Chinese English Sentence:
  • 服务员正带马丁先生上楼去他的房间。
    The bellboy is showing Mr. Martin up to his room.
  • 她的确看起来像一个穿过时衣服的南方女人,她已经不像10年前那么漂亮,只是她自己没有察觉。
    She certainly looked like a southern belle who wore outdated clothes and whose beauty had peaked a decade earlier,only she didn't know it yet.
  • 沙文主义者叫嚣支持本国的人,尤指支持好战性外交政策的人;沙文主义的爱国者
    One who vociferously supports one's country, especially one who supports a belligerent foreign policy; a chauvinistic patriot.
  • 大厅里响彻他的吼声。
    his bellow filled the hallway.
  • 马肚子的固定马鞍的带子。
    band around a horse's belly that holds the saddle in place.
  • 她发狂似地翻自己的东西找寻失掉的表。
    She frantically raked through her belongings for the lost watch.
  • 他用皮带把那个孩子实打了一顿。
    He gave the boy a real belting.
  • 似腰带之物象腰带一样围的东西
    Something that encircles like a belt.
  • 他的手摸没有刀剑的腰带。
    His hand fell upon his swordless belt.
  • 你的腰带在背後纠结
    Your belt is twisted at the back.
  • 孩子们冒雨一路飞奔上学去。
    The children belted up the path to school in the rain.
  • 宽松短装一种妇女穿从事某些运动的束腰短装
    A short pleated and belted dress worn by women for some sports.
  • 短紧身上衣一种紧身齐臀无领无袖但延伸到两肩的上衣,尤其指16世纪男子穿在紧身衣外的束腰带的上衣
    A close-fitting, hip-length, collarless jacket having no sleeves but often extended shoulders, belted and worn over a doublet by men especially in the16th century.
  • 被困白鲸惟一的防御手段就是它的白色,看起来像是覆盖雪的冰,而且还得保持纹丝不动——这种办法在此情况下几乎毫无效用。
    A stranded beluga's sole defense is being white, looking like snow?covered ice and keeping perfectly still?hardly an effective strategy in this case.
  • 他困惑地瞪着他们。
    He was looking at them with a bemused expression.
  • 班要冒一切风险争取中标。
    Ben will at all risks get the bid.
  • 本对托比说他能跑得比学校的冠军还要快;托比要他跑看一看,否则就别吹牛。
    Ben told Toby that he could run faster than the school champion, and Toby told Ben to put up or shut up.
  • 他想了一会儿接说,“但是,阿弗雷克实在太可爱了。”
    She thinks a minute. “But Ben Affleck is really cute.”
  • 举重的人躺做运动的椅子。
    a bench on which a weightlifter lies to do exercises.
  • 他一头倒在长凳上睡了。
    He threw himself down on the bench and fell asleep.
  • 这个人往长凳上一倒就睡了。
    The man hurled himself down on the bench and fell asleep.
  • 他们所得到的报酬,如果和其他传统专业人士相近,将会对他们起鼓励的作用。
    It would help if their remuneration gets closer to the benchmark of the more established professions.
  • 试图用弯曲的拐杖支撑他的体重。
    tried to support his weight on a bending cane.
  • 苏菲亚低头瞧书,没有回答。
    Sophia, bending over her books, made no answer.
  • 我看到工人们弯腰聚精会神地在机器旁干活。
    I saw workers bending with great concentration over the machines.
  • 她苏醒过来时,看到一张张友好的脸低下来望她。
    When she came to, friendly faces were bending over her.
  • 你能弯下腰、不屈膝摸你的足趾吗?
    Can you bend down and touch your toes without bending your knees?
  • 不屈膝而弯腰触摸脚趾。
    Try to bend down and touch your toes without bending your knees.
  • 跳背游戏一种游戏,一个游戏者跪下或弯腰,队列中紧挨的人从他或她身上跃过
    A game in which one player kneels or bends over while the next in line leaps over him or her.
  • 这条路线已标有记号,很容易跟走。
    The route has bene marked so that it is easy to follow.
  • 在下面,在底下;向下在或向地下的地点;在下面
    In or to a place beneath; below.
  • 有些壁画下面还覆盖另一层壁画。
    Beneath some murals, there is another mural layer.