  • 我记得这房子是卖给个外国人的。
    It is within my recollection(that) the house was sold to a foreigner.
  • 我记得这房子是卖给位外国人的。
    It is within my recollection that the house was sold to a foreigner.
  • 我记得他在迁往西雅图前把农场卖给了位邻居。
    It is in my recollection that he sold his farm to a neighbor before moving to Seattle.
  • 在我6岁那年的情人节,他给我带来了第次美妙的回忆。
    My first recollection of the magic he could bring to Valentine's Day came when I was six.
  • 说到这里,两个唠唠叨叨的姑娘想起教皇特使入城的情景越发激动起来,你言我语,齐说开了。
    Here the two friends, warming to the recollection of the legate’s entry, both began talking at once.
  • 远处模糊的影子;只有朦胧的记忆;黑暗中模糊的影子;在雾中看见建筑物的朦胧轮廓;关于童年的些朦胧的记忆。
    a dim figure in the distance; only a faint recollection; shadowy figures in the gloom; saw a vague outline of a building through the fog; a few wispy memories of childhood.
  • 把这些琐事都讲出来似乎有些孩子气,但是与这个姑娘有关的切事情我都记得清清楚楚,因此,今天我还是禁不住地想起来了。
    So exact an account of all these detailed happenings must seem very childish, but anything connected with that girl is so present in my recollection that I cannot help but remember it all now.
  • 我对大选最早的回忆是1997年的大选。当时,人民行动党和工人党在静山集选区展开激烈的竞争。我的些同学非常兴奋,几乎每个晚上都到群众大会听候选人的演说。
    Looking back, my last real recollection of a General Election was that in 1997 when the hot contesting in Cheng San GRC between PAP and the Workers' Party saw some excited schoolmates attending rallies every other evenings.
  • 剧本根据瓦达洛斯的朋友们对她家庭趣事的回忆构建而成,主要描述她和戈梅斯令人难忘的婚礼。第稿在短短两周内便得以完成。
    Penning her first draft in a mere two weeks, the play was assembled based on her friends' recollection of humorous stories about her family and centered around her account of her and Gomez' s memorable wedding.
  • 神游症种病理性的健忘状态,患病时患者明显意识到自己的行为,但恢复到正常状态时即将其遗忘。这种情况常由于高度神经紧张,可能持续长达几月
    A pathological amnesiac condition during which one is apparently conscious of one's actions but has no recollection of them after returning to a normal state. This condition, usually resulting from severe mental stress, may persist for as long as several months.
  • 对于这个因他而使我受了称赞的孩子,也就软化了。就这样辛德雷失去了他最后个同盟者。不过我还是不能疼爱希刺克厉夫,我常常奇怪我主人在这阴沉的孩子身上看出哪点会让他这么喜欢。根据我的记忆,这孩子可从来没有过任何感激的表示以报答他的宠爱。
    I was vain of his commendations, and softened towards the being by whose means I earned them, and thus Hindley lost his last ally: still I couldn't dote on Heathcliff, and I wondered often what my master saw to admire so much in the sullen boy, who never, to my recollection, repaid his indulgence by any sign of gratitude.
  • 那天晚上是我记忆中最快活的事情之
    That evening is one of my happiest recollections.
  • 这个熔炉没有、也不应该熔掉对另个地方的另种生活方式的记忆。
    The melting pot does not melt away all recollections of another way of life in another place----nor should it.
  • 类的回忆,很可能在节日的愉快气氛里投下个阴影,于是克劳德便把话引到般性的题目上。
    These recollections being of a kind calculated to cast a shadow on the brightness of the holiday, Claud diverted the conversation to general topics.
  • 代的血红蛋白血液替代品,要么是依靠化学交联法,要么是利用重组dna技术,对血红蛋白分子进行修改。
    The first-generation hemoglobin blood substitutes rely on molecular modifications of hemoglobin, either by chemically cross linking the molecules or by modifying them using recombinant DNA technology.
  • 基因剪接将来自个或多个不同有机体的脱氧核糖核酸碎片接合以形成重组脱氧核糖核酸,并使之在宿主有机体细胞内活动的过程
    The process in which fragments of DNA from one or more different organisms are combined to form recombinant DNA and are made to function within the cells of a host organism.
  • 催化重级酶能催化基因重组的种酶
    An enzyme that catalyzes genetic recombination.
  • 种先将个信号的频谱分成几个可独立传送的频带然后再合成的方法。
    A system that divides the frequency spectrum of a signal into a number of bands, which are separately transmitted and then recombined.
  • 你能推荐一下吗?
    Can you recommend something?
  • 如下是些专家的建议:
    Here what experts recommend:
  • 推荐一间好旅馆。
    Recommend a good hotel.
  • 可否推荐一下?
    What would you recommend?
  • 你推荐哪一个?
    Which do you recommend?
  • 九八二年十月为全军植树造林总结经验表彰先进大会的题词
    Message for a conference held by the People's Liberation Army to review the experience in afforestation and to honour outstanding units and individuals for their work.
  • 请你推荐位牙医师好吗?
    Can you recommend a dentist?
  • 你能推荐点特色菜吗?
    Can you recommend something special?
  • 您推荐一种吧。
    What brand do you recommend?
  • 你能不能介绍家餐馆?
    What restaurant can you recommend?
  • 你推荐哪一个?
    Which one do you recommend?
  • 你能不能给我推荐些?
    Can you recommend some to me?
  • 你能为我推荐种吗?
    Could you recommend one for me?
  • 请给我推荐本书可以吗?
    Can you recommend me a book?