  • 我头晕,没有胃口。
    I feel dizzy and I have got no appetite.
  • 我头晕,没有胃口。
    I feel dizzy and I've got no appetite.
  • 沙拉餐柜有令人眼花镜乱的各种各样的新鲜蔬菜、泡菜、冷鱼、奶酪等,顾客按自己味自选自配,不必等人招待。
    A salad bar has a dizzying variety of uncooked vegetables, pickled salads, cold fish, and cheese. Putting together your own choices makes sense but you also don't have to wait to be serwd.
  • 吉布提市吉布提最大的城市和首都,位于该国东南部的亚丁湾入处,1888年由法国人建城。人120,000
    The capital and largest city of Djibouti, in the southeast part of the country on an inlet of the Gulf of Aden. It was founded by the French in1888. Population, 120,000.
  • 吉布提市吉布提最大的城市和首都,位于该国东南部的亚丁湾入处,1888年由法国人建城。人120,000
    The capital and largest city of Djibouti, in the southeast part of the country on an inlet of the Gulf of Aden. It was founded by the French in1888. Population,120, 000.
  • 第聂伯罗捷尔任斯克位于第聂伯河畔的苏联南欧部分城市。哈尔科夫市西南偏南,是港城市和工业中心。人271,000
    A city of southern European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River south-southwest of Kharkov. It is a port and major industrial center. Population,271, 000.
  • 克尔松苏联欧洲部分西南部城市,位于第聂伯河上,黑海附近敖德萨东北偏东。1778年作为海军基地建立。人346,000
    A city of southwest European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River near the Black Sea east-northeast of Odessa. It was founded in1778 as a naval base. Population,346, 000.
  • 戈登的头禅是“博士,怎么了?”
    Gorden's catch phrase is What's up, Doc?
  • 船坞平台船坞入的平台,如放木材之用
    A platform, as of planking, at the entrance to a dock.
  • 本港港拥有大量设施,供载重量达15万吨的各类船舶以至钻油台,进行修理、进干船坞或上排。
    The port has extensive facilities for repairing, dry-docking and slipping all types of vessels of up to 150 000 dead-weight tonnes, including oil rigs.
  • 所有工业用建筑物,如厂房、仓库、船坞,以及谷仓、牲棚或农业劳动用房,其目的都是如此。
    Such is the object of all buildings for industrial purposes; all manufactories, warehouses, docks, granaries, barns, farm-buildings devoted to cattle, or to the operations of agricultural labour.
  • 第三十八条 在车站、铁路编组站、港、码头、航空港等地指挥作业时使用广播喇叭的,应当控制音量,减轻噪声对周围生活环境的影响。
    Article 38 Where loudspeakers are used to direct operations at transport terminals, railway marshal yards, ports, docks and airports, the sound volume shall be controlled so as to minimize the noise impact on the living environment of the neighbourhood.
  • 类文档亦可用于“接”目的(本书后面会详细解释)。
    Class documentation can also be used for interfaces (see Chapter 8).
  • 香港特区是自由港,就进出只设定了低限度的文件要求。
    As a free port, the HKSAR maintains minimal import and export documentation requirements.
  •  伪造林木采伐许可证、木材运输证件、批准出文件、允许进出证明书的,依法追究刑事责任。
    In case of forging the tree cutting license, timber transport documentation, export approval documentation and import and export permit certificate, the legal responsibilities shall be investigated and dealt with.
  • 加登城美国堪萨斯西南部的一座城市,位于道奇城西北偏西。是灌溉农业区的贸易和工业中心。人24,097
    A city of southwest Kansas west-northwest of Dodge City. It is a trade and industrial center in an irrigated farming area. Population,24, 097.
  • “当然啦,”渡渡鸟非常严肃地回答,“你的袋里还有别的东西吗,”它转向爱丽丝问道。
    `Of course,' the Dodo replied very gravely. `What else have you got in your pocket?' he went on, turning to Alice.
  • 克林顿政权对中国的全面政策的号是“建设性的接触”,在克林顿政权与中国的实验室对实验室项目这一事件中,这个号基本上是“间谍行动”的委婉说法。但是修订报告的一个主要结论是中国工程物理学院(caep)——相当于美国的doe和俄罗斯的minatom——利用了克林顿政权的“建设性的接触”项目而对我们进行间谍行动。(考克斯报告,p.81—82页)
    The Clinton Administration "buzzword" for their across-the-board policy with the PRC was "Constructive Engagement", which in the case of the Clinton Administrations PRC Lab-to-Lab program was essentially a euphemism for "Spring", But a principal conclusion of the Redacted Report is that it was the PRC's Academy of Engineering Physics[CAEP]-the PRC equivalent of the US DOE and the Russian MINATOM-that took advantage of the Clinton Administration's "Constructive Engagement" program to "spy"on us.
  • 大型陆栖猴子,鼻象狗。
    large terrestrial monkeys having doglike muzzles.
  • “你读的那本书里也有许多诗行可以删去的,”她说,气一本正经而且武断。
    "There are many lines that could be spared from the book you were reading," she said, her voice primly firm and dogmatic.
  • 罹患这些疾病的多是老年人。随着本港人逐渐老化,预计这些病症仍会是病逝的主因。
    These diseases affect mainly elderly people and will continue to dominate the mortality statistics as the population ages.
  • 研究发现,腔异味并不一定是因为大蒜、洋葱、咖啡或酒精引起的,罪魁祸首有可能是位于舌尖背部的几种特殊类型的细菌。
    It might not be the garlic or onions, coffee or alcohol. Rather, a new study links it to the types of bacteria that dominate the back portion of the top of your tongue.
  • 以转和加工为主的贸易方式,促进了两国贸易数量的迅速增长,同时也形成了两国贸易统计与贸易实况之间的较大偏离。
    The domination of entrepot and processing trade has promoted the fast growth of Sino-US trade volume, but, at the same time, resulted in a relatively large deviation between the statistics and reality of trade figures of the two countries.
  • 擅长交易的特朗普在他那本曾大事宣传的书里夸说,几乎未费分文就买下富丽堂皇的棕榈海滩大厦,并智胜税务员因而省税8万元……。
    Deal-maker Donald Trump boasted in his much-hyped book that he got his gaudy Palm Beach mansion for a song and then beat the taxman out of more than $ 80,000….
  • 她只要一开,就会唠叨个没完没了。
    Once she starts talking, she will talk a donkey's hind leg off.
  • 你在门口等好吗?
    Will you wait at the door?
  • 一些新闻记者日夜在他门纠缠不走。
    News reporters camped upon his doorstep day and night.
  • 新闻记者整天在他门纠缠着不走。
    Newspapermen camped at his doorstep all day.
  • 两天后,一个盒子就递到了莉莎的门
    Two days later,a box arrived on Liza's doorstep.
  • 手电筒的光照出一个乞丐睡在他家门
    The beam from a flashlight show a beggar sleeping at his doorstep.
  • 当她看到门石阶上的弃儿时,她马上抱起这个孩子,把他紧紧抱在怀里。
    When she found the abandoned child on her doorstep, she lifted it up and enfolded it in her arms.
  • 他用一本大书挡住了门
    he used a large book as a doorstop.