermentioned.
  • 请回信告如下列货物的最低报价,不胜感激。
    We shall be glad if you let us have by return your lowest price for the undermentioned goods.
  • 这种困难,在全国总政权没有取得以前当然是不能免的,但是这种困难的比较地获得解决,使生活比较地好一点,特别是红军的给养使之比较地充足一点,是迫切地需要的。
    the soldiers are undernourished, many are ill, and the wounded in the hospitals are worse off. Such difficulties are of course unavoidable before the nation-wide seizure of political power; yet there is a pressing need to overcome them to some extent, to make life somewhat easier, and especially to secure more adequate supplies for the Red Army.