  • 的确,阿特特厚的资望令某些媒体的观察人员即使怀疑cnn的报导,也宁信其为真实。
    Indeed, it is Arnett's strong credentials that make some media observers willing to give the CNN reports the benefit of the doubt.
  • 因为他们在业有名望,还拥有潜在的客户。
    Because of the ir credibility within the industry and with potential customers.
  • 她在一年长那麽高令人难以相信。
    It is hardly credible that she has grown so tall in one year.
  • 国内信用与国际信用
    domestic credit and international credit
  • 外商投资企业在投资总额采购国产设备,可全额退还国产设备增值税并抵免企业所得税。
    When a foreign invested enterprise procures domestically manufactured equipment and when the value of such purchase is within the total amount of investment, the full amount of value-added tax on such domestic equipment will be refunded and regarded as a creditable amount in business income tax.
  • 奔驰,卡尔·弗雷德里希1844-1929德国汽车业先驱,制造了第一辆以燃机为动力的汽车,于1886年注册专利
    German automobile pioneer credited with manufacturing the first vehicle powered with an internal-combustion engine, patented in1886.
  • 记入借方和贷方在银行中的相应账目;这张支票将在两天结清。
    be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts; The check will clear within 2 buisness days..
  • 因此,余款1万元,为供下次结算,该余额记入贵贷方帐,希请鉴察。
    We have therefore credited you with the residue, $10, 000 against the next account, which kindly note.
  • 这两只加拿大水獭是一年前来到苏格兰中部地区一个名为"水獭溪"的地方的。目前被收容在一个室小海豹育儿室中。
    The pair arrived at the center's Otter Creek a year ago and are currently being housed in an indoor seal pup nursery.
  • 哥伦布美国佐治亚州西部城市,位于彻特胡奇河岸、亚特兰大西南偏南,1828年在柯瑞克镇的基础上建立,是一个陆港和重要的工业中心。人口179,278
    A city of western Georgia on the Chattahoochee River south-southwest of Atlanta. Settled in1828 on the site of a Creek village, it is a port of entry and major industrial center. Population,179, 278.
  • 他的眼神使她心难受,毛骨悚然。
    The expression of his eyes made her soul sick and her flesh creep.
  • 中国文坛和艺坛的精英分子也定期在国和国外参加国际性的交流活动。
    The creme de la creme of the Chinese literary and artistic community regularly attend cultural gatherings at home and abroad with active international participation.
  • 他的这个设想直接促成了红十字协会的成立,首个日瓦公约的签署,以及将红十字(及后来的红新月)定为人身保护的国际标志的决定。
    His vision led directly to the founding of the Red Cross, the signing of the First Geneva Convention, and the adoption of the Red Cross, and later the Red Crescent, as an international symbol of protection.
  • 澳大利亚、新几亚不会飞的大型黑色鸟,头顶有一个角状的鸟冠。
    large black flightless bird of Australia and New Guinea having a horny head crest.
  • 中生代的包括三叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪在的地质史上第三个时代的,它以飞行的爬虫类、鸟类及开花植物类的发展和恐龙的出现与灭绝为特征,或关于这个时代的
    Of, relating to, or being the third era of geologic time, including the Triassic Period, the Jurassic Period, and the Cretaceous Period and characterized by the development of flying reptiles, birds, and flowering plants and the appearance and extinction of dinosaurs.
  • 楔子一块如金属或木头的材料,一端粗至另一端逐渐变细以便插入狭小的缝隙,用于劈升、绷紧、固定或用杠杆撬动某种东西
    A piece of material, such as metal or wood, thick at one edge and tapered to a thin edge at the other for insertion in a narrow crevice, used for splitting, tightening, securing, or levering.
