  • 作者非常细致地描述书中的雄。
    The writer finely images the hero.
  • 国没有哪一个郡比德比郡更好了。”
    There is not a finer county in England than Derbyshire."
  • 非洲象只有四只牙齿用以咀嚼食物,但是每只牙长达12寸,而且尖尖的象牙是延长的牙齿,就像指甲一样终生生长。
    African elephants only have four teeth to chew their food with. However, each tooth is 12 inches long, and their tusks are elongated teeth that grow throughout their lives, like fingernails.
  • 公司被罚1000镑, 论者称惩处过轻.
    The company was fined 1000, which critics said was too light.
  • 他回到祖国后成了民族雄,并激励芬兰成为未来奥运强国。
    He returned home as national hero and inspired Finland to become a future Olympic power.
  • 很快,来自格赖斯湾(加拿大北极高地上一个偏远的因纽特人村)的其他居民乘机动雪车跋涉50里来到这里破冰打洞,使鲸鱼可以呼吸。
    Soon other residents from Grise Fiord, a remote Inuit hamlet in the Canadian High Arctic, traveled 50 miles by snowmobile to break holes in the ice so the whales could breathe.
  • 当然不是随随便便任何树的胚胎,而是森林之王花旗松的胚胎,一种可以长到200尺高,覆盖太平洋西北边大部分地区的物种。
    Not just any tree, but Douglas fir, the emperor of the forest, a species that grows 200 feet tall and blankets much of the Pacific Northwest.
  • 在伦敦镑对美元仍坚挺,但在纽约却跌了一点儿。
    The pound stayed firm against dollar in London but fell a little in New York.
  • 镑对美元保持稳定,但对日元则疲软。
    The pound remained firm against the dollar, but fell against the yen.
  • 镑在外汇市场上较前坚挺。
    The pound is firmer on the foreign exchange market.
  • 此阶段内的重大事变,是学生界、文化界、舆论界的救亡运动,红军的进入西北,共产党的抗日民族统一战线政策的宣传和组织工作,上海和青岛的反日罢工,国对日政策之趋向比较的强硬⒀,两广事变,绥远战争和援绥运动,南京在中日谈判中的比较强硬的态度⒃,西安事变,最后是南京国民党的三中全会。
    The major events in this stage were the movements for national salvation among the students and cultural and press circles; the Red Army's entry into the Northwest; the Communist Party's work of propaganda and organization for its anti-Japanese national united front policy; the anti-Japanese strikes in Shanghai and Tsingtao; the relative stiffening of British policy towards Japan;the Kwangtung-Kwangsi Incident; the resistance in Suiyuan and the movement in its support; Nanking's somewhat firmer attitude in the Sino-Japanese negotiations;the Sian Incident; and finally, the Third Plenary Session of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang in Nanking.
  • 在加拿大水域中曾经被新格兰的渔夫用于非法捕鱼的快速的帆船。
    a fast schooner once used by New England fisherman for illegal fishing in Canadian waters.
  • 能借给我五英镑吗?
    Can I borrow a fiver?
  • 他想让我给他五英镑.
    Hetried to touch me for a fiver.
  • 我用一张10镑钞票付物款,可营业员搞鬼,仅以5镑钞票给我找头。
    I paid for the goods with a ten pound note but the shop assistant pulled fast one and only gave me change for a fiver.
  • 我们要把租金定为每周100镑.
    We will fix the rent at 100 a week.
  • 那条船挂着英国旗。
    The ship was flying the British flag.
  • 其中的pcg?sr17k款仅3磅重,1寸厚。它由一块700兆赫的奔腾ⅲ芯片带动,内存为128兆,并带有一个20gb的硬盘驱动器。
    The flagship PCG?SRI7K model is barely 3 pounds and a single inch thick,yet is powered by a 700MHz Pentium Ⅲ chip and fueled by 128MB of memory and a 20GB hard drive.
  • 国)由米饭、煮过熟的鸡蛋、熟鱼片做成的菜。
    (British) a dish of rice and hard-boiled eggs and cooked flaked fish.
  • 原法国北部一省,在皮卡迪和佛兰德间的吉利海峡附近。
    a former province of northern France near the English Channel (between Picardy and Flanders).
  • 在中世纪后期,意大利和佛兰德的市镇、德国的自由城、法国和国的某些市镇,住有大批精力旺盛的工匠,以及很多富有的自由民。这些人的财富是靠制造业或买卖制造业产品获得的。
    In the latter part of the Middle Ages, the towns of Italy and Flanders, the free cities of Germany, and some towns of France and England,contained a large and energetic population of artisans, and many rich burghers, whose wealth had been acquired by manufacturing industry, or by trading in the produce of such industry.
  • 在德国方面,它是为了掠夺波兰人民而进行战争的,是为了击破法帝国主义战线的一翼而进行战争的。
    Germany started the war in order to plunder the Polish people and smash one flank of the Anglo-French imperialist front.
  • 因此,法根本拒绝苏联历来提出的组织真正的反侵略阵线的建议,而采劝不干涉”的立场,纵容德意日侵略,自己站在一边看。
    Thus Britain and France flatly rejected the Soviet Union's repeated proposals for a genuine front against aggression; standing on the side-lines, they took a "non-interventionist" position and connived at German, Italian and Japanese aggression.
  • 那种主张中国应该参加法帝国主义战线的意见,乃是投降派的意见,不利于抗日和不利于中华民族独立解放的意见,是应该根本拒绝的。
    To maintain that China should join the Anglo-French imperialist war front is a capitulator's view, which is harmful to the War of Resistance as well as to the independence and liberation of the Chinese nation, and it should be flatly rejected.
  • 电影使他显得漂亮——他实际上没有那么俊。
    The movies flatter him -- he is not really that handsome.
  • 那套房间月租他要80镑.
    He's asking 80 a month rent for that flat.
  • 我们对这套公寓的估价少了5000镑.
    We had undervalued the flat by 5000.
  • 我们在教堂的旧杂货义卖中筹集了近100镑,但同我们要整修教堂屋顶所需要的数额相比,这只是个小数额。
    We raised nearly a hundred pounds at the church jumble sale but it's only a flea bite compared with the amount we need to renovate the church roof.
  • 在第二次侵藏战争中,军一度攻占了拉萨,十三世达赖喇嘛被迫出走,侵略者迫使西藏地方政府官员签订了《拉萨条约》。
    In the second aggressive war against Tibet, the British army occupied Lhasa, and the 13th Dalai Lama was forced to flee from the city. The invaders compelled the Tibetan local government officials to sign the Lhasa Convention.
  • 阿尔戈雄在阿尔戈号与杰森一块儿航行寻找金羊毛的人
    One who sailed with Jason on the Argo in search of the Golden Fleece.
  • (经典神话)和伊阿宋一起航海寻找金羊毛的雄。
    (classical mythology) one of the heroes who sailed with Jason on the Argo in search of the Golden Fleece.
  • 希腊神话中,科尔奇斯王拥有一根金羊毛,放在一个神圣的小树林中由一条龙把守,后被杰森和阿尔戈雄们找到。
    in Greek mythology, a fleece of gold owned by the king of Colchis and guarded in a sacred grove by a dragon; recovered by Jason and the Argonauts.