  • 我的老伙计阿尔·萨博的玩笑让我大笑不止,护士们以为出了什么事,马上来到我们的房
    My buddy Al Szabo's insults made me laugh so hard, the nurses came in to see what was wrong.
  • 在这项计划中,主人们要和宠物们一起进食,一起锻炼,一起称体重,而指导理论则是这种人和宠物亲密无的生活方式有助于双方共同减肥。
    Under the program, people and their pets eat together, exercise together, and weight in together, based on the theory that the buddy system will help pets and their owners lose weight.
  • 我们工作受时和财力所限.
    We have to work within the parameters of time and budget.
  • 美洲中部和南部夜活动的猫,黄褐色的皮毛上有深色的斑点。
    nocturnal wildcat of Central and South America having a dark-spotted buff-brown coat.
  • 解除敌对国之缓冲区域的军事管制
    Demilitarize a buffer zone between hostile countries.
  • 缓冲为…冲当缓冲器,在两者之充当缓冲剂
    To act as a buffer for or between.
  • 在高速缓存和主存储器之的一种中存储器,即利用两级缓存来提高存储系统的存取速度。
    An intermediate buffer being between high speed buffer and main storage, i.e., using two levels of buffer to speed up the access of memory system.
  • 亦即信箱缓冲区,在某些多道程序系统中为传递终端和程序之或程序和程序之的数据而设立的一种存储单元。
    Also mailbox buffer, A storage location for passing terminal-program or program-program data in some multiprogramming systems.
  • 南昌前面的一幅大型游憩用地,已于一九九八年初建成供市民使用,并作为住宅区与西九龙快速公路之的缓冲区。
    A large open space fronting Nam Cheong Estate serving as a buffer zone between the residential area and West Kowloon Expressway was opened for public use in early 1998.
  • 当(网站)服务器处理所有对信息的外来请求时,缓存起了网站服务器与因特网的其余部分之的缓冲作用从而提高了安全性。
    A cache can increase security by acting as a buffer between a Web server and the rest of the Internet as the server handles all incoming requests for information.
  • 在这种系统中,排队技术提供了为支持各个处理单元之有序的交易流动而需要的缓冲和控制机制。
    In such systems, queuing technology provided the buffering and control mechanism needed to support orderly and properly sequenced transaction flows between individual processing elements.
  • 要花多长时到达卖食品的柜台呢?
    How long will it take to reach the buffet?
  • 警察检查房里是否放有窃听器。
    The police tested the room for bugs.
  • 这房间装有窃听器。
    The room has been bug ged.
  • 在嫌疑犯的房安装窃听器
    Planted a bug in the suspect's room.
  • 新的威胁将来自在电脑空拉帮结伙的*团体,他们运用新型战争武器--病毒、干扰、蠕虫和逻辑炸弹等进行攻击。
    the new threat will be groups who will bond in cyber-space and attack using the new weapons of war:viruses,bugs,worms and logic bombs.
  • 在变量存在时上纠缠不清会造成大量的程序错误。在下面的小节里,将阐示java如何帮助我们完成所有清除工作,从而极大了简化了这个问题。
    Confusion over variable lifetimes can lead to a lot of bugs, and this section shows how Java greatly simplifies the issue by doing all the cleanup work for you.
  • 因此,父亲决定加盖一屋子。
    So he decided to build one.
  • 根据一家叫做careerbuilder的职业咨询公司所做的一份非正式调查显示,尽管只有22%的员工表示公司希望他们休假期与办公室保持联系,实际上有将近40%的人是这么做的。
    An informal survey by job counseling firm Career Builder found that even though only 22 percent of workers say they're expected to keep in touch with the office while on vacation, nearly 40 percent actually do it.
  • 建造这座建筑物花了好几个月时
    The erection of the building took several months.
  • 军备增加;(进攻)罢工期的紧张感增强
    A military buildup; a buildup of tension during the strike.
  • 房间电灯泡烧坏了。
    The light bulb in the lamp is burned out in my room.
  • 秋天开花的一种球茎草本植物,具有白色、紫色或淡紫色白色的花;原产于欧洲中部和西部。
    bulbous autumn-flowering herb with white, purple or lavender-and-white flowers; native to western and central Europe.
  • 索非亚保加利亚首都和最大城市,位于保加利亚中西部。最初是色雷斯人的一个定居点,在几个世纪之,先后属于罗马、拜占庭、两个保加利亚王国、奥斯曼土耳其和俄国。于1879年成为独立的保加利亚首都。人口1,102,100
    The capital and largest city of Bulgaria, in the west-central part of the country. Originally a Thracian settlement, it passed over the centuries to Rome, Byzantium, two Bulgarian kingdoms, Ottoman Turkey, and Russia. In1879 it became the capital of independent Bulgaria. Population,1, 102, 100.
  • 历史可以证明,德国人在1944年12月的反攻巴尔吉之战中使出了最后的力量,从那时起,他们的失败只不过是时问题而已。
    History may prove that in Dec. 1944, the Germans shot their bolt at the Battle of the Bulge; after that, their defeat was just a matter of time.
  • 北美洲太平洋沿岸丘陵地区体大的夜活动的穴居啮齿动物;最原始的现存啮齿动物。
    bulky nocturnal burrowing rodent of uplands of the Pacific coast of North America; the most primitive living rodent.
  • 我们俩的农场之本来有一块草地。上周,我弟弟把推土机开到河堤边。现在我们俩之就有了这条河。
    Last week there was a meadow between us and he took his bulldozer to the river levee and now there is a creek between us.
  • 在罢工期党出版了一份每天出刊的罢工简报。
    During the strike the Party brought out a daily strike bulletin.
  • )每个房里有床、空调、桌子和告示板。
    ) Each room has a bed, air conditioner, desk, and bulletin board.
  • 在一次斗牛时,一个醉汉突然踉踉跄跄地闯到斗牛场中
    During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring.
  • 假设张三在8月25日至28日这段时里还是看涨新加坡股市,所以对该期货没有采取任何行动。
    Suppose Mr Tan remains bullish on the Singapore stock market and does not close out his position till 31 August.
  • 假设张三在8月25日至28日这段时里还是看涨新加坡股市,所以对该期货没有采取任何行动。
    Suppose Mr Tan remains bullish on the Singapore stock market and does not close out his position from 25 to 28 in August.