  • 要在看不见的墙壁中,摸清水的蛛丝马迹,然后对症下药。裂缝灌浆,惟幕灌浆,做防水墙,挖防水沟,窟顶修防渗层,窟通风吸湿。
    The clues to the water inside the wall but invisible to us should be ascertained so that specific remedies can be prescribed, such as, crevice grouting, grout curtain, building a waterproof wall, digging waterproof ditches, making an impervious barrier in the cave top, and ventilating the caves and absorbing the moisture in them.
  • 这几个小伙子说,他们打算在那个新的豪华住宅区入屋行窃。
    The lads say they're going to crack a crib on that new expensive housing estate.
  • 低物价使国生产及国外进口减少了。
    Low prices crimped domestic output and foreign imports.
  • 在这个任务上,一切处于敌后的游击根据地的领导者们,或临时被派出的游击兵团的领导者们,必须好好地配置自己的力量,各依当时当地的情况,采用不同的方法,向着敌人最感危害之点和薄弱之点积极地行动起来,达到削弱敌人、钳制敌人、妨碍敌人运输和精神上振奋线上各个战役作战军之目的,尽其战役配合的责任。
    In performing a task of this sort, the leaders of each guerrilla base behind the enemy lines, or the commanders of a guerrilla formation temporarily dispatched there, must dispose their forces well and, by adopting different tactics suited to the time and place, move energetically against the enemy's most vital and vulnerable spots in order to cripple him, pin him down, disrupt his supply lines, inspire our armies campaigning on the interior lines, and so fulfil their duty of co-ordinating with the campaign.
  • 我的父亲身材矮小,腿上有严重的残疾。当我们一起走路时,他总是挽着我的胳膊以保持身体平衡,这时总招来一些异样的目光,令我心局促不安。
    He was severely crippled and very short, and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare. I would inwardly squirm at the shy and unwanted attention.
  • 目前的国际形势,是帝国主义战争正向世界范围扩大,由帝国主义战争所造成的极端严重的政治危机和经济危机,将必然引起许多国家革命的爆发。
    Internationally the imperialist war is becoming worldwide and the extremely grave political and economic crises to which it has given rise will inevitably cause revolutions to break out in many countries.
  • 1998年,面对复杂严峻的国外经济环境,全国人民在党中央、国务院的正确领导下,认真贯彻落实增加投入、扩大需为主的一系列方针政策,努力克服亚洲金融危机和特大洪涝灾害造成的重重困难,深化各项改革,促进经济增长,取得了举世瞩目的成绩。
    In 1998, facing the complicated and severe domestic and international economic environment, people of all nationalities, under the correct leadership of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, implemented a series of policies aiming at increasing input and expanding domestic demand. Difficulties brought about by the Asian financial crises and devastating flooding were overcome, various reforms were furthered deepened, and economic growth was promoted, resulting in great achievements attracting worldwide attention.
  • 委内瑞拉债务危机
    Venezuelan crisis of foreign debts
  • 缺乏真实性、实质容或不真实的;不符合公认的事实和标准。
    lacking in reality or substance or genuineness; not corresponding to acknowledged facts or criteria.
  • 读者要对原文中的容批判地使用
    The reader must quote the content in the source article critically.
  • 资产阶级部的矛盾是不可调和的。
    she tempered her criticism.
  • 在英国战期间,议会和奥立弗克伦威尔的支持者。
    a supporter of Parliament and Oliver Cromwell during the English Civil War.
  • 他向内勾起手指。
    He crooked his finger to himself.
  • 在房地生意中,有许多不正当交易,但搞这种生意的人都是些精明的人,他们知道怎样在法律允许的范围行事。
    There is a good deal of crooked dealing in the property business but the people involved in it are as cunning as foxes and know how to keep just on the right side of the law.
  • 部分土地在同一季种植了两种作物。
    Part of the land is double-crop.
  • 参加农村集体经济组织的劳动者,有权在法律规定的范围经营自留地、自留山、家庭副业和饲养自留畜。
    Working people who are members of rural economic collectives have the right, within the limits prescribed by law, to farm private plots of cropland and hilly land, engage in household sideline production and raise privately owned livestock.