  • 分解,离析(一物质)从一种化合物中分离出来
    To separate(a substance) out of a combined mixture.
  • 输入的多个报文合并成一条报文的过程。参阅concentrator。
    The process of combining incoming messages into a single message.
  • 孤立的成分化合成一个单一的实体。
    being a single entity made by combining separate components.
  • 他是一位从军队中一级一级晋升上来的军。
    He is a general who had come up from ranks.
  • 到十月份她满22足岁。
    She will be 22 come October.
  • 观众对电视喜剧的喝彩声录制下来
    Can the audience's applause for a TV comedy show.
  • 你刚来,我很高兴带你去各处走一走。
    You are a new comer; I’ll be very glad to show you all round.
  • 这颗慧星在接近太阳时会分裂。
    The comet will split up during its close approach to the sun.
  • 一项称之为“深度影响”的任务是通过一个770磅(350公斤)的铜弹射人慧星的心脏来探测慧星内部的结构。
    One mission, called Deep Impact, will probe the interior of a comet by shooting a 770-pound (350-kilogram ) copper bullet through its heart.
  • 他们也有把身体弄得相当肮脏的乐趣。
    And they will have the pleasure also of getting comfortably dirty.
  • 如此一来,中国人能更流畅自在地与西方进行接触,加速向西方国家学习的步调;
    They will be able to interact more freely and comfortably with the West, and learn more quickly from the Western countries.
  • 贝克夫人一面对失去孩子的母亲表示同情,一面又对这位母亲说,这得怪她自己没有早些孩子送进医院。这样贝克夫人本来是想安慰这位母亲但实际上却增加了她的痛苦。
    Mrs Baker is a Job's comforter. While sympathizing with the mother who had lost her child, she told the mother that it was her own fault not sending the child to hospital sooner.
  • 还有一些人是为了别人从电梯中救出,或是照料伤者,或是安慰那些近乎发狂的人。
    still others, to perform tasks like freeing people from elevators, tending the injured or comforting the distraught.
  • 你不能你们的床叫“软舒”床,因为该商标已注册。
    You cannot call your bed ' Soften Comfy ' - it is a registered trademark.
  • 风向的突然转变预示着暴风雨即来临。
    A sudden shift in the wind warned of the coming storm.
  • 国庆即将来临。
    National Day is coming.
  • 夜色就将降临。
    Night is coming on.
  • 将军下令部下攻城。
    The general commanded his men to attack the city.
  • 军是统率众多士兵的人。
    A general is a man who commandsa large number of soldiers.
  • 公司的经理就等于是军队里的军。
    The director of a firm corresponds to the commander of an army.
  • 彼得神气十足地走了进来,房间里每个人的注意力都吸引到他身上。
    Peter swept in, commanding the attention of everyone in the room.
  • 指挥陆军的将军
    A general who commands an army.
  • 这套新邮票作为纪念物品发行。
    The new set of stamps will be issued as the commemorative.
  • 新的纪念邮票干下星期发售。
    The new commemorative stamps will be put on sale next week.
  • 中国人民银行——中国的国家中央银行,宣布它在星期日发行6万枚纪念银币,每枚10元人民币。
    The People's Band of China, the nation's central bank, said it would issue 60,000 commemorative silver coins Sunday, selling at 10 yuan (1.2 dollars) a piece.
  • 演出于晚6点30分开始。
    The performances will commence form 6 : 3 0 p.m.
  • 服务业和农业的谈判于二零零零年再度展开。
    Further negotiations on services and agriculture were to commence in 2000.
  • 有关工程在一九九九年十一月展开,二零零二年十月完成。
    The project will commence in November 1999 and be completed in October 2002.
  • 有关建筑工程在一九九八年十一月开始,预计二零零一年中完成。
    Building will commence in November 1998 and the project is expected to be completed in mid-2001.
  • 中国与老挝、俄罗斯重新勘定了边界,中哈勘界野外作业已经完成,中吉勘界已经启动,中越勘界即展开。%$
    The borders between China and Laos and Russia were resurveyed; the field survey of the border between China and Kazakhstan has been completed; the survey of the border between China and Kyrgyzstan has started, and the survey of the border between China and Viet Nam is about to commence.
  • 今年的开始会更好。
    The commencement of this year will be better.
  • 除非下雨,毕业典礼在室外举行。
    The commencement exercises will take place outdoors, unless it rains.