  • 尼卡斯特罗试图证明自己观点的法之一就是分析家猫的一套发声法,然后再测试人们对这些发声法的反应。
    One way Nicastro is trying to prove that idea is by analyzing a range of vocalizations of domestic cats and then screening people's reactions to them.
  • 一个党和它的党员,只有认真地总结群众的经验,集中群众的智慧,才能指出正确的向,领导群众前进。
    Only by carefully analyzing the experience of the masses and pooling their wisdom can a party and its members point out the correct path and lead the masses forward.
  • 监管工作人员对罪犯的改造表现要进行记载,定期分析、汇总,对改造表现突出的及时给予表扬、记功,并在生活和监内活动等面给予较优惠的待遇;
    They keep records of the prisoners' progress in reform, regularly analyzing and summarizing their records. They commend and record the merits of those who have made outstanding progress in reform-through-labour and grant them favoured treatment in their living conditions and activities within the prison ,etc.
  • 贸易统计小组只负责调查分析中美双公布的贸易统计之间的差异,双的贸易统计法并没有进行相应的调整,美对华贸易逆差高估的格局至今也没有实质性的改变。
    The trade statistics expert group was only in charge of investigating and analyzing the difference between the trade statistics published by China and the United States.The trade statistics methods adopted by the two sides have not been correspondingly adjusted, and the US side's over-estimation of its trade deficit against China has not since changed substantially.
  • 贸易统计小组只负责调查分析中美双公布的贸易统计之间的差异,双的贸易统计法并没有进行相应的调整,美对华贸易逆差高估的格局至今也没有实质性的改变。
    The trade statistics expert group was only in charge of investigating and analyzing the difference between the trade statistics published by China and the United States. The trade statistics methods adopted by the two sides have not been correspondingly adjusted, and the US side's over-estimation of its trade deficit against China has not since changed substantially.
  • 因此,对待这些同志,应该着重实事求是地分析错误的实质和根源,应该着重使这些同志提高思想上的觉悟,并且也使其他同志以至全党都得到必要的教训,而不应该着重组织上的处分,不应该依靠简单地“扣帽子”和简单地实行惩办的法去解决问题,尤其不应该加重惩办的程度,扩大惩办的范围,造成党内的紧张状态和恐惧情绪,使党的力量受到损失。
    Therefore, in dealing with such members, the emphasis should be on dispassionately analyzing the root and essence of their errors, raising their ideological consciousness and drawing the correct lesson for other comrades or the entire Party, but not on the disciplinary action taken by the Party organization; solutions to the problem must not be sought through "putting labels" on such members or simply resorting to punishment.Unduly severe or widespread punishment is especially to be avoided, for it would create tension and cause fear in the Party, and this is detrimental to the Party's strength.
  • 目前,利用个人计算机进行此类运算仍然比使用生物计算机快得多。但是硅芯片计算机之所以会具有不可思议的运算能力只不过是因为它能够以电流的速度一个一个地检验所有有可能解决的案。因为dna拥有存储信息的能力--几克dna也许就可以存储这个世界上已知的所有信息--所以一些科学家认为这种生化物质最终将会成为效率最高的存储和处理信息的媒介。但是与传统计算机相比,dna计算机真正的优势在于它可以同时对整个分子库里的所有分子(或答案)进行处理,而不必按照次序一个一个地分析所有可能的答案。
    At the moment, it is still much faster to use a PC to perform such calculations. But silicon-based computers perform their magic simply by running through every possible answer one by one at the speed of electrical current. Because of DNAs power to store information, a few grams of the material could store all the data known to exist in the world, some scientists believe that such biochemicals will eventually be the most efficient medium of storing and manipulating information. But its real advantage over a conventional computer is that rather than analyzing each possible answer in sequence, the DNA computer would act on the entire library of molecules, or answers- simultaneously.
  • 克鲁泡特金,皮奥奇·阿列克谢耶维奇1842-1921俄国无政府主义者和政治哲学家,他认为改善人类现状的法是合作而不是竞争。他对俄国和英国的无政府主义运动产生了很大的影响
    Russian anarchist and political philosopher who maintained that cooperation, not competition, was the means to bettering the human condition. He greatly influenced anarchist movements in Russia and England.
  • (解剖学)位于距离附着点或者起端最近的地
    (anatomy) situated nearest to point of attachment or origin.
  • (解剖学)朝向远离身体的中线或者中间平面的地
    (anatomy) directed away from the midline or mesial plane of the body.
  • (解剖学)位于距离附着点或者起端最远的地,例如指肢或者骨。
    (anatomy) situated farthest from point of attachment or origin, as of a limb or bone.
  • 这是我们祖先登陆的地
    This is the place that our ancestors land.
  • 惠斯特牌桥牌的一种原始形式,玩时各由两位玩手组成的两玩一副纸牌,最后所发的一张牌为王牌,玩时以四张牌为一圈进行,第一圈中各所赢得的每个点都被算作6分
    A card game ancestral to bridge, played with a full deck by two teams of two players, in which the last card dealt indicates trump, tricks of four cards are played, and a point is scored for each trick over six won by each team.
  • 父系的与父系血统有关的;以父亲血统为基础的,按父血统追溯的族系的
    Relating to, based on, or tracing ancestral descent through the paternal line.
  • 但你不能避免使用属于你会馆的言与那些只听得懂言的老会员沟通。
    But you cannot avoid using the dialect ofyour clan when communicating to the older members who can only understand their ancestral tongue.
  • 但你不能避免使用属于你会馆的言与那些只听得懂言的老会员沟通。
    But you cannot avoid using the dialect of your clan when communicating to the older members who can only understand their ancestral tongue.
  • 礼节;对东南亚裔的人而言,‘asian(亚洲人)’这个词比‘oriental(东人)’这个词要好一些;亚裔。
    Oriental politeness; for people of South and East Asian ancestry the term `Asian' is preferred to `Oriental'; Asian ancestry.
  • 我们离开那个锚地,向着东北向驶去。
    We left that anchorage and stood away towards the northeast.
  • 设于屯门的入境检查碇泊处,服务时间为午夜十二时至下午一时。对于不拟驶进中部海港的内河船来说,这项设施尤为便。
    An immigration anchorage which provides services at TuenMun between midnight and 1 pm is a particularly convenient facility forriver-trade vessels not intending to enter the central harbour.
  • 古代东方政治制度
    ancient Oriental political systems
  • 安德森博士的研究小组还发现,夫妻双中控制力较弱的一在情感交汇面变化最大。
    Anderson's team also found that the partner who had less power in the relationship did most of the changing in terms of emotions.
  • 威廉说他去过安第斯山,这简直是胡说八道!他根本没有去过比加来更远的地
    William claims he's been climbing in the Andes. What a load of rubbish! He's never been farther than Calais.
  • 法律面的问题主要是由安德鲁负责处理。
    Legal problems are very much Andrew's territory, ie He handles them.
  • 噢,是你啊,安德鲁,是吗?我没听出是你来。听起来你好象在好远的地外呀。
    Oh, it's you, Andrew, is it? I do not recognize your voice. Sound as if you were mile away.
  • 银莲花一种白头翁属多年生草本植物,主要生长在北气候温和地区,有掌状裂片叶和艳丽萼片的大花
    Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Anemone, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having palmately lobed leaves and large flowers with showy sepals.
  • 通过麻醉的式打断正常的机能。
    interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia.
  • 局部麻醉后通过扩张宫颈来刮除子宫内膜的手术;用来获得组织细胞样本、阻止大出血、割除小肿瘤,或者作为流产法在分娩后割除胎盘。
    a surgical procedure usually performed under local anesthesia in which the cervix is dilated and the endometrial lining of the uterus is scraped with a curet; performed to obtain tissue samples or to stop prolonged bleeding or to remove small tumors or to remove fragments of placenta after childbirth or as a method of abortion.
  • 一种无色的易燃的气体被用作麻木一个地的表面使用。
    a colorless flammable gas used as a local surface anesthetic.
  • 使身体局部地失去知觉的麻醉剂。
    an anesthetic that numbs a local area of the body.
  • 一白色水晶粉状麻醉药在牙科学和医学中靠近神经的地做麻醉药用。
    a white crystalline powder administered near nerves as a local anesthetic in dentistry and medicine.
  • 每当走出地铁的时候,我常常会感觉迷失了向;麻醉剂使她完全失去了知觉。
    I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway; the anesthetic left her completely disoriented.
  • 以试验性质于邮政总局开设的邮趣廊,采用"随意参观选购"的零售概念,为市民提供崭新便的服务。
    The pilot Post shop at the General Post Office marks the introduction of anew and convenient service to the public by applying the 'Browse and Buy' retail concept.