  • 美伊战以来,美法关系一直持僵持状态。此次八国首脑会议是布什和希拉克美伊战结束后首次面对面的会谈,因而吸引了记者们的闪光灯,成为此次峰会的焦点。如此一来,另外两位首脑就几乎被人遗忘了。
    While Bush and Chirac were nabbing the photo-op limelight for their first tete-a-tete since their row over the Iraq war, two other leaders went almost unnoticed.
  • 美国媒体在竞剧烈的情况下,不得不顺应人们寻找刺激的倾向,而政治人物也使出浑身解数,以求脱颖而出。
    Forced by intense competition, the media has no choice but to pander to the readers. And the politicians also try their very best to be in the limelight.
  • 对于不接近群众,喜欢出风头,自逞英雄,“因党而骄”等现象,必须在支部中不断地进行教育,不断地进行批评斗
    As for those Party members who avoid contact with the masses, try to seek the limelight and outshine others, or are arrogant because of being Party members, Party branches should constantly educate and criticize them.
  • 军事家不能超过物质条件许可的范围外企图战的胜利,然而军事家可以而且必须在物质条件许可的范围内取战的胜利。
    In his endeavour to win a war, a military man cannot overstep the limitations imposed by the material conditions; within these limitations, however, he can and must strive for victory.
  • (六二)指导战的人们不能超越客观条件许可的限度期求战的胜利,然而可以而且必须在客观条件的限度之内,能动地取战的胜利。
    62. In seeking victory, those who direct a war cannot overstep the limitations imposed by the objective conditions; Within these limitations, however, they can and must play a dynamic role in striving for victory.
  • 有限战;有限的成功;有限的朋友圈子。
    limited war; a limited success; a limited circle of friends.
  • 一次诉讼指控在市场限制自由竞
    a legal action brought against parties who are charged with limiting free competition in the market place.
  • 过去苏珊和琳达总是吵不休。
    Susan and Linda were always on the outs.
  • (足球)在比赛中一个防守选手允许去穿过并列球的防线。
    (football) a play in which a defensive player is allowed to cross the line of scrimmage and then blocked off as the runner goes through the place the lineman vacated.
  • 近年来,国际局势虽趋缓和,但天下并不太平,地区形势持续紧张,武装冲突和局部战连绵不断,霸权主义和强权政治依然存在。
    In recent years, while there has been some relaxation in the international situation, peace has not prevailed in the world. On the regional level, tensions persist. Armed conflicts and local wars break out continuously and hegemonism and power politics are still lingering on.
  • 一个总是准备着论的、精力充沛的、过分自信的男孩;直接指向某个听众是一个武断的行为。
    an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue; pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act.
  • 他们还能进行的只是文字斗
    A literary battle alone remained possible.
  • (诗歌中)为国家或战的英勇的马。
    (literary) spirited horse for state or war.
  • 在变化和竞的时代,我们应该“输得起”,不怕输,输了重新来,东山再起,这是考验人的素质的试金石,真正优秀的人力资源应该是输得起的人。
    In these competitive times, people should not be afraid of losing. They should be prepared to start all over again. This is the litmus test of a truly quality workforce.
  • 尚在议的问题;现在仍然有特卖权。
    a live issue; still a live option.
  • 1992年将届,展望单一市场已迫在眉睫,工商界人士与政府官员都不愿允许日本人全力竞
    With 1992 and the prospect of a single market bearing down on them, many businessmen and government officials are loath to allow full Japanese competition.
  • 例如反革命的两拾会剿”,使人民在斗中有了共同的利害,才可以逐渐地打破他们的地方主义。
    For instance, it is only when counter-revolutionary "joint suppression" campaigns by the two provinces make the people share a common lot in struggle that their localism is gradually broken down.
  • 最初是单个的工人,然后是某一工厂的工人,然后是某一地方的某一劳动部门的工人,同直接剥削他们的单个资产者作斗
    At first the contest is carried on by individual labourers, then by the workpeople of a factory, then by the operatives of one trade, in one locality, against the individual bourgeois who directly exploits them.
  • 然而在战的第一第二两阶段中,包括于运动战范围,而在战役作战上起其辅助作用的局部的阵地战,是可能的和必要的。
    But in the first and second stages of the war, it is possible and essential, within the scope of mobile warfare, to employ localized positional warfare in a supplementary role in campaigns.
  • 有的人担忧外来人才的到来会剥夺本地人的就业机会,增加竞
    There are worries that the newcomers will rob the locals of their jobs and make the competition tougher.
  • 孙中山发起的革命运动,中国八年抗日战,本地人都热烈的响应,出钱出力,也因此付出了代价,在二次大战期间受到日军无情的对待。
    For instance, the locals joined efforts with people in China during the National Revolution led by Dr Sun Yat-sen and the War of Resistance against Japan.
  • 孙中山发起的革命运动,中国八年抗日战,本地人都热烈的响应,出钱出力,也因此付出了代价.
    For instance, the locals joined efforts with people in China during the National Revolution led by Dr Zhong Shan Sun and the Eight Years War of Resistance against Japan.
  • 她在妇女同酬问题上跟他得不可开交。
    She locke horn with him over the subject of equal pay for women.
  • 如威尼斯城邦,利物浦,就是随着贸易中心和经济活动的转移而从贸易地图中消失的。因此香港“竞优势”的前途也不光明。
    Just as the Venetian states and Liverpool feel off the trading map as the locus of trade and economic activity shifted, so Hong kong's “competitive advantage” has a narrow window.
  • 另外,过去我们家当比较小,现在家当大了,怎么把整个后勤工作管好,也是个新问题,需要有适应新情况的一系列制度和解决办法,同破坏财务制度、铺张浪费的现象作斗
    Furthermore, the material foundations of the army, which used to be rather weak, have now been strengthened.Thus the problem of logistics has taken on new dimensions.We must work out a whole range of regulations and solutions suited to the new conditions, and we must struggle against waste, extravagance and the violation of financial regulations.
  • 《战于和平》是我读过的书中最长的一本。
    "War and Peace" is the longest book I've ever read.
  • 小偷们为如何分赃而互相吵。
    The thieves quarrel(l)ed with one another about how to divide the loot.
  • 引发第二次中英战(一八五六至五八年)的祸端,是中英两国对前订条约的诠释各执一辞,导火线则为中国水师登上英艇"亚罗"号搜捕海盗,因而发生冲突。
    The Second Anglo-Chinese War (1856-58) arose out of disputes over the interpretation of the earlier treaties and over the boarding of a British lorcha, the Arrow, by Chinese in search of suspected pirates.
  • 他在战争中丧生。
    He lost his life in the war.
  • 这场争论他输了。
    He lost the argument.
  • 输了的那方对裁判的决定提出议。
    The referee 's decision was contested by the loser.
  • 路易斯安那州大多数选举的特点是城市和乡村选民开展激烈火的竞
    Rural-urban tug of war characterizes most of Louisiana elections.