  • (印刷)调整词之间的间隔使所有的行都具有整齐的空
    (printing) having words so spaced that lines have straight even margins.
  • 不均匀的颜色;不平坦的地面;不整齐的空;纹理不规则的木头。
    an uneven color; uneven ground; uneven margins; wood with an uneven grain.
  • 页;填满空的空间;空页;宽阔的空
    blank pages; fill in the blank spaces; a clean page; wide white margins.
  • 两页间的空书中左右两页间的空形成的一块大空处
    The white space formed by the inner margins of two facing pages, as of a book.
  • 当她坐在草地上时,把衣服弄脏了。
    She marked her white dress when she sat on the grass.
  • 宫发言人菲茨沃特说,布什预先知道苏努努旅行的事,但“不知他是坐轿车去的,并且”菲茨沃特说,布什“希望下不为例”。
    White House Spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said Bush knew about Sununu's trip in advance but "didn't know he was going by car, and" said Fitzwater, Bush "expects this is onetime only thing."
  • 到了9点,切尼穿着他擦得亮亮的栗色牛仔靴步出椭圆办公室,穿过走廊,来到他在宫西侧的办公室。在这里,他和他的首席助理刘易斯·里皮及其他高级助手聚在一起研究确定当天的工作安排。
    Out of the Oval Office by 9, Cheney walks in his polished maroon cowboy boots down the hall to his West Wing office,where he huddles with his chief of staff,Lewis Libby, and other senior staff members to go over the day's schedule.
  • 一种沼生植物,具有成簇的色或粉红色小花,宽的、尖的叶或圆叶。
    marsh plant having clusters of small white or pinkish flowers and broad pointed or rounded leaves.
  • 莫洛托夫听完翻译的话明了,美国国务卿在轻松愉快的场合对一句“玩笑话”不是用外交语言进行应酬,而是表现出了如此严厉的态度,那么除马歇尔本人性格特点的原因外,还反映了美苏两国关系的现状以及今后的发展趋势。
    When he heard the translation, Mr. Molotov realized the U.S. Secretary of State refused to treat in a diplomatic way a humorous remark made on an informal occasion, and instead had taken up a very serious attitude. This was not only a question of Marshall's personal character, but also a reflection of the present state of U.S.-Soviet relationship and an indication of its future development.
  • 澳大利亚小型有袋动物,鼻子长,爪有力,以蚁为食;几乎灭绝。
    small Australian marsupial having long snout and strong claws for feeding on termites; nearly extinct.
  • 欧亚大陆的貂,褐色皮毛,雄部和喉部为苍色。
    Eurasian marten having a brown coat with pale breast and throat.
  • 沙司和捣碎的凤尾鱼做成。
    made of white sauce and mashed anchovies.
  • 护士们戴着口罩和紧紧扣住头发的帽子。
    The nurses wore masks and close-fitting white caps.
  • 例如边界八月失败,土籍豪绅带领反动军队回宁冈,宣传客籍将要杀土籍,土籍农民大部分反水,挂起带子,带领军烧屋搜山。
    Here is an example. After the August defeat in the border area, when the native landlords returned to Ningkang, bringing with them the reactionary troops and spreading the rumour that the settlers were going to massacre the native inhabitants, most of the native peasants defected, put on white ribbons and guided the White troops in burning down houses and searching the hills.
  • 咱们去看一场话剧。最好是天场的。
    Li Let's do play, a matinee preferably.
  • 普遍的欧洲年生草本植物,有花和分开的叶子,有时在北美东部种植;有时归入母菊属。
    ubiquitous European annual weed with white flowers and finely divided leaves naturalized and sometimes cultivated in eastern North America; sometimes included in genus Matricaria.
  • 夫妻吵架不用劝——让他们自己争辩个明好了。
    Don’t interfere in a matrimonial squabble–let husband and wife fight it out among themselves.
  • 长有苔藓类叶片和四瓣星形色花的松散地被植物;分布于欧洲中部和南部的山区。
    loosely matted plant with mosslike foliage studded with tiny starry 4-petaled white blossoms; mountains of central and southern Europe.
  • 欧亚杂草开黄色淡紫色或色花和承窝的果实。
    Eurasian weed having yellow or mauve or white flowers and podlike fruits.
  • 温带盐沼地区的匙叶草属植物,具有色或淡紫色穗状花序。
    any of various plants of the genus Limonium of temperate salt marshes having spikes of whit or mauve flowers.
  • 一种欧洲兰花,叶披针状、有紫色斑点,花色从粉色到色或紫红色、花上有深红色或紫色斑点或条纹。
    European orchid having lanceolate leaves spotted purple and pink to white or mauve flowers spotted or lined deep red or purple.
  • 一个产于地中海的草本属,开色或粉色小花。
    Mediterranean herbs having small white or pink flowers.
  • 红千层属植物红千层属和千层属各种澳大利亚灌木或树木,具有稠密的花状圆柱形尖刺,上带大量长而突出的雄蕊,令人想起清洁瓶子的刷子
    Any of various Australian shrubs or trees of the genera Callistemon and Melaleuca, having densely flowered, cylindrical spikes with numerous, long, protruding stamens that suggest a brush used to clean bottles.
  • 一种色晶状的有机碱,主要用于制三聚氰胺树脂。
    a white crystalline organic base; used mainly in making melamine resins.
  • 耀目的天只嫌光太强。
    Thus mellowed to that tender light.
  • 8月份冰雪融化了,这时候想知道是否有鲸幸存下来已不可能。
    When the meltdown came in August, it was impossible to know if any of the belugas had survived.
  • 南草坪上的雪正在融化。
    The snow was melting on the South Lawn.
  • 为了扮演赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的《鲸》中船长阿哈布这个角色,他蓄起了短胡须。
    He sported a heavy five o'clock shadow for his role as Captain Ahab in Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".
  • 褐色帽子色肉垂的菌类,茎干的中部有一个膜状的环儿。
    fungus with a brown cap and white gills and a membranous ring halfway up the stalk.
  • 这七个德高望重的人物的画像一直点缀着那间长厅,“一七一四年七月二十九日”这个值得纪念的日子,也用金字刻在厅里的一张大理石碑上。
    The portraits of these seven reverend personages decorated this apartment; and this memorable date, the 29th of July, 1714, was there engraved in letters of gold on a table of white marble.
  • 作为白铁匠修理…
    To mend as a tinker.
  • 他在宫受到他的对手的严厉责难。
    he was mercilessly trounced by his opponent in the House.