  • 到处正在新建办大楼。
    New office blocks are going up everywhere.
  • 室距离这里四个街区。
    The office is four blocks from here.
  • 一排排的办大楼在镇上盖了起来。
    There are office blocks going up all over town.
  •  生下的婴儿是个金发碧眼的男孩,重3.5斤,我们抱了他两次,之后决定最好还是不见他,免得我们会改变让人领养他的决定。
    The baby was a blond blue-eyed boy weighing 3.5 kilos. We held him twice and decided we had better not be with him any more lest we change our minds.
  • 她的众所周知的迟到;认的心不在焉的教授;认的金发碧眼的女人。
    her proverbial lateness; the proverbial absentiminded professor; your proverbial dizzy blonde.
  • 这只皮夹是一名妇女的,鼓鼓囊囊地装着钞票和像“萨克”、“佩克与佩克”、“洛德与泰勒”这种司的信用卡。皮夹的主人是那个穿皮毛镶边外套的金发女人——他早先看到在和那个作贼的黑发女人交谈的金发女人。
    The wallet is a woman’s, fat with money and credit cards from places like Sak’s and Peck & Peck and Lord & Taylor, and it belongs to the blonde in the fur-trimmed coat—the blonde he has earlier seen in conversation with the criminal brunette.
  • 像派特和迈克、拉斯特斯和菲斯特斯、醉酒的牧师、波兰新郎和傻金发女子——所有这些都遭到了禁止,至少是在共场合。
    Pat and Mike, Rastus and Festus, the drunk priest, the Polish bridegroom, the silly blonde -all are now off-limits, at least in public.
  • 司该任用新雇员了。
    It's time we got some new blood in this company.
  • 司当然需要一些具有创见的新人。
    The company certainly need some fresh blood with new ideas.
  • 这倒霉的司一直亏待我。
    This bloody company keeps fucking me about.
  • 考克斯委员会面临的议题是:“`随着贸易和其他合作形式的增加”,在中华人民共和国民和组织与美国民和组织开展多方面交往的情况下,中华人民共和国是否获取了美国政府不应该让它得到的“信息与技术,包括敏感的国家安全机密”。
    The issue before the Cox Committee was: In light of the numerous interactions between the citizens and organizations of the People's Republic of China [PRC] and citizens and organizations of the United States "as trade and other forms of cooperation have bloomed," has the PRC acquired "information and technology, including sensitive National Security secrets " that the US Government ought not to have let them have?"
  • 他研究的对象之一是位于田纳西州布里斯托尔的南方布鲁默尔制造司的老板唐纳德·索奈尔。
    One of his case studies is Donald Sonner, the 64- year-old head of Southern Bloomer Manufacturing Co. in Bristl, Tenn.
  • 我们访问了米托园,它以其洋梅花著名
    We visit Mito park, which is famous for its plum blossom.
  • 他们这伙人在办室里非常开心,只是老板本人有点令人扫兴。
    They are a very happy crowd in their office, but the boss himself is a bit of a blot on the landscape.
  • 美国也违反了国际约的规定,在战争进行的时候,没有设法捍卫和保护文化遗产。美国的国际形象将因此蒙上永远抹不去的污点。
    It is a permanent blot on its international image and violates US obligations under international conventions to safeguard and protect cultural properties in times of war.
  • 1815年6月18日拿破仑遇见了他的最后战败的战斗;普鲁士和英国军队在布卢彻和惠灵顿爵领导下击败了拿破仑领导下的法国军队。
    the battle on 18 June 1815 in which Napoleon met his final defeat; Prussian and British forces under Blucher and the Duke of Wellington routed the French forces under Napoleon.
  • 对他们司说来,情况好象越来越糟了。
    Things are looking bluer than ever for their firm.
  • 联合国于1979年通过了《消除对妇女一切形式歧视约》。这是一项妇女权利国际法案,也是各国保障这些权利的行动蓝图。
    In 1979, it adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women – an international bill of rights for women and a blueprint for action by countries to guarantee those rights.
  • 六月间,世界海关组织在布鲁塞尔举行的会员大会上,采纳了海关诚信行动计划,并通过经修订的《京都约》文本。该文本为下世纪的海关程序订定蓝图。
    At its Council Sessions held in Brussels in June, the WCO adopted an Integrity Action Plan and approved the revised text of the Kyoto Convention which will serve as the blueprint for customs procedures in the next century.
  • 不论曾经献身于其中的艺人肤色或国籍是什么,蓝调乐始终被认为是黑人的音乐。
    Regardless of the color or nationality of the players who have been involved, it is universally acknowledged that blues is Black music.
  • 答:很多司已声称他们的产品将支持企业javabeans,其中有:bluestone、gemstone、informix、ibm、inprise(即以前的borland)、ncr、netscape、novell、oracle、persistence、sybase、symantec和weblogic等司。
    A: A wide range of firms have said their products will support Enterprise JavaBeans, including the following: Bluestone Software, Inc. Gemstone Systems, Inc., Informix Corp., IBM, Inprise Corp. (formerly Borland), NCR Corp., Netscape Communications Corp., Novell, Inc., Oracle Corp., Persistence Software, Inc., Sybase, Inc., Symantec Corp., WebLogic, Inc.
  • 李光耀率直和正的评估了菲律宾的领导人。
    Lee Kuan Yew is blunt and honest in his assessments of our leaders.
  • 开地坦率地承认;对……毫不隐瞒。
    admit openly and bluntly; make no bones about.
  • 这对于在家办的人来说尤其如此,因为你住地地方就是你的工作场所,私界限分不清了。
    This is especially true for home? based workers, because professional and personal boudaries can blur when you liv e and work in the same space.
  • 劳动是一切有劳动能力的民的光荣职责。
    Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen.
  • 示威者们一起向部长的办地点进发。
    The demonstrators marched in a body to the minister's office.
  • 争论恶化,演变成开的论战。
    The argument boiled over into open war.
  • 正的行为使我非常气愤。
    Injustice makes my blood boil.
  • 残暴与不正常常使我们怒不可遏。
    Cruelty an injustice often make our blood boil.
  • 站在粪堆上,鸡也称王。
    A cock is bold on his dunghill.
  • 向…挑战勇敢地面对或反对;然反抗
    To confront or oppose boldly; defy.
  • 该局又致力扩充海外贸易展览会内香港馆的规模,以提升参展的香港司的形象和竞争地位。
    Efforts were devoted to expanding and upgrading the Hong Kong pavilions at overseas trade fairs so as to help bolster the image and competitive positioning of participating Hong Kong companies